blogging是什么意思 blogging的中文翻译、读音、例句

blogging是什么意思 blogging的中文翻译、读音、例句

词的意思:Blogging是"web logging"的缩写,是指在网络上发布个人或机构的日志或文章的活动。



词组搭配:常见的Blog相关词组包括blog post(博客文章)、blogosphere(博客界)、blogger(博客作者)等。

相关短语:blogging community(博客社区)、blogging platform(博客平台)、professional blogging(专业博客写作)等。



读音:bó gē

例句:我喜欢写博客来分享我的经验和思想。(I enjoy blogging to share my experiences and thoughts.)




例句:And there's no doubt in my mind that he would make an excellent blogger. Actually, he'd likely be a blogging guru. (我很确信马克吐温也可以成为优秀的博客。其实,他很有可能就是博客的宗师。)


例句:Even blogging platforms, discussed in thenext section, are becoming more like social networks. (我们将在下一部分讨论到,即使博客平台,也已经变得更像社交网络了。)


例句:Important health message: blogging may be hazardous to your health, especially if you are a male. (重要健康提示:撰写博客可能危机你的健康, 尤其是男性。)


例句:In 2005, Isam Rasheed hadn't heard about video blogging. (翻译:在xx年,Isam Rasheed还没有听说过视频博客。)


blogging一般作为名词、动词使用,如在life blogging([网络] 生活记事)、live blogging([网络] 博客直击)、mobile blogging(n. 移动博客;指用移动设备发表博客)等常见短语中出现较多。

life blogging[网络] 生活记事
live blogging[网络] 博客直击
mobile bloggingn. 移动博客;指用移动设备发表博客
mommy blogging[网络] 母亲博客
video blogging[网络] 视讯部落格;影音部落格;录影画面部落格


1. Important health message: blogging may be hazardous to your health, especially if you are a male. (翻译:重要健康提示:撰写博客可能危机你的健康, 尤其是男性。)

2. In 2005, Isam Rasheed hadn't heard about video blogging. (翻译:在xx年,Isam Rasheed还没有听说过视频博客。)

3. "My frequency of blogging has dropped some because of all the things I'm trying to do, " says Dan Gillmor. (翻译:“由于我在尝试做其它事情,我写博客的频率已有所下降,”丹•吉尔摩表示。)

4. Spends a lot of time on political websites, blogging about a congressman-- Michael Delancey. (翻译:经常浏览政治专题的网页 写了博客讨论国会议员迈克・德兰西)

then Vox has Ms Trott's. (翻译:假如说博客服务可以个性化的话,那么Vox恰好就体现了Trott女士的个性。)

6. The main thing to understand about any ofthese blogging services is their convenience. (翻译:去理解任何的这些博客系统的重点就是它们的便捷性。)

7. You can see that the database presents the elements of a basic blogging application in a very clean design. (翻译:您可以看到这个数据库在一个非常干净的设计中呈现了基本blog应用程序的元素。)

8. Feminist blogging is basically the 21st century version of consciousness raising. (翻译:女权主义的博客基本上是21世纪中 女性意识的提升。)

9. DeWalt joined McAfee at the beginning of April, and says his blogging represents a changing culture at the company. (翻译:DeWalt于xx月初加入McAfee,而且据说他的博客的出现象征了企业文化的转变。)

10. With all this sea-hardened equipment she is blogging and podcasting from a row boat in the middle of the Pacific, which is pretty cool. (翻译:所有这一海域的硬化设备,她是博客和播客从一排船在中太平洋,这是蛮不错的。)

11. Blogging affects your posture. We start with the posture. (翻译:撰写博客影响你的姿势。我们从姿势部分开始谈。)

12. And we give them a couple of things to do that, to help them do companion animal devices while they're blogging and doing their email. (翻译:我们提供一系列的东西 去帮助他们做些陪护动物的装置 当他们在写博客时或是写邮件时都可以提供。)

13. Many ordinary people are scared of blogging because they feel that they have nothing to say, says Ms Trott. (翻译:Trott女士说,一般人很多都由于觉得无话可说而害怕写博客。)

14. What were your first impressions of Voces Bolivianas and of blogging in general? (翻译:你对玻利维亚之声以及部落格写作的第一印象是什么?)

15. We bloggers can be quite didactic at times, listing out rules and reasons for various activities, including blogging. (翻译:我们博客作者列出的各种事情规则和理由,有时起到引导作用,包括写博客。)

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