rent是什么意思 rent的中文翻译、读音、例句

rent是什么意思 rent的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词性和定义:'rent'是一个动词,意思是支付房租或租赁使用某物。

2. 语法用法:'rent'可以作为及物动词和不及物动词使用,还可以作为名词和形容词使用。

3. 派生词语:'rental'是名词形式,表示租用和租赁。'renter'是名词形式,表示租客或出租人。'renting'是动词进行时形式,表示正在租用或出租。'rented'是过去分词形式,表示已经租用或出租。

4. 常见短语:'rent out'表示将房屋或物品出租。'rent-free'表示免租金。'rental agreement'表示租赁协议。


1. I need to find a new apartment to rent.(我需要找一套新公寓租房。)

2. The movie was available to rent on the website.(这部电影可以在网站上租赁。)

3. We rented a car for our vacation.(我们为假期租了一辆车。)

4. She decided to rent out her spare room to a student.(她决定将多余的房间出租给一名学生。)

5. He was happy to find a rent-free apartment while he was studying.(他在学习期间很高兴找到了一个免租的公寓。)




1. I'm going to rent a car for my trip to the countryside. (我打算租一辆车去乡下旅游。)

2. The rent for this apartment is too high for me. (这套公寓的租金对我来说太贵了。)

3. He's been renting this office space for five years now. (他已经租用这个办公空间xx年了。)

4. We need to sign a rent agreement before moving into the apartment. (在搬进公寓之前,我们需要签署一份租赁协议。)

5. The landlord raised the rent by 10% this year. (房东今年将租金涨了10%。)

6. She can't afford to pay the rent this month. (她这个月付不起房租。)

7. The company decided to rent a new building to expand its operations. (公司决定租用一个新建筑来扩大业务。)

8. The apartment comes fully furnished, but the rent is higher than unfurnished ones. (公寓配备了完整的家具,但租金比未配备家具的公寓要高。)

9. We're looking for a place to rent near the university campus. (我们正在寻找一处靠近大学校园的房屋租赁。)




1. I need to pay my rent by the end of the week. (我需要在本周末之前交租金。)

2. We decided to rent a car for our vacation. (我们决定租一辆车去度假。)

3. He decided to rent out his extra room to earn some extra money. (他决定出租他的多余房间赚些额外的钱。)




例句:Now, first of all, you need to get a rent book. (you need to get a rent book.)


例句:Oh, I asked him about rent books. (我问他要租金登记簿 他直接笑了出来 Oh, I asked him about rent books.)


例句:In a rent-controlled three-story walk-up. (住在一栋租金受管制 三层无电梯的楼里 In a rent -controlled three)


例句:I might owe you two some rent. (翻译:额... 我可能欠你俩点租金 Mm... I might owe you two some rent.)


rent一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在for rent(供出租\n[经] 出租, 召租)、rent a(n. (Renta)人名;(西)伦塔)、rent at((使)以(某价钱)租出)等常见短语中出现较多。

for rent供出租\n[经] 出租, 召租
rent an. (Renta)人名;(西)伦塔
rent at(使)以(某价钱)租出
to rent租住
diff'rent[网络] 差异
differential rent[经] 差额地租
dry rent[网络] 不附扣押动产条款的租金
double rent[法] 加倍租金
easement rent地役税
economic rent经济租金[地租]


1. In a rent-controlled three-story walk-up. (翻译:住在一栋租金受管制 三层无电梯的楼里 In a rent -controlled three)

2. I might owe you two some rent. (翻译:额... 我可能欠你俩点租金 Mm... I might owe you two some rent.)

3. So it was paying the rent. (翻译:但现在它居然也给我们带来利润了 我们就用这个来付房租)

4. His landlord doubled the rent. (翻译:他的房东把房租提高了一倍。)

5. Cos this rent is a miracle. (翻译:这租金低得出奇 Cos this rent is a miracle.)

6. I could rent the apartment, remodel. (翻译:我可以租下那间公寓 重新装修 I could rent the apartment, remodel.)

7. So it decided to hire independent contractors and pay per car towed. (翻译:就外包出去,按车计费 So they had to rent them from an independent contractor.)

8. But then there's the rent to think about. (翻译:- 如果我... 你就要开始操心薪水 住房)

9. It's a great apartment, and the rent's not ridiculous (翻译:这是一个伟大的公寓和租赁 是非常正确的。)

10. Rent of my pajamas, 25 cents. (翻译:两毛五我的睡衣出租费 Rent of my pajamas, 25 cents.)

11. Rent in Mongkok is very expensive. (翻译:旺角的租金非常昂贵。)

12. Today, I rent the VCD and watch it. (翻译:今天,我租了影碟来看。)

13. I almost ate Rent-A-Truck floor mat. (翻译:我差点连租车公司的地毯都吃下去了 I almost ate Rent -A -Truck floor mat.)

14. The kids would be all right. (翻译:我们在海岸边租个房子 {\3cH202020}We can rent a house on the beach.)

15. Only our rent, it come in blood. (翻译:捍卫自己居住在这里的权利 Only our rent, it come in blood.)



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