industries是什么意思 industries的中文翻译、读音、例句

industries是什么意思 industries的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:industries指的是一种生产和商业的经济活动领域,通常被分为不同的部门或行业,例如农业、工业、服务业等。

2. 词性:复数形式,表示多个不同的产业或行业。

3. 词组搭配:industries常与其他词语搭配使用,例如:manufacturing industries(制造业)、service industries(服务业)、primary industries(原始产业)等。

4. 短语:noisy industries(嘈杂的产业)、heavy industries(重工业)、cottage industries(家庭手工业)等。

5. 发音拼写:/ˈɪndəstriz/


1. The growth of the technology industry is driving the economy forward.(技术产业的增长推动经济向前发展。)

2. The government is investing in renewable energy industries to reduce carbon emissions.(政府正在投资可再生能源产业以减少碳排放。)

3. The agricultural industry has been hit hard by the recent drought.(农业产业最近受到了严重打击。)

4. The film industry has been slow to adapt to the changing tastes of audiences.(电影产业一直缓慢地适应观众的变化口味。)

5. The fashion industry is known for its fast-paced and constantly changing trends.(时尚产业以快节奏和不断变化的趋势而著称。)

中文翻译:行业 (xíng yè)



1. The automotive industry is facing a downturn due to a decrease in demand for cars. (汽车行业由于汽车需求下降而面临低迷局面。)

2. The tech industry is constantly innovating and developing new products. (科技行业不断创新,开发新产品。)

3. The entertainment industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that includes movies, music, and television. (娱乐行业是一个数十亿美元的产业,包括电影、音乐和电视。)




例句:A wide range of industries use taglines. (口号广泛应用于各种行业。)


例句:And I see this not only in medicine but in all industries. (我并不只是在医疗行业上看到 而是在所有的行业里。)


例句:Y81 series Hydraulic metal baler mainly suitable for steel recovering and processing industries , colored and black metal smelt industries . (系列金属液压打包机主要用于炼钢厂、回收加工行业及有色、黑色金属冶炼行业。)


例句:Mr Hambrecht enthuses about "the industry of industries". (翻译:哈姆·布莱希特先生热中于“行业中产业规模化”。)


industries一般作为名词使用,如在downstream industries(后续企业(依赖同行业中其他大公司的产品或服务而生存的下游企业))、domestic industries([网络] 国内产业;本国工业)、distressed industries(危困产业)等常见短语中出现较多。

downstream industries后续企业(依赖同行业中其他大公司的产品或服务而生存的下游企业)
domestic industries[网络] 国内产业;本国工业
distressed industries危困产业
entertainment industries娱乐业
electronic industries[电] 电子工业
electronics industries电子工业;电子业
energy industries能源工业
export industries出口工业
extractive industries[经] 采掘垦殖工业


1. Y81 series Hydraulic metal baler mainly suitable for steel recovering and processing industries , colored and black metal smelt industries . (翻译:系列金属液压打包机主要用于炼钢厂、回收加工行业及有色、黑色金属冶炼行业。)

2. Mr Hambrecht enthuses about "the industry of industries". (翻译:哈姆·布莱希特先生热中于“行业中产业规模化”。)

3. Glendon Hill fronts SanCorp Industries. (翻译:Sancorp工业要找人 会委托格兰敦山)

4. The French group Exel Industries is a world leader in the design & supply of coating equipment for Automotive and General Industries. (翻译:法国艾格赛我产业团体是天下上设想取造制喷涂装备的带领者之一,产物提高汽车业战普通产业范畴。)

5. We need to develop local industries. (翻译:我们需要发展地方工业。)

6. And only 36 percent is in the tangible industries of manufacturing and agriculture. (翻译:只有百分之三十六来自于可见的行业, 制造业和农业。)

7. Canon USA partners with Toray industries… (翻译:美国佳能与东丽工业合作… )

8. The bid from the Chinese Industries Group is £980 million, (翻译:中国工业集团出价... 九亿八千万英镑 is £980,000,000.)

9. Koch Industries was the poster child of a company run amok. (翻译:科赫工业是丧心病狂的公司的例证。)

10. Not Bigweld Industries, Ratchet Industries. (翻译:可是他万一能恢复呢 你是个笨蛋 你一定要让 他没有东山再起的机会)

11. The primary resources industries do not always produce more pollutant than renewable resources industries. (翻译:利用原生资源的产业并不必然的比利用再生资源产生的污染更少。)

12. New industries demanded skilled labour not available locally. (翻译:新兴产业需要熟练技术工人,而当地没有。)

13. It is expansively applied to beer and white spirit industries. (翻译:广泛应用于啤酒和白酒行业。)

14. CEO of MARS Industries and the builder of these warheads. (翻译:MARS工业集团的首席执行官 也是这些弹头的制造者)

15. Knight industries research and development. (翻译:Knight工业研究和开发部 我是Zoe)



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