chardonnay是什么意思 chardonnay的中文翻译、读音、例句

chardonnay是什么意思 chardonnay的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源及发音

Chardonnay一词源自于法国勃艮第地区的一个小村庄Chardonnay,是一种白葡萄品种。在英语中,“ch”发/k/音, “chard”发/tʃɑːd/音, “onnay”发/ɒnˈeɪ/音。

2. 葡萄品种与产区


3. 热门饮品


4. 与美食搭配



1. Chardonnay is the world's most planted white grape variety.


2. I would like a glass of Chardonnay, please.


3. This Chardonnay has a hint of vanilla and a creamy finish.


4. The Chardonnay from Napa Valley is known for its bold flavors and rich texture.


5. Grilled salmon pairs well with a glass of crisp Chardonnay.



1. Le chardonnay est un cépage blanc très populaire dans le monde entier.(Chardonnay是一种在全世界非常受欢迎的白葡萄品种。)

2. J'adore boire un verre de chardonnay frais en été.(我喜欢在夏天喝一杯新鲜的Chardonnay。)

3. Le chardonnay est souvent élevé en fût de chêne pour lui donner une saveur complexe.(Chardonnay通常会在橡木桶中陈酿,以赋予它复杂的口感。)

4. J'ai acheté une bouteille de chardonnay pour notre dîner ce soir.(我买了一瓶Chardonnay为我们今晚的晚餐。)

5. Le chardonnay est originaire de la Bourgogne, en France.(Chardonnay起源于法国的勃艮第。)

6. Le chardonnay est un cépage très polyvalent qui peut être utilisé pour produire à la fois des vins secs et des vins doux.(Chardonnay是一种非常多才多艺的葡萄品种,可以用于生产干红和甜酒。)

7. Le chardonnay est un cépage favori des producteurs californiens.(Chardonnay是加州酿酒商的最爱之一。)

8. J'ai goûté un chardonnay australien qui avait une note de citron vert délicieuse.(我尝了一款澳大利亚Chardonnay,口感中有一丝美妙的青柠味。)

9. Le chardonnay est souvent associé à des plats de fruits de mer tels que les huîtres et les crevettes.(Chardonnay通常与海鲜菜肴如生蚝和虾一起食用。)


读音: [shär-də-ˈnā]

例句:This is a crisp and refreshing Chardonnay with notes of green apple and citrus.(这是一款清爽可口的霞多丽白葡萄酒,带有青苹果和柑橘的味道。)




例句:The Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay is one of Australia's rare long-lived fine Chardonnays with superb fruit definition and clarity. (露纹酒园艺术系列霞多丽是澳大利亚少有的经久不衰的霞多丽之一,有极为明显的果香特征、干净悠长。)


例句:I just don't generally like the way they manipulate chardonnay in California. (我只是不怎么喜欢加利福尼亚处理夏多利酒的方式。)


例句:And she immediately said, "Would you like sauvignon blanc or chardonnay?" (她马上问我, “您是想要白苏维翁还是霞多丽?” )


例句:Chardonnay, Taylors Promise Land Unwooded, Clare Valley, Australia. (翻译:莎当妮,泰勒许诺园白葡萄酒,克莱尔谷,澳大利亚。)


chardonnay一般作为名词使用,如在Chardonnay(夏敦埃酒 一种类似夏布利酒的无甜味白葡萄酒)、Pinot Chardonnay([网络] 霞多丽皮诺;比诺干白起泡酒;法国酿酒用葡萄优良品种)等常见短语中出现较多。

Chardonnay夏敦埃酒 一种类似夏布利酒的无甜味白葡萄酒
Pinot Chardonnay[网络] 霞多丽皮诺;比诺干白起泡酒;法国酿酒用葡萄优良品种


1. And she immediately said, "Would you like sauvignon blanc or chardonnay?" (翻译:她马上问我, “您是想要白苏维翁还是霞多丽?” )

2. Chardonnay, Taylors Promise Land Unwooded, Clare Valley, Australia. (翻译:莎当妮,泰勒许诺园白葡萄酒,克莱尔谷,澳大利亚。)

3. This reductionist technique, excluding as much oxygen as possible from the process... after fermentation, is the best way to make chardonnay. (翻译:尤其是霞多丽 是在发酵后的贮存过程中... 极尽可能的杜绝氧气接触)

4. The annual circuit is costly, too: dealers have to pay for their booths as well as the cost of travel, shipping and Chardonnay. (翻译:xx年里跑这一圈下来,花费也是可观的,交易商们除了路费、船运和展台,也要为宴会买单。)

5. Pinot Noir and Chardonnay from the best grand- and premier crus bring vinosity and delicacy together in a very harmoniously balanced blend. (翻译:最上等的黑皮诺和莎当妮为这个和谐的结合带来了精细的品质。)

6. I tried some of the current vintage 2006, white wines such as the Chenin Blanc, Chardonnay and Viognier. (翻译:我品尝了xx年期的葡萄酒,有陈宁白朗、夏顿埃和维欧尼。)

7. She would not divulge the composition of the blend, which changes each vintage. In 2002, it consisted of 51% Chardonnay, 26% Pinot Noir and 23% Pinot Meunier. (翻译:她当然不会透露酿酒品种及比例,每年都会有变化,在xx年由51%的莎当妮、26%的黑皮诺和23%的皮诺穆尼耶酿制而成。)

8. Flavor : Pineapple, nectarine, melon and banana resonate in this elegant Chardonnay with freshness and a bright finish. (翻译:口味:菠萝,油桃,甜瓜和香蕉香气融合在此款新鲜和回味清澈的莎当妮中。)

9. 0utside the city is something never envisaged in Mao's little red book - a vineyard producing Chinese Chardonnay. (翻译:城市外面有些事物,在毛的小红书里从没提到。那是一个出产中国夏敦埃酒的葡萄园。)

10. Pinot noir is the primary varietal here, but delicious pinot gris, riesling, chardonnay, and others can also be found. (翻译:当地主要的葡萄酒品种是黑比诺,但也生产美味的灰比诺、雷司令、霞多丽及其它品种。)

11. Paul, the boys will have juice boxes, and the two of us will enjoy a very expensive bottle of Chardonnay. (翻译:保罗,男孩, 两箱果汁, 而既享受 昂贵的一瓶霞多丽。)

12. Illumina Unwooded Chardonnay has green apple aromas, with melon and peach on the palate. (翻译:青苹果香气的霞多丽,带桃子与蜜瓜的青甜。)

13. A dry, well-balanced, harmonious blend, combining the fruity character of Colombar with the roundness of Chardonnay. Citrus and summer fruit on the nose an palate. (翻译:浅禾杆黄色,香气馥郁,鸽笼白的水果香气混合着莎当妮的圆润,具柑橘和夏季水果的香气,非常舒适雅致和谐。)

14. This colombard Chardonnay displays a pale straw colour. (翻译:这款科隆巴尔霞多丽呈淡稻草色。)

15. A fruit-driven Chardonnay style with crisp acidity and zesty citrus and stone fruit balanced with a touch of oak. Great texture and balance. (翻译:水果味充裕,爽脆的酸度与柠檬,柑橘及核果的味道相平衡,带有一丝橡木味,极佳的质感和平衡度。)

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