dsl是什么意思 dsl的中文翻译、读音、例句

dsl是什么意思 dsl的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)是数字用户线路的缩写,是一种基于电话线传输数据的技术,可以提供高速宽带接入服务。



1. DSL服务 (DSL service)

2. DSL调制解调器 (DSL modem)

3. DSL因特网 (DSL internet)

4. DSL连接 (DSL connection)

5. DSL速度 (DSL speed)

6. DSL网络 (DSL network)

7. DSL技术 (DSL technology)


发音拼写:/ˌdiː es ˈel/


1. 我买了一款DSL调制解调器来提高我的上网速度。 (I bought a DSL modem to improve my internet speed.)

2. 家里的DSL网络断开了,我需要联系运营商来修理。 (The DSL network at home is down, I need to contact the provider to fix it.)

3. 这个地区的DSL因特网速度比光纤要慢。 (The DSL internet speed in this area is slower than fiber optic.)

4. 我们的公司为员工提供高速的DSL连接服务。 (Our company provides fast DSL connection service for employees.)

5. 他抱怨他的DSL速度每天都会波动。 (He complained that his DSL speed fluctuates every day.)

6. 在DSL技术的帮助下,我们公司实现了高效的数据传输。 (With the help of DSL technology, our company achieves efficient data transmission.)

7. 在购买之前,你需要确认你所在地区是否提供DSL服务。 (Before purchasing, you need to confirm whether DSL service is available in your area.)

DSL是英文Digital Subscriber Line的缩写,意为数字用户线路,是一种数字通信技术,用于在普通电话线上传输数字信号。DSL是美国发明的技术,最早用于扩展电话系统的功能。




1. The DSL service is very popular in the United States. (DSL服务在美国很受欢迎)

2. I need to upgrade my DSL modem for faster internet speed. (我需要升级我的DSL调制解调器以获得更快的互联网速度)

3. With VDSL technology, I can enjoy high-speed internet access. (有了VDSL技术,我可以享受高速互联网接入)

4. My school uses HDSL service for its computer network. (我的学校使用HDSL服务来建立计算机网络)

5. In some rural areas, DSL is the only option for internet connection. (在一些农村地区,DSL是唯一的互联网连接选择)

6. The DSL modem is connected to the telephone line. (DSL调制解调器连接到电话线上)

7. The DSL signal is separate from the voice signal on the same phone line. (DSL信号与同一电话线上的语音信号分开)

8. ADSL is the most commonly used DSL technology. (ADSL是最常用的DSL技术)

9. The speed of DSL service depends on the quality of the telephone line. (DSL服务的速度取决于电话线的质量)

中文翻译:数字用户线路(Digital Subscriber Line)

读音:dì èsī'ělè


Translation: The broadband at my home is using DSL technology.




例句:On the other hand, DSLs written in generic languages just work. (另一方面,用通用语言编写的DSL即可运行。)


例句:The modem is usually connected to a cable or DSL line, and is then connected to your computer through an Ethernet cable and network adapter. (调制解调器通常连接到电缆或DSL线,然后通过以太网电缆和网络适配器连接到计算机。)


例句:RJP: Another consideration is an editor for scripts written in the DSL. (RJP:还有一个需要考虑的问题是,用领域特定语言编写程序所需要的编辑器。)


例句:This installment will help you understand why Ruby is so popular among DSL aficionados. (翻译:本期将帮助您了解Ruby为何在dsl迷中如此流行。)


dsl一般作为名词使用,如在DSL([计] 数字仿真语言, 对话说明语言, 数据集标号)、DSL filter([网络] 必须采用协力厂商的装置)、DSL modem([网络] 调制解调器;调制解调器图片;数字用户环路调制解调器)等常见短语中出现较多。

DSL[计] 数字仿真语言, 对话说明语言, 数据集标号
DSL filter[网络] 必须采用协力厂商的装置
DSL modem[网络] 调制解调器;调制解调器图片;数字用户环路调制解调器
DSL router[网络] 数字用户线路路由器
symmetric DSL[网络] 单对双绞线;对称式数字用户环路;对称
wireless dsl[网络] 无线宽带;无线数字用户线
wireless dsl consortium[网络] 无线数字用户线论坛


1. RJP: Another consideration is an editor for scripts written in the DSL. (翻译:RJP:还有一个需要考虑的问题是,用领域特定语言编写程序所需要的编辑器。)

2. This installment will help you understand why Ruby is so popular among DSL aficionados. (翻译:本期将帮助您了解Ruby为何在dsl迷中如此流行。)

3. Brian Guthrie and Fabio Akita - well known on the ruby community - also contributed with both code and dsl ideas. (翻译:在ruby社区享有盛名的BrianGuthrie和FabioAkita,也贡献了代码和DSL的想法。)

4. The first command in our erl session compiles and loads this module with the built in c function. (翻译:在erl代码中,第一条命令是用内建的c函数编译并加载dsl模块。)

5. It is common in internal DSLs to stylize the use of the base language to make the DSL more readable. (翻译:样式化基本语言以使DSL更加可读的行为在内部DSLs中是很常见的。)

6. Yeah, I know, but we don't need a DSL... so thanks for coming, and you guys can just go. (翻译:是的 我知道 们不需要DSL服务... 谢谢你们来装 你们可以走了)

7. Is mobl still a DSL, considering the fact that it has GPL features? (翻译:既然mobl拥有GPL特性,那么它还是一种DSL吗?)

8. In the next installment, I'll continue discussing DSL techniques as a mechanism for harvesting idiomatic patterns in emergent design. (翻译:在下一期中,我将继续讨论DSL方法,将其作为一种在紧急设计中捕获惯用模式的机制。)

9. Operational data is utilized to determine the FEXT interference induced by one line into the other DSL line. (翻译:使用运行数据来确定由一条线路引入另一条DSL线路的FEXT干扰。)

10. Eelco reports ratios of lines of code generated over lines of DSL of over 100 which he sees as an opportunity to improve the generator. (翻译:Eelco报告说生成的代码行数与DSL代码的比值超过100,并认为改善代码生成器会有很好的回报。)

11. JES: You can think of a DSL as a means to communicate an idea or a concept in its own specific terms. (翻译:JES:你可以将DSL理解为采用专门术语实现想法和概念交流的工具。)

12. Mobl is not the only DSL for mobile development. (翻译:mobl不仅仅是针对移动开发的DSL。)

13. DSM acts as the front end of DSL, allowing the user to express constructs through a visual representation. (翻译:DSM充当DSL的前端,并允许用户通过可视化的表示形式来表示构造。)

14. RJP: This depends a great deal on the target user set of the DSL. (翻译:RJP:这在很大程度上要视领域特定语言的目标用户而定。)

15. The next slice of code handles the DSL. (翻译:下一个代码片段将处理DSL。)



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