odysseus是什么意思 odysseus的中文翻译、读音、例句

odysseus是什么意思 odysseus的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Odysseus是希腊神话中的一名英雄,主角之一,也是《奥德赛》的主人公。

2. 词性:Odysseus是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:Odysseus相关的常用词组包括:Odyssean(形容词,描述类似于Odysseus的人或事物)、Odysseus complex(一个心理学术语,指孩子对于父亲的敌意或竞争),以及Odysseus journey(指《奥德赛》中Odysseus的冒险之旅)。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[əʊˈdɪsiəs](oh-DISS-ee-uhs)


1. Odysseus used his intelligence and cunning to outsmart his enemies.(Odysseus利用他的智谋和机智来智胜他的敌人。)

2. The Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus's long journey home after the Trojan War.(《奥德赛》讲述了Odysseus在特洛伊战争之后的漫长回家之路。)

3. In literature, Odysseus is often seen as a symbol of intelligence, perseverance, and bravery.(在文学作品中,Odysseus经常被视为智慧、毅力和勇气的象征。)

4. The film adaptation of The Odyssey features a strong portrayal of the character of Odysseus.(《奥德赛》的电影改编展现了Odysseus角色的强有力描绘。)

5. Many scholars have debated the historical accuracy of the events in Odysseus's journey.(许多学者一直在争论Odysseus旅程中事件的历史准确性。)


读音:ǎo dí xī sī


1. Odysseus was a hero in Greek mythology who was known for his intelligence and cunning.


2. The story of Odysseus and his journey home after the Trojan War is one of the most famous in all of mythology.





例句:You wife has aged during these years, Odysseus. She will not match my beauty. (这么多年你的妻子已经老了 无法比拟我的美丽)


例句:Odysseus was always "clever Odysseus". (奥德修斯一直都是“聪明的奥德修斯”。)


例句:In Homer's epic, "The Odyssey," Odysseus had the answer to his "what end." (在荷马史诗《奥德赛》中, 奥德修斯对于“最后怎么样” 有自己的答案, )


例句:When Odysseus managed to escape, he not only blinded Polyphemus' only eye, but also insulted him. (翻译:当奥德修斯设法逃脱时,他不仅弄瞎了波吕斐摩斯的独眼,而且还羞辱了他。)


odysseus一般作为名词使用,如在odysseus ballets(奥德赛芭蕾)等常见短语中出现较多。

odysseus ballets奥德赛芭蕾


1. In Homer's epic, "The Odyssey," Odysseus had the answer to his "what end." (翻译:在荷马史诗《奥德赛》中, 奥德修斯对于“最后怎么样” 有自己的答案, )

2. When Odysseus managed to escape, he not only blinded Polyphemus' only eye, but also insulted him. (翻译:当奥德修斯设法逃脱时,他不仅弄瞎了波吕斐摩斯的独眼,而且还羞辱了他。)

3. Only Achilles picked up the golden sword that lay to one side, and Odysseus quickly revealed him to be male. (翻译:只有阿喀琉斯拿起了放在一边的金剑,奥德修斯马上发现了他是男人。)

4. But when Odysseus and Diomedes came in disguise to steal the Palladium, she helped them to do so as much as she could. (翻译:但当奥德修斯和狄俄墨德斯化装后来偷窃雅典娜神像时,她竭尽全力帮助了她们。)

5. And then Odysseus says, "I see that you can get it. (翻译:然后奥德修斯说;“好,你能胜任这个任务。)

6. Neither Zeus nor any god pity Odysseus, it is envy which sends you here. (翻译:宙斯或其他诸神都不会怜悯奥德修斯 是嫉妒让你来的吧)

7. And then Odysseus says, "I see that you can get it. (翻译:然后奥德修斯说;“好,你能胜任这个任务。)

8. It is clearly modeled on Odysseus' descent to Hades in the Odyssey. (翻译:这很明显是模仿奥德修斯降入地狱,《奥德赛》书中的故事。)

9. And Odysseus does his best job playacting and says, "Untie me. Untie me. (翻译:奥德修斯拼命假装求情 说:“放开我吧。放开我吧。)

10. She wants Odysseus to find his strength... and courage? (翻译:她要奥德赛找到 自己的力量... 和勇气?)

11. However she didn't receive the proposal , Odysseus was touched by his wife because of her chastity. (翻译:然而奥德赛的妻子并没有接受求婚,这令奥德赛非常感动。)

12. He is like our wanderer Odysseus, trapped and sleepy... on some island so very far away from us. (翻译:他就像是我们的流浪者奥德修斯, 困了,困... 在一些岛屿很远的距离 我们。而他正试图找回。)

13. And the first mate takes a rope and ties Odysseus to the mast in a nice knot. (翻译:大副取了绳子 把奥德修斯牢牢绑在桅杆上 )

14. In the Odyssey, king Odysseus of Ithaca proves his royal status to king Alcinous of the Faiakes. (翻译:在奥德赛,伊萨卡王奥德修斯向法亚克斯国王阿尔辛努斯证明了他的王位。)

15. The complex also features a well from the 8th century BC, roughly the period in which Odysseus is believed to have been king of Ithaca. (翻译:此外,他们还认定宫殿外的一口井也可以追溯至公元前8世纪,当时奥德修斯正是伊萨卡的统治者。)



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