human是什么意思 human的中文翻译、读音、例句

human是什么意思 human的中文翻译、读音、例句

human [ˈhjuːmən] adj. & n.

意思:1. 人类的,人类所特有的,有人类特征的。2. 人的,属于或与人相关的。3. 人道的,人性的,有同情心的。4. 有人的特征或品质的。




1. human being:人类,人类存在。

2. human nature:人性,人类的本性。

3. human rights:人权,人类的基本权利。

4. human resources:人力资源,指在组织、企业、机构中的人力资源。


1. human race:人类种族。

2. human society:人类社会。

3. human development:人类发展。

4. human behavior:人类行为。





1. Humans have the ability to think and reason. (人类有思考和推理的能力。)

2. The company values the well-being of its human resources. (公司重视员工的福利。)

3. Animal testing has been a controversial topic among humans for years. (动物实验多年来一直是人类争议的话题。)




例句:business,global issues,human origins,law,work (business,global issues,human origins,law,work)


例句:They were pitiful human beings. (她们是可怜的人类 They were pitiful human beings.)


例句:Can we stop talking about human resources now? (Can we stop talking about human resources now?)


例句:Farther than any human in history. (翻译:Farther than any human in history.)


human一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在human will(人的意志)、human ability(人的能力)、human acoustics(人类声学)等常见短语中出现较多。

human will人的意志
human ability人的能力
human acoustics人类声学
human action人类行动
human actions[网络] 感受到人类行为;人文行动;让人特别感受到人類行为
human activitiesun. 人类活动\n[网络] 人文活动;人工活动;活动情况
human activity[网络] 人类活动;人类的行为与地球;人的活动
human adaptation人类适应
human affairs人事


1. Can we stop talking about human resources now? (翻译:Can we stop talking about human resources now?)

2. Farther than any human in history. (翻译:Farther than any human in history.)

3. I gave him the art to sell. (翻译:you know human blood has all these antibodies right?)

4. A real human being,And a real hero... (翻译:A real human being,And a real hero...)

5. You let your daughter marry a human and have a human kid? (翻译:你竟然让你女儿嫁给了人类 还生了个人类的孩子? You! You let your daughter marry a human and have a human kid?)

6. - a confidential human source. (翻译:秘密线人的事 of a confidential human source.)

7. ♪ To err is human, to forgive divine ♪ (翻译:*孰人无过 宽恕为圣* *To err is human, to forgive divine*)

8. Everything the human body needs. (翻译:所有营养 Everything the human body needs.)

9. Africa,anthropology,apes,evolution,human origins,humanity,paleontology,science (翻译:Africa,anthropology,apes,evolution,human origins,humanity,paleontology,science)

10. The human immunodeficiency virus. (翻译:人体免疫缺陷病毒 The human immunodeficiency virus.)

11. How to get a viable amount of human life off the planet. (翻译:How to get a viable amount of human life off the planet.)

12. Spontaneous human combustion is rare and scientifically unexplainable. (翻译:Spontaneous human combustion is rare and scientifically unexplainable.)

13. Welcome to the human race. (翻译:Welcome to the human race.)

14. As a student of human behavior, (翻译:作为人类行为的研究者 As a student of human behavior,)

15. ...this is a violation of human rights. (翻译:这严重侵犯人权 This is a violation of human rights.)



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