delonghi是什么意思 delonghi的中文翻译、读音、例句

delonghi是什么意思 delonghi的中文翻译、读音、例句

'delonghi' 是一个品牌名,是一家意大利家电公司,主要生产咖啡机、空气净化器、加湿器、烤面包机等产品。



1. Delonghi coffee machine:德龙吉咖啡机

2. Delonghi air purifier:德龙吉空气净化器

3. Delonghi humidifier:德龙吉加湿器

4. Delonghi toaster:德龙吉烤面包机




1. The Delonghi coffee machine is very popular among coffee lovers.(德龙吉咖啡机在咖啡爱好者中非常受欢迎。)

2. Delonghi air purifiers are known for their effectiveness in removing dust and other pollutants from the air.(德龙吉空气净化器以有效清除空气中的灰尘和其他污染物而闻名。)

3. If you want to keep the air in your home moist, a Delonghi humidifier is a good choice.(如果你想让家里的空气保持湿润,德龙吉加湿器是一个不错的选择。)

4. The Delonghi toaster has multiple settings for toasting bread to your desired level of crispiness.(德龙吉烤面包机有多种设置,可以将面包烤成你想要的酥脆程度。)

5. I bought a Delonghi coffee machine and it makes the best espresso I've ever tasted.(我买了一台德龙吉咖啡机,它做的浓缩咖啡是我尝过的最好的。)

6. After using a Delonghi air purifier for a few weeks, I noticed a significant improvement in the air quality in my home.(使用德龙吉空气净化器几周后,我注意到家里的空气质量有了显著的改善。)

7. The Delonghi humidifier helped me alleviate my dry skin and other symptoms caused by the dry air in my apartment.(德龙吉加湿器帮助我缓解了公寓里干燥空气引起的皮肤干燥等症状。)


读音:dé lóng


Translation: My coffee machine at home is a DeLonghi brand, it's very user-friendly.

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