soap opera是什么意思 soap opera的中文翻译、读音、例句

soap opera是什么意思 soap opera的中文翻译、读音、例句

关于'soap opera':

1.定义方面:'soap opera'是指一种在电视、电台、网络等媒体上广泛播出的连续剧,通常以情感纠葛为主题,并持续多年演出。这种剧集常常有多个情节线,形式上与肥皂剧相似,所以被称为'soap opera'。

2.历史方面:'soap opera'这个词最早出现在20世纪xx年代,当时电台的广播剧以肥皂广告为赞助商,所以称之为'soap opera'。之后随着电视的发展,这种剧集也成为了电视上的主流节目。

3.风格方面:'soap opera'通常具有高度的情感戏剧性,鲜明的人物角色和故事情节线,以及多年来的连续性。这种剧集还常常涉及到家庭问题、婚姻问题、亲戚关系和暴力等问题,被称为是女性观众的最爱。


1. She watches soap operas every afternoon after work.(她下班后每天下午都会观看肥皂剧。)

2. Soap operas are known for their dramatic plot twists.(肥皂剧以惊人的情节转折著称。)

3. I like watching soap operas because they are so addictive.(我喜欢看肥皂剧,因为它们太容易上瘾了。)

4. The soap opera has been on air for over 20 years.(这部肥皂剧已经播出了20多年。)

5. Many actors got their start on daytime soap operas.(许多演员都是从日间肥皂剧开始的。)

'soap opera'是英国的词语,意为“肥皂剧”。这个词语起源于上世纪xx年代,当时肥皂品牌为了吸引女性消费者,开始赞助广播中的连续剧,因此这类剧集被称为“肥皂剧”。


1. I love watching soap operas, they are so addictive.(我喜欢看肥皂剧,它们非常让人上瘾。)

2. My mother has been following the same soap opera for over 20 years.(我母亲已经追了同一部肥皂剧xx年了。)

3. The soap opera stars are like celebrities to their fans.(肥皂剧中的明星对他们的粉丝来说就像是名人。)

4. The plot twists in soap operas can be really dramatic.(肥皂剧中的情节转折非常戏剧化。)

5. Soap operas often deal with themes of love, family and relationships.(肥皂剧通常涉及爱情、家庭和人际关系等主题。)

6. Some people think soap operas are trashy, but I find them entertaining.(有些人认为肥皂剧很低俗,觉得它们很有趣。)

7. Soap operas are a guilty pleasure for many people.(肥皂剧是很多人的“罪恶享受”。)

8. The leading actress in the soap opera was praised for her excellent performance.(这部肥皂剧的女主角因出色的表现受到赞扬。)

9. Soap operas are a popular form of entertainment all over the world.(肥皂剧是全球流行的娱乐形式。)

英文单词:soap opera


读音:/ˈsoʊp ˌɒprə/


1. I spent the afternoon watching soap operas on TV. (我花了下午时间在电视上看肥皂剧。)

2. Some people find soap operas to be melodramatic and unrealistic. (有些人认为肥皂剧过于夸张和不真实。)

soap opera的中文解释是"电视连续剧、〈美〉肥皂剧",其中文解释还有"电视广告剧"的意思,发音是[soapopera],soap opera来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到38个与soap opera相关的例句。

Soap opera的词典翻译


例句:- No, soap suds and whitewash. (- Eggs and spinach. - No, soap suds and whitewash.)


例句:Hence if no one accesses the body of a SOAP message, that part of the SOAP message will not be built. (因此如果不需要访问SOAP消息体,SOAP消息的这部分就不会被构建。)


例句:What is this, you all watch the same cheesy soap opera and memorize the dialogue? (我说你们每天是不是... 都在看同一部恶俗偶像剧 连台词都是一样的)


例句:Master, such things happen ony in opera (翻译:such things happen ony in opera)


soap opera一般作为名词使用,如在soap opera effect([网络] 肥皂剧效果)、opera(歌剧 )、the opera(杂剧)等常见短语中出现较多。

soap opera effect[网络] 肥皂剧效果
the opera杂剧
no soap不行,不知道,没有用
English opera英国歌剧;英国民谣歌剧
grand operan. (全剧只用唱不用说的)大歌剧
hoss opera[网络] hoss歌剧
light opera轻歌剧
local opera[网络] 地方戏;中国地方戏;地方剧


1. What is this, you all watch the same cheesy soap opera and memorize the dialogue? (翻译:我说你们每天是不是... 都在看同一部恶俗偶像剧 连台词都是一样的)

2. Master, such things happen ony in opera (翻译:such things happen ony in opera)

3. Specifically, SOAP-DSIG defines a data format for appending an XML signature to a SOAP message. (翻译:特别地,SOAP-DSIG定义了向SOAP消息中附加XML签名的数据格式。)

4. - Nothing? - Nothing. Oh, God, this is the slowest-moving soap opera I've ever watched. (翻译:嗯,你知道,我们的对话越来越深入地时间越长,我们已经结婚了。)

5. My parents reinforced this notion that I could do anything, that no dream was impossible, and my dream was to be on the daytime soap opera "General Hospital." (翻译:我的父母不断向我灌输这样的思想 没有我做不到的事情 没有实现不了的梦想 我的梦想 是能够上日间肥皂剧《综合医院》 )

6. SOAP-DSIG is being proposed for this purpose. (翻译:SOAP-DSIG 就是针对这个目的提出的。)

7. It reminds me of an old soap opera with Akina Nakamori and Narumi Yasuda. (翻译:让我想起以前 中森明菜和安田成美演的连续剧 -对)

8. It is an online community where young fans can get together to talk about their favorite soap opera, "Go Go Squid!" (翻译:它是一个线上社区,供年轻粉丝聚集, 谈论他们最喜欢的连续剧, 比如《亲爱的,热爱的》; )

9. Downing Street described the affair as a soap opera. (翻译:唐宁街方面表示此事件堪比『一部肥皂剧』 Downing Street described the affair as a soap opera.)

10. What have you done with the soap? (翻译:What have you done with the soap? 你用肥皂干嘛啊?)

11. She is best known for her role as Hayley Smith in the soap opera Home and Away . (翻译:她是最佳已知为她的角色奚海史密斯连续剧家走。)

12. My job was watching soap operas, reading soap opera scripts and auditioning actors to be on soap operas. (翻译:我的工作是看肥皂剧, 阅读肥皂剧本 并面试肥皂剧演员。)

13. You got tickets to the opera night or something? (翻译:You got tickets to the opera night or something?)

14. So with that, let's start with soap opera lesson one: surrender is not an option. (翻译:所以,我们从肥皂剧的第一课开始: 投降不是选择。)

15. Toutoune's death, the new drugs... it's a soap opera. (翻译:Toutoune的死,新药物... . 就像一出肥皂剧)


soap opera作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、soap、operas等。

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