eloquence是什么意思 eloquence的中文翻译、读音、例句

eloquence是什么意思 eloquence的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Eloquence指的是说话或者写作技巧出色的能力或者风格,通常意味着能够清楚、流畅、优雅地表达自己的想法和观点。

2. 来源:该词源自于拉丁语的“eloquentia”,意思是“雄辩”。在古希腊和罗马文化中,雄辩被视为一种高贵的品质,被认为是政治、法律和文化领域中必不可少的技能。

3. 使用场景:Eloquence通常用于描述一些演讲、文学作品、音乐或者艺术作品等中的精彩表达方式。这个词也可以用于描述人们的口才和语言沟通能力,特别是当他们能够用清晰、准确和精彩的方式表达自己的想法和观点时。

4. 示例:在文学作品、演讲和其他方面中,Eloquence都是非常重要的。下面列出了5个中英文例句,以此展示这个词用法的多样性:

- His eloquence on the subject of human rights moved the audience to tears.(他在人权问题上的雄辩,感动了全场观众。)

- The eloquence of the poet's language made the love story even more beautiful.(这位诗人的口才之能,让这个爱情故事更加美丽动人。)

- Her eloquence while giving her campaign speech won her many supporters.(她在竞选演讲中的口才赢得了许多支持者。)

- The eloquence with which he spoke of his experiences in the military left a lasting impression on the audience.(他谈到自己在军队中的经历时的口才,给听众留下了深刻的印象。)

- The eloquence of the sermon brought comfort and hope to the troubled congregation.(牧师精湛的口才给忧虑的听众带来了安慰和希望。)



1. His eloquence moved the audience to tears.(他的雄辩感动了观众,让他们落泪。)

2. The eloquence of the writer in the passage is impressive.(这篇文章作者的雄辩令人印象深刻。)

3. He possesses an incredible level of eloquence.(他拥有惊人的雄辩能力。)

4. The politician's eloquence won over the voters.(那位政治家的雄辩说服了选民。)

5. The eloquence of the speech was unmatched.(该演讲的雄辩无人能比。)

6. The eloquence of his argument was undeniable.(他的论点雄辩无疑。)

7. The poet's eloquence in his poetry is unparalleled.(这位诗人在诗歌中的雄辩无比。)

8. Her eloquence during the debate helped her win.(辩论期间她的雄辩帮助她获胜。)

9. The teacher's eloquence made the subject more interesting.(老师的雄辩使得这门学科更加有趣。)





1. His eloquence convinced everyone in the room.


2. The eloquence of her speech left the audience speechless.


3. The book's eloquence and vivid descriptions made it a pleasure to read.





例句:The hired orators continued to pour forth their streams of eloquence. (那些雇来的演说家继续滔滔不绝地施展辩才。)


例句:Then babbitt slid into a sea of eloquence. (接着,巴比特驶入了词藻的海洋。)


例句:Indeed, in comparison, and Liu Qian, Li Suyang tall and handsome, her eloquence is definitely high-quality entertainment player. (确实,和刘谦相比,李苏阳高大帅气、口才一流,绝对是娱乐圈高质量的选手。)


例句:Two any-dirty-job-there-is thugs with delusions of eloquence. (翻译:两个满口冠冕堂皇之词 一心只想干坏事的家伙)


eloquence一般作为名词使用,如在electric eloquence(惊人的口才)、forensic eloquence([法] 辩护律师的口才, 辩论的口才)等常见短语中出现较多。

electric eloquence惊人的口才
forensic eloquence[法] 辩护律师的口才, 辩论的口才


1. Indeed, in comparison, and Liu Qian, Li Suyang tall and handsome, her eloquence is definitely high-quality entertainment player. (翻译:确实,和刘谦相比,李苏阳高大帅气、口才一流,绝对是娱乐圈高质量的选手。)

2. Two any-dirty-job-there-is thugs with delusions of eloquence. (翻译:两个满口冠冕堂皇之词 一心只想干坏事的家伙)

3. Razor Lee eloquence on the great debate when the train, grinding post-tensioned nerve Oh. (翻译:牙尖嘴利就当练口才大辩论,磨后张脸皮哦。)

4. So I decided to focus on a field where the truth didn't depend on the eloquence of the speaker. (翻译:所以,我决定把重点放在一个字段 其中的道理并不取决于 扬声器的口才。)

5. Forget the fire and brimstone : his subtle eloquence made him the country's most influential theologian. (翻译:忘记地狱吧,他那了不起的口才使他成为这个国家最有影响的神学家。)

6. Martin Luther King Jr. quickly took charge of the movement, and with his eloquence and powerful philosophies, he was the ideal leader. (翻译:马丁·路德·金很快领导了这场运动,而且因为他的口才和强有力的哲学观,他成为了一个理想的领袖。)

7. In unhindered knowledge of eloquence, the Bodhisattva-mahasattva has no hindrance in oratory, and is unmoved. (翻译:辩才无碍,菩萨在口才上没有任何阻碍,他没有变过。)

8. Catherine wished to congratulate him, but knew not what to say, and her eloquence was only in her eyes. (翻译:凯瑟琳本想向他道喜,可是不知说啥是好,满肚子的话全含在眼神里。)

9. I am afraid my eloquence did not avail against the facts. (翻译:恐怕我的雄辩也无补于事实了。)

10. When you want to continue to go on, and the other party issued a "let the voice" of the signal, you can ignore the views of his eloquence. (翻译:当你想继续讲下去,而对方发出了“让出发言权”的信号时,你也可以无视他的意见口才。)

11. Huizi had no way out before his genius friend's eloquence. He had to find another topic to cease this debate. (翻译:惠子实在对这位天才朋友感到莫可奈何,只得另找话题,匆匆结束这场辩论。)

12. And he says to his congregation what were you more impressed by, were you more impressed by the eloquence of the preacher and what was more lasting for you? (翻译:他对会众说,到底是什么让你印象深刻? 难道仅是讲道者的雄辩吗? 什么才是对你更有永恒价值的?)

13. But you, O meagre lead, which rather threatenest than dost promise aught, your paleness moves me more... than eloquence. (翻译:而你 贫瘠的铅 你威胁而不是许诺 你的苍白比豪言壮语)

14. "Why, " said the duke, "the lady I would wish to marry is nice and coy, and does not much esteem my aged eloquence. " (翻译:“噢,我想娶的这位姑娘很贞洁,很害羞。”公爵说,“我这老头子的话打不动她的心。”)

15. Act III: Scene 2: Quelle eloquence! (翻译:第三幕:第二场:多么能言善辩! )



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