eyelids是什么意思 eyelids的中文翻译、读音、例句

eyelids是什么意思 eyelids的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 解释含义:eyelids是指遮住眼球的薄膜,能够保护眼睛,并且起到调节光线的作用。

2. 解释构词法:eyelids由两部分构成,即eye和lid,其中,eye表示眼睛,lid表示盖子,因此可知eyelids是用来表达眼睑的。

3. 解释词性:eyelids是一个名词,因此可以作为主语、宾语、表语等。

4. 解释用法:eyelids可以用来形容眼睛是否合上、紧闭或者睁开,以及眼睑的颜色、形状、大小等。


1. Her eyelids began to droop as she grew tired. 她感到疲惫,眼睑开始下垂。

2. The sun burned his eyelids and he had to wear sunglasses. 太阳烧伤了他的眼睑,必须戴太阳镜。

3. The baby's eyelids were heavy with sleep. 宝宝的眼皮因为睡意变得沉重。

4. The woman had a twitching eyelid due to stress. 这位女士因为压力过大,眼皮会抽搐。

5. His eyelids were creased with worry when he heard the news. 当他听到消息时,他的眼皮因为担忧而有皱纹。




1. Her eyelids were heavy with tiredness.(她的眼皮因疲劳而沉重。)

2. He couldn't help but close his eyelids and take a rest.(他不禁闭上眼皮,休息一下。)

3. She applied a coat of eyeshadow to her eyelids.(她在眼皮上涂了一层眼影。)




例句:Large eyes are great for night vision, but with no eyelids, a tongue is handy for keeping sand out. (巨大的眼睛能够保持夜间的视力 但是由于没有眼睑 必须随时伸出舌头抵挡风沙)


例句:The students try to directly at the professor, but eventually pendency eyelids. (该学生尝试也直视教授,但终于垂下了眼皮。)


例句:any of several geckos with dard bands across the body and differing from typical geckos in having movable eyelids; (几种身体上环绕有深色条纹的壁虎,区别于典型的眼睑可移动的壁虎;)


eyelids一般作为名词使用,如在fused eyelids([医] 融合眼睑)、insufficiency of eyelids([医] 眼睑机能不全)、margins of eyelids(目弦)等常见短语中出现较多。

fused eyelids[医] 融合眼睑
insufficiency of eyelids[医] 眼睑机能不全
margins of eyelids目弦
third eyelids【动物学】 = nictitating membrane
union of eyelids隐眼(畸形)


1. any of several geckos with dard bands across the body and differing from typical geckos in having movable eyelids; (翻译:几种身体上环绕有深色条纹的壁虎,区别于典型的眼睑可移动的壁虎;)

2. "To read David Foster Wallace was to feel your eyelids pulled open. (翻译:阅读David Foster Wallace的作品 犹如有人将你的眼皮强行撑开)

3. Both eyelids surgically removed along with his upper and lower lip. (翻译:眼皮都被移除了... ...上嘴唇... ...和下嘴唇也一样)

4. no legs, no arms, eyelids were sliced off- gruesome. (翻译:没有腿,没有手臂 眼脸被割了... 真可怕)

5. Her upper eyelids, forehead, lower lip and chin are all that remain of her original features. (翻译:她的上眼睑、前额、下唇和下颌仍然保留有她的原来特征,其余的就是新的了。)

6. The eversion of his eyelids is serious. (翻译:他眼睑的外翻很严重。)

7. A pair of eyes of fire still feel pretty good soap; there are a few Aconitum Xi'an, nose, eyelids unique. (翻译:一对皂火眼感觉还是不错;还有几只西安的乌头,鼻型、眼皮有特色。)

8. And some are simply sick of slackened jowls, jiggly underarms and saggy eyelids. (翻译:还有些人只是讨厌松弛的下颌,抖动的手臂和下垂的眼皮。)

9. Her eyelids fluttered but did not open. (翻译:她的眼皮动了一下,但没有睁开眼。)

10. He's wearing garters... and he's breathing out of his eyelids like a lava lizard. (翻译:他穿上了吊袜带... 象火山蜥蜴般的用眼睑呼吸)

11. A man in Mexico burst his own eardrums with a pencil and sewed his eyelids shut. (翻译:墨西哥一名男子在自己的耳膜爆裂 用铅笔给他缝眼皮关闭。)

12. Like the marmots in the surrounding hills, it closes its eyelids and becomes dormant for three months or more. (翻译:像周围群山中的土拨鼠,它阖上眼睛,要睡三个月或三个月不止。)

13. In talking , Americans are likely to end a statement with a droop of the head or hand, a lowering of the eyelids. (翻译:在交谈的时候,美国人可能会以低头或者把手垂下来,又或者是以眨眼睛来结束一次谈话。)

14. Just sort of see under my eyelids. (翻译:我就在眼皮下面看着 Just sort of see under my eyelids.)

15. They used Egyptian kohl for darkening the eyelids, powdered chalk for whitening the skin, and a red colouring matter for the cheeks. (翻译:膏来把眼睑涂黑,用粉来使皮肤洁白,双颊使用红色的物质。)



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