veg是什么意思 veg的中文翻译、读音、例句

veg是什么意思 veg的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:


2. 使用场景:


3. 派生词汇:

'veggie'是'vegetarian'的简称,如'veggie burger'(素汉堡);'vegan'表示纯素食主义者,既不吃肉类、禽类、鱼类、蛋类,也不吃用这些食材制作的任何食品;'veg-out'意为放松、休息,通常指躺在沙发上看电视或者听音乐等。

4. 例句:

1. I've been a veg for five years and it's made me feel a lot healthier.(我成为素食者已经xx年了,感觉更健康了。)

2. I ordered the veggie burger and it was really tasty.(我点了素汉堡,味道很好。)

3. This recipe is perfect for vegans.(这道菜谱完美适合纯素食主义者。)

4. The restaurant serves a lot of veg options.(这家餐厅有很多素食选项。)

5. I need to veg-out after a long day of work.(下班后我需要放松一下。)


读音:/vɛdʒ/ (口音较多,有些地方也可能读作/vɛɪdʒ/)


1. I try to eat more veg because it's good for my health.


2. He became a veg after watching a documentary about animal cruelty.





例句:Two steak pies, veg goes with it. (两份牛肉派 加蔬菜 要酒吗? Two steak pies, veg goes with it.)


例句:They ordered a non-veg meal. (他们要了一餐荤菜。)


例句:Select your favourite fruit or veg and pickle them while they are still fresh. (挑选你最喜欢的水果或蔬菜,趁新鲜腌制起来。)


例句:Michael is right that a diet high in fruit and veg and low in fat will help him avoid mid life diseases. (翻译:米高说得对 多吃蔬果有助防止患上中年疾病)


veg一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to veg out([网络] 吃素)、veg oil([经] 植物油)、veg oils([经] 植物油)等常见短语中出现较多。

to veg out[网络] 吃素
veg oil[经] 植物油
veg oils[经] 植物油
veg outvt. 无所事事, 吃素
veg.n. 蔬菜\n[网络] 蔬菜缩写;白油;素食


1. Select your favourite fruit or veg and pickle them while they are still fresh. (翻译:挑选你最喜欢的水果或蔬菜,趁新鲜腌制起来。)

2. Michael is right that a diet high in fruit and veg and low in fat will help him avoid mid life diseases. (翻译:米高说得对 多吃蔬果有助防止患上中年疾病)

3. It used to look like this, and now it's more like this, with fruit and veg and herbs sprouting up all over the place. (翻译:这个城镇过去是这样 现在是这样 水果 蔬菜 草药四处生长 )

4. Well, that's just the beginning. Flash forward to just after Starkel left the Veg-Ta-Bills. (翻译:后面还有更多呢 快进到Starkel刚离开Veg)

5. The study in the Journal of Nutrition said the average person only eats three portions of fruit and veg a day. (翻译:《营养》杂志的研究指出,目前人均每天只食用三份水果和素菜。)

6. If Sir's looking for the perfect blender Fruit, veg, purees (翻译:欢迎来到本摊位 有什么可以为您效劳的 需要来份刚到的报纸吗)

7. Not to mention, an abundance of-- (翻译:- 更别提还有很多... - 这可是Veg)

8. The researchers say it isn't clear why veggies are brainier, but admit a fruit and veg-rich diet may boost brainpower. (翻译:研究人员称,素食者智商更高的具体原因还不清楚,但素食中丰富的水果和蔬菜可增强脑力。)

9. They were to the head of the company that produced the Veg-Ta-Bills, Henry Munson. (翻译:是发给制作Veg -Ta -Bills 那家公司的老板Henry Munson)

10. A luxurious atmosphere with trolleys of finger food, wurst sausage, hamburgers-- veg food. (翻译:派对将笼罩在奢华的氛围中 将有小推车运送食物 比如香肠 汉堡)

11. I watch the Veg-Ta-Bills with my six-year-old son. (翻译:我和我xx岁的儿子一起看Veg -Ta -Bills)

12. He's taken his fruit and veg intake from 5% up to the maximum 100%. (翻译:他采取 他的水果和蔬菜的摄入量 由5%提高到最大值100%。)

13. We all know the arguments that being vegetarian is better for the environment and for the animals -- but in a carnivorous culture, it can be hard to make the change. Graham Hill has a powerful, pragmatic suggestion: Be a weekday veg. (翻译:我们都知道吃素帮助环境、保护动物…… 但在今日的肉食文化中,要改变着实不易。Graham Hill 有个建议……)

14. Out went the teams supervising meat, veg, bakery, and in came an algorithmic task allocator. (翻译:原先的团队对肉类、 蔬菜、烘焙的管理, 而今被一个任务分配算法取而代之。)

15. Cherry, if they've got it you're not gonna let 'em use that oversize veg-o-matic on me, are ya? (翻译:来放了我 我带你回你妈妈家 我不想回家 没事 你的继父走了 他不会骚扰你了)



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