polybag是什么意思 polybag的中文翻译、读音、例句

polybag是什么意思 polybag的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Polybag是一种由聚乙烯或其他聚合物制成的塑料袋,广泛用于零售和包装。

2. 用途:Polybag可以用于包装各种商品,如书籍、杂志、文具、服装、食品等等。它们可以作为保护性包装,防止物品受到损坏或污染。此外,它们也可以用于运输和存储物品。

3. 环保问题:Polybag是一种耐用和廉价的包装材料,但同时也是一种不可降解的塑料制品,对环境造成了巨大的影响。因此,人们应该尽量减少使用Polybag,选择可降解或可回收的包装材料。

4. 应用领域:除了在零售和包装行业中广泛应用外,Polybag还可以在其他领域中应用。例如,在农业中,它们可以用于保护作物;在医疗行业中,它们可以用于储存和运输医疗器械。


1. Please put the book in a polybag to protect it from water damage during the shipment. (请将书放在一个Polybag中,以防在运输过程中被水浸湿。)

2. The store encourages its customers to bring their own bags and avoid using polybags to reduce plastic waste. (该商店鼓励顾客自带袋子,避免使用Polybag,以减少塑料垃圾。)

3. The company is committed to using eco-friendly materials and has replaced all polybags with biodegradable packaging. (该公司致力于使用环保材料,已将所有Polybag替换为可生物降解的包装材料。)

4. The fruit is packaged in a secure polybag to prevent bruising during transportation. (水果被放在一个安全的Polybag中,以防在运输过程中受到碰撞。)

5. The hospital uses medical-grade polybags to store and transport equipment and supplies. (医院使用医用级别的Polybag来储存和运输设备和用品。)





1. Please put all your belongings in this polybag before boarding the plane.(请在登机前将你的所有物品放入这个塑料袋中。)

2. We need to find an eco-friendly alternative to polybags.(我们需要找到一种环保的替代品来代替塑料袋。)




例句:But one-time lighter consumed is thrown, do not have a law to decompose, like polybag, one-time messtin , morning and evening was become play annoyingly meaning. (可一次性打火机用光一扔,没法分解,与塑料袋、一次性饭盒一样,早晚成了烦人的玩意。)


例句:We pack our men's shirts in a polybag, 5 dozen to a waterproof-lined carton reinforced with two metal straps. (我们男衬衫的包装为每件套一塑料袋,5打装一纸箱。内衬防潮纸,外打铁箍两道。)


例句:Packing: Each piece in a polybag, half doz. in a box and 10 dozens in a wooden case. (每件装一塑料袋,半打为一盒,十打装一木箱。)


例句:Place an inner label to the proper position of polybag. (翻译:在袋子的适当位置贴上内标签。)


polybag一般作为名词使用,如在polybag buddings(袋育芽接苗)、polybag nursery(袋育苗圃)、polybag plant(袋育植株)等常见短语中出现较多。

polybag buddings袋育芽接苗
polybag nursery袋育苗圃
polybag plant袋育植株
polybag budding method袋育芽接法


1. Packing: Each piece in a polybag, half doz. in a box and 10 dozens in a wooden case. (翻译:每件装一塑料袋,半打为一盒,十打装一木箱。)

2. Place an inner label to the proper position of polybag. (翻译:在袋子的适当位置贴上内标签。)

3. Packing: Each piece is packed in a polybag then in a carton. (翻译:包装:每件均先用塑料袋包装然后再装一纸箱。)

4. Each pair of nylon socks is packed in a polybag and 12 pairs to a box. (翻译:尼龙袜子每双包装用聚乙烯袋包装,每12双装一个盒。)

5. please attach Lanyard with a ring&then pack it in a polybag or zipper bag. (翻译:请给挂绳系上一个钤铛,用胶袋或者拉链袋子包装。)

6. Packing: Each set is wrapped in a polybag and packed in a standard export cardboard carton lined with foam. (翻译:包装:每台电脑包在塑料袋内,然后装入标准出口纸箱,箱内四周填充塑料泡沫。)

7. One piece in a polybag, ten pieces in a carton. (翻译:一个产品一个塑料袋,十个一箱。)

8. Packing: Each sweater to be packed in a polybag, per dozen in a tin-lined carton, with 10 dozen to a wooden case. (翻译:包装:每件羊绒衫装一塑料袋,每打装一衬锡纸箱,每10锡纸箱装一木箱。)



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