1. 词义:射雕,指鹰隼猎物时俯冲落下,在空中旋转扑击的动作。也可以指“射雕英雄传”中的主角郭靖。
2. 词性:名词
3. 词组搭配:射雕英雄传、射雕三部曲
4. 短语:无
5. 发音拼写:shè diāo
1. 他的一脚射出了一记漂亮的射雕,将球射入了对方的球门。
His beautiful shot kicked the ball into the opponent's goal.
2. 小鹰在高空中盘旋,俯冲下去尝试一次射雕。
The young eagle hovered in the sky and dived to try a shediao.
3. 他把《射雕英雄传》看了好几遍,对里面的情节记得非常清楚。
He has read "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" several times and remembers the story very clearly.
4. 这家公司专门生产射雕用的弓箭和箭靶。
This company specializes in producing bows and arrows and targets for shediao.
5. 我们的驾驶员技术娴熟,像射雕一样精准地穿越每一个转弯。
Our driver is skillful, precisely crossing every turn like a shediao.
'shediao'是一个汉语词语,它是指鹰隼。它的拼音为"shē diǎo"。
1. 在这个山区里,你可以看到很多鹰隼在翱翔。
In this mountain area, you can see many eagles and falcons soaring in the air.
2. 他的猎鹰是一只非常优秀的鹰隼。
His hunting falcon is an excellent eagle and falcon.