roared是什么意思 roared的中文翻译、读音、例句

roared是什么意思 roared的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 词性:动词

2. 含义:发出轰鸣声,狂吼,大声喊叫等

3. 发音:/rɔːd/

4. 词源:来自中古英语的“roud”或古法语的“ruger”,都表示“吼叫”

5. 近义词:bellowed, shouted, yelled, screamed


1. The lion roared loudly in the zoo.(狮子在动物园里大声吼叫。)

2. The engine of the car roared as it sped down the highway.(汽车在高速公路上行驶时发出轰鸣声。)

3. The crowd roared with excitement when the home team scored a goal.(当主队进球时,观众兴奋地大声喊叫。)

4. The wind roared through the trees during the storm.(在暴风雨中,风声呼啸着穿过树林。)

5. The tiger roared in anger when it saw the intruder in its territory.(当老虎看到入侵者时,它愤怒地咆哮了起来。)





1. The lion roared fiercely when it saw its prey.


2. The crowd roared with excitement as the singer took the stage.


3. The thunder roared in the distance as the storm approached.


4. The engine of the plane roared as it took off from the runway.


5. The sea roared as the waves crashed against the shore.





例句:"And now," roared Ludo Bagman's voice, "kindly put your wands in the air... For the Irish National Team Mascots!" (“现在,”卢多·巴格曼的声音如洪钟一般响起,“请把魔杖举向空中……欢迎爱尔兰国家队的吉祥物!” )


例句:I didn't. I just roared into that driveway and i didn't see my little boy. (我没看见 我一脚油门就 开到了车道上 没看见我的孩子)


例句:A log fire roared in the open hearth. (柴火在敞开着的壁炉里熊熊燃烧。)


例句:Vroom! A sports car roared past. (翻译:呜的一声,一辆跑车疾驶而过。)


roared一般作为名词使用,如在roared on([网络] 咆哮着)等常见短语中出现较多。

roared on[网络] 咆哮着


1. A log fire roared in the open hearth. (翻译:柴火在敞开着的壁炉里熊熊燃烧。)

2. Vroom! A sports car roared past. (翻译:呜的一声,一辆跑车疾驶而过。)

3. The two men leaped into the jeep and roared off. (翻译:那两个人飞快地跳上吉普车呼啸而去。)

4. A police car roared past. (翻译:一辆警车呼啸而过。)

5. Malaria always resurged and often roared back with a vengeance, causing deadly epidemics in areas where control had almost been achieved. (翻译:疟疾也总是卷土重来并常常以复仇般的态势咆哮而归,在几乎得到控制的地区引发致命疫情。)

6. The train roared past little hamlets, with cottages of white and yellow and drab, their roofs blackened by frost and rain. (翻译:火车经过小小的村庄,见有白的黄的和淡褐色的矮屋,屋顶都经霜侵雨打,变成黑色了。)

7. "Accio Cloak!" roared one of the Death Eaters. (翻译:“隐形衣飞来!”一个食死徒吼道。)

8. "Have you seen the duke's third daughter?" roared Mononoke. (翻译:“你见到过城主的三女儿吗?”猫怪咆哮着。)

9. the awful finality of it roared in like an enormous black cloud blotting out the sky, over every inch of the world. (翻译:由此带来的可怕结局就像是浓密的乌云遮住了天空,遮住了这个世界的每一寸角落。)

10. "I'll kill you for that," he roared. (翻译:“我要为此杀了你,” 他吼道。)

11. He was wrapped in furs, and he roared all day about the garden, and blew the chimney-pots down. (翻译:北风应邀而至,穿—身毛皮大衣,他对着花园呼啸了整整一天,把烟囱管帽也给吹掉了。)

12. "Nibs, would—Stow this gab," roared Hook, and the spokesmen were dragged back. (翻译:“尼布斯,你——别说这些废话了,”胡克吼道,说话的人被拖了回来。)

13. "Roar, Moncler! " He anew the Yang head roared loud a , from his, suddenly fly four regiment flames, surround at his body side. (翻译:“吼!”他又扬头大吼了一声,从他的口中,忽然飞出四团火焰,围绕在他的身旁。)

14. Hagrid kicked the motorbike into life: It roared like a dragon, and the sidecar began to vibrate. (翻译:海格用脚一踢,发动了摩托车。车子像火龙一样吼叫起来,挎斗也跟着抖动。)

15. So if we look at the very first end of what is, at the very end of what is was the very first time that people actually clapped and roared really loud. (翻译:所以当我们仔细看看在前段结束 的时候发生了什么, 以及在结尾发生了什么, 我们会发现 人们在这些时间段的鼓掌 以及欢呼非常激烈。)



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