aced是什么意思 aced的中文翻译、读音、例句

aced是什么意思 aced的中文翻译、读音、例句






- ace in the hole:秘密武器或优势。

- ace up one's sleeve:秘密计划或策略。

- an ace in the pack/deck:秘密武器或优势的另一种说法,通常用于纸牌游戏。

- hold all the aces:处于全面优势地位。

- an ace in the hole/up one's sleeve:一个秘密的优势。





1. He aced the test and got the highest score in the class.(他在考试中表现出色,获得了全班最高的分数。)

2. The tennis player aced his opponent with a powerful serve.(这位网球选手通过强有力的发球击败了对手。)

3. She aced the job interview and got the job on the spot.(她在面试中表现出色,当场就得到了这份工作。)

4. He has an ace up his sleeve that will give him an advantage in the negotiation.(他有个秘密计划,这将在谈判中给他带来优势。)

5. The team held all the aces and easily won the championship.(这个团队处于全面优势地位,轻松获得冠军。)




1. He aced his exam and got an A+. (他表现出色,考试得了A+)

2. She aced the interview and got the job. (她在面试中表现出色,得到了工作)

3. The tennis player aced his opponent with a powerful serve. (网球选手用强有力的发球直接得分,取得了胜利)




例句:# You fled to Cape Fear when I aced you up in Zaire (# You fled to Cape Fear when I aced you up in Zaire)


例句:How they did on the exam: aced? (他们考得怎么样:“王牌”? )


例句:In the case of a fl atf aced follower, such undercutting occurs when the convex radius of curvature of the cam surf ace shrinks beyond zero. (在这个案例中,这样一种平面从动件抢发生在凸曲率半径凸轮表面缩超越零。)


例句:Well, I aced the quail. Thanks, Rach. (翻译:做的鹌鹑棒呆了 谢谢你揭我老底 Well, I aced the quail.)


1. In the case of a fl atf aced follower, such undercutting occurs when the convex radius of curvature of the cam surf ace shrinks beyond zero. (翻译:在这个案例中,这样一种平面从动件抢发生在凸曲率半径凸轮表面缩超越零。)

2. Well, I aced the quail. Thanks, Rach. (翻译:做的鹌鹑棒呆了 谢谢你揭我老底 Well, I aced the quail.)

3. And apparently Epstein aced the test, therefore the article. (翻译:显然,Epstein先生通过了考验,所以才有了这篇报道。)

4. Look, as it was, I waited until you aced the midterm. (翻译:你看,因为它是,我一直等到你一杆进洞的中期。)

5. I MEAN, I ACED-- I ACED DRAPER'S CLASS. (翻译:我的意思是,我aced -- í杆进洞布店的类。)

6. So you aced the interview eh? (翻译:你已经参加面试了吗? )

7. And apparently Epstein aced the test, therefore the article. (翻译:显然,Epstein先生通过了考验,所以才有了这篇报道。)

8. If that girl could play both Romeo and Juliet, her own brother would be aced out. (翻译:如果她能自己一起演罗米欧和朱莉叶 她弟弟都没有机会)

9. They aced the mazes and other tests. (翻译:它们通过了迷宫和其他测试。)

10. I'm actually pretty sure I completely aced my literature presentation thanks to your recommended reading. (翻译:我其实是很确定 我完全杆进洞 我的文学表现 感谢你 推荐读物。)

11. I aced the case. VisiCalc was already useful. (翻译:我成功的做出了这个案例, VisCalc已经很有用了。)

12. One of his friends aced as the gobetween in his business. (翻译:他的一个朋友在这件事中充当了中间人的角色。)

13. She was a math major in college, and aced all her courses in probability and statistics. (翻译:她在大学主修数学, 并且在所有的概率与统计课程中 获得了高分。)

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