fibs是什么意思 fibs的中文翻译、读音、例句

fibs是什么意思 fibs的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义

'fibs'是'fibonacci numbers'的缩写,指的是斐波那契数列。斐波那契数列是指从0和1开始,后面的数是前面两个数之和的数列。

2. 数学意义


3. 缩写词的应用


4. 斐波那契数列的例句


a. The first ten numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34.

b. The Fibonacci sequence can be used to model the growth of populations and the development of natural structures.

c. Many algorithms in computer science are based on the Fibonacci sequence.

d. The Fibonacci sequence has many fascinating mathematical properties that are still being studied by mathematicians today.

e. The Fibonacci spiral is a geometric shape that is found in many natural objects, such as shells and flowers.

5. “说谎、撒谎”的例句


a. Don't fib to me about what happened last night. I know you were out with your ex-girlfriend.

b. He's always fibbing about his accomplishments and making himself sound more impressive than he actually is.

c. She fibbed to her boss about being sick so that she could take the day off from work.

d. I caught my sister fibbing to our parents about where she was going after school.

e. He tried to fib his way out of trouble, but the police didn't believe him and arrested him anyway.



1. She told a few harmless fibs to avoid hurting his feelings.(她撒了一些无伤大雅的谎言,以避免伤害他的感情。)

2. I caught him in a fib about his whereabouts last night.(我发现他撒了一个关于昨晚去向的谎言。)

3. He has a tendency to tell fibs when he's nervous.(他在紧张时有撒谎的倾向。)




例句:Even little fibs can be perilous to careers. (即使一点点小谎也对工作有害。)


例句:The fibs get bigger as families get richer. (家庭越富有,谎撒的越大。)


例句:The other reason that your Pisces child is likely to tell fibs is because they are so overly sensitive. (双鱼座孩子爱撒小谎的另一个原因是他们过度敏感。)


例句:Objective To investigate the promoting effect of different situation never fibs repair on nerve regeneration. (翻译:目的观察不同断面神经束组吻合对大鼠坐骨神经再生的影响。)


fibs一般作为名词、动词使用,如在tell fibs([网络] 说谎)等常见短语中出现较多。

tell fibs[网络] 说谎


1. The other reason that your Pisces child is likely to tell fibs is because they are so overly sensitive. (翻译:双鱼座孩子爱撒小谎的另一个原因是他们过度敏感。)

2. Objective To investigate the promoting effect of different situation never fibs repair on nerve regeneration. (翻译:目的观察不同断面神经束组吻合对大鼠坐骨神经再生的影响。)

3. I'm talking about the fibs and feints and little white lies that serve as a social salve and help a relationship run smoothly. (翻译:我说的是那些虚幌一枪,无关痛痒的善意谎言,它们能时不时地充当社交药膏,使我们的关系更加顺畅。)

4. Clara's fibs and evasion disturbed her not in the least that morning. (翻译:克莱拉的谎言和遁词在那天早上一点也没有使她不安。)

5. Men are not merely annihilating themselves at a great rate these days, but they are telling one another enormous lies, grandiose fibs. (翻译:如今人们不仅以极高的速度自相残杀,而且用天大的谎言互相欺骗。)

6. He does indeed say things that could not possibly be true, but they are only the sorts of fibs that prime ministers are hired to tell. (翻译:他确实说事情不可能这样做,但是他们仅仅是利用首相所说的那种谎言。)

7. According to a new piece of UK research, men tell twice as many lies as women, telling on average 6 fibs a day, the Daily Mail reported. (翻译:据英国《每日邮报》报道,该国一项调查显示,男人平均每天要说6次谎话,是女性的两倍。)

8. But in the current study, researchers found that these parental fibs are hardly few and far between. (翻译:但是在当前的研究中,研究者发现那些父母的谎话多如牛毛,不尽相同。)

9. But you may not know where comes this funniest of fibs . (翻译:可是你或许不知道这个最有趣的谎言是从何而来的。)



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