wicker是什么意思 wicker的中文翻译、读音、例句

wicker是什么意思 wicker的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词义及用法:


2. 材质:


3. 风格:


4. 用途:


5. 维护:



1. I bought a wicker chair for my balcony. (我在我的阳台上买了一把柳条椅子。)

2. The basket was made of wicker. (篮子是由柳条编制而成的。)

3. The cafe has a beautiful wicker terrace. (咖啡馆有一个美丽的柳条露台。)

4. The hotel room was decorated with a wicker headboard. (酒店客房里的床头板用柳条编织而成。)

5. The children loved playing with the wicker ball. (孩子们喜欢玩柳球。)


读音: [ˈwɪkər]


1. The furniture set included a wicker armchair, a coffee table and a sofa.


2. The basket was woven from wicker and was perfect for carrying groceries.


3. The outdoor patio was decorated with beautiful wicker furniture.





例句:I remembered that when I had the cotton removed from a wicker sofa so that it could be re-fluffed, it had turned out to be completely dark. (我记得,我曾让人把棉花从一只柳条编织的沙发中抽出来,好拿去让人重新弹一下,结果拿出来一看,竟完全是黑的。呃,不!)


例句:The wood of the tree is light and flexible, so it is often used to make artificial limbs, wicker baskets and furniture. (它的木材即轻又柔韧,所以常被制成人造义肢、篮子及家俱。)


例句:A ten-year teller, Marcia Wicker, locks her manager in the bank vault ...and then chews through a live power line. (银行行员玛希.威克把经理关在金库里 然后啃咬通电的线路)

4.柳条 、装在柳条编织物里的

例句:We sat side by side on two wicker seats. (翻译:我们并排坐在两张柳条椅上。)


wicker一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在wicker basket(栲栳)、wicker baskets([轻] 柳条篮)、wicker chair(籐椅, 柳条椅)等常见短语中出现较多。

wicker basket栲栳
wicker baskets[轻] 柳条篮
wicker chair籐椅, 柳条椅
wicker dam编栅水坝, 楯坝 ;柳枝坝
wicker furniture[家具] 柳条家具
wicker man[网络] 柳条人;柳条编成的巨型人形;草人
wicker mat[轻] 柳条垫
wicker park[电影]谜情公寓
wicker weir楯堰 ;柳枝堰


1. A ten-year teller, Marcia Wicker, locks her manager in the bank vault ...and then chews through a live power line. (翻译:银行行员玛希.威克把经理关在金库里 然后啃咬通电的线路)

2. We sat side by side on two wicker seats. (翻译:我们并排坐在两张柳条椅上。)

3. Hi, your billboard on Delmar Wicker's, the one on the side of the building? (翻译:嗨,德尔默和维氏板Aalantekm 这一侧的大楼?)

4. We want to buy Basketry, Holiday and Christmas Decorations, Wicker Baskets, Seasonal Dcor, Xmas Easter Basketry. (翻译:我们要采购篮筐,度假和圣诞装饰品,柳条篮。)

5. - I bet if we climb up that wicker chair... (翻译:... - 我敢打赌,如果我们爬上那藤椅...)

6. I realized that he was wanting to expose his wicker-basket chest to me. (翻译:我意识到 他是想给我们看他骨瘦如柴的胸膛 )

7. Cesta: a scoop-shaped wicker basket that is worn over the hand and used to catch and throw the ball in jai alai. (翻译:长勺手套:一种用勺形柳条编成的手套,在海阿拉回力球运动中套在手上作接球和掷球用。)

8. Alice is sitting on the wicker chair at the end of her bed. (翻译:爱丽丝正坐着... ...正坐在她床位的藤椅上)

9. Now that I have a wicker chair, I don't have to go to the gym any more. (翻译:现在,我有一个藤椅,我再也不用去健身房了。)

10. And then we'll get some new wicker chairs next time we're at a Gypsy hangout spot. (翻译:下次经过吉普赛群聚地 再去买一个柳条椅就是了)

11. The seats were made of wicker and an optional fringe top protected occupants from sunburn. (翻译:其座位由柳条制成,还有可调整的流苏边帮助乘客避免被晒伤。)

12. Leadership doesn't have a user's manual, but Fields Wicker-Miurin says stories of remarkable, local leaders are the next best thing. At a TED salon in London, she shares three. (翻译:没有介绍领导力的用户手册,但是菲尔兹·维克尔-缪林Fields Wicker-Miurin的不可思议,当地领袖的故事就是最好证明。在伦敦TED沙龙,她分享了3个故事。)

13. She arrived like a Beatrix Potter character laden with wicker baskets. I never seen so much love in a vegetable broth. (翻译:她就像比阿特里克斯-波特那样的人物一样挎着柳条编的篮子来,我从来没有见过蔬菜肉汤里可以满溢这么浓浓的爱。)

14. It has an eat-in chicken... and all this beautiful wicker furniture and-- (翻译:不出门就能吃到鸡... 和漂亮的全套柳条家具...)

15. In its deep gloom we sat down side by side on a wicker settee . (翻译:在苍茫的暮色中我们并排在一张柳条的长靠椅上坐下。)



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