reCAPTCHA 是一个由 Google 开发的验证码系统,用于防止机器人自动化攻击和垃圾邮件。reCAPTCHA 的全称是“反机器人测试完全自动化的公开图灵测试来区分计算机和人类”。该系统要求用户在输入文本之前先证明他们是人类,而不是计算机程序或机器人。用户需要通过点击图像、听取音频或解答数学题等方式来证明自己是真正的人类。
词性:reCAPTCHA 是一个名词,也可以作为动词使用。
常用场景:reCAPTCHA 主要用于网站、应用程序等需要限制恶意行为和垃圾邮件的场合。例如,登录、注册、评论或联系表单等网页中都会嵌入 reCAPTCHA 以确认用户的身份。
词组搭配:reCAPTCHA 通常和其它词汇一起出现,例如“验证”、“安全”、“验证码”、“人机识别”等。
相关短语:reCAPTCHA 还可以与其它短语一起使用,如“谷歌 reCAPTCHA”、“语音 reCAPTCHA”、“reCAPTCHA v3”、“reCAPTCHA 机器学习”等。
发音拼写:reCAPTCHA 的发音为 /rɪˈkæptʃə/,可以分成三个音节“re-”、“CAP”、“TCHA”,其中“CAPTCHA” 是“Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”的缩写。
1. This website uses recaptcha to prevent spam and fake accounts.
2. I always struggle with recaptcha because it's so hard to read the distorted letters.
例句:ReCAPTCHA is also a Rails plug-in with the same name as the API. (ReCAPTCHA也有一个同名的Rails插件实现这个API。)
例句:Let me now tell you about a project that we did a few years later, which is sort of the next evolution of CAPTCHA. (现在谈谈几年后我们做的一个项目 算是验证码的新生代版本 这个计划我们称之“reCAPTCHA” )
例句:A popular CAPTCHA API is reCAPTCHA which displays two distorted images of words from old books. (一个流行的CAPTCHAAPI是reCAPTCHA它是显示来自于旧书的两个单词的扭曲图片。)
例句:This is the number of distinct people that have helped us digitize at least one word out of a book through reCAPTCHA: 750 million, which is a little over 10 percent of the world's population, has helped us digitize human knowledge. (翻译:这个数字是 通过reCAPTCHA帮助我们电子化书籍中单词的人数 7.5亿 多于世界总人口的十分之一的人们 帮助我们电子化人类的知识)
recaptcha一般作为名词使用,如在reCAPTCHA([网络] 验证码;验证码服务;多重验证码)等常见短语中出现较多。
reCAPTCHA | [网络] 验证码;验证码服务;多重验证码 |
1. A popular CAPTCHA API is reCAPTCHA which displays two distorted images of words from old books. (翻译:一个流行的CAPTCHAAPI是reCAPTCHA它是显示来自于旧书的两个单词的扭曲图片。)
2. This is the number of distinct people that have helped us digitize at least one word out of a book through reCAPTCHA: 750 million, which is a little over 10 percent of the world's population, has helped us digitize human knowledge. (翻译:这个数字是 通过reCAPTCHA帮助我们电子化书籍中单词的人数 7.5亿 多于世界总人口的十分之一的人们 帮助我们电子化人类的知识)
3. This is a project that we call reCAPTCHA, which is something that we started here at Carnegie Mellon, then we turned it into a startup company. (翻译:这个计划我们称之“reCAPTCHA” 这个计划是从卡内基梅隆大学起步 成为我们的启动公司)
4. Twitter and about 350,000 other sites are all using reCAPTCHA. (翻译:推特和其他350,000个网站都在用reCAPTCHA)
5. Facebook: Every time you add a friend or poke somebody, you help to digitize a book. (翻译:你就帮忙在把书籍电子化 推特和其他350,000个网站都在用reCAPTCHA )
6. So far, Google has acquired 5 companies and products in 2009: reCaptcha, On2, Gizmo5, AdMob and Teracent. (翻译:xx年,到目前为止Google一共收购了5家公司:reCaptcha,On2,Gizmo5,AdMob和Teracent。)
7. This is the number of distinct people that have helped us digitize at least one word out of a book through reCAPTCHA: 750 million, a little over 10 percent of the world's population, has helped us digitize human knowledge. (翻译:这个数字是 通过reCAPTCHA帮助我们电子化书籍中单词的人数 7.5亿 多于世界总人口的十分之一的人们 帮助我们电子化人类的知识 )
8. With reCAPTCHA, Google could potentially bring the error rate down dramatically and make Google Books even more useful. (翻译:有了reCAPTCHA,Google就可以大大降低错误率,让Google图书变得更加有用。)
9. This is a project that we call reCAPTCHA, which is something that we started here at Carnegie Mellon, then we turned it into a start-up company. (翻译:这个计划是从卡内基梅隆大学起步 成为我们的启动公司 xx年半前 )
10. And the number of sites that are using reCAPTCHA is so high that the number of words we're digitizing per day is really large. (翻译:现在使用reCAPTCHA的网站是如此之多 每天我们电子化的单词数量惊人 大概是每天一亿 )
11. Ben Maurer was a co-founder of reCAPTCHA and its chief architect. As he announced on his blog today, he’ll be joining Facebook’s infrastructure team. (翻译:Ben Maurer是reCAPTCHA 联合创始人之一兼首席框架师,今天他在自己的博客上宣布将加入Facebook框架团队。)
12. And in fact, the number of sites that are using reCAPTCHA is so high that the number of words that we're digitizing per day is really, really large. (翻译:现在使用reCAPTCHA的网站是如此之多 每天我们电子化的单词数量惊人)
13. Use the custom reCaptcha validation control on your page: Insert this in your page. (翻译:将自定义recaptcha验证控件加入页面中。)
14. Verify_recaptcha will return false if the validation fails. (翻译:如果校验失败verify_recaptcha会返回false。)