hark是什么意思 hark的中文翻译、读音、例句

hark是什么意思 hark的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释: 'hark' 表示聆听、关注、注意,可以用作动词。

2. 词源: 'hark' 来自于古英语“heorcian”(聆听),后演变为“harken”,再缩短为“hark”。

3. 用法: 'hark' 通常用于文学作品或旧式文体中,不常用于日常口语。常与 'to' 连用,表达聆听或注意的意思。

4. 同义词: listen、pay attention、attend、heed等。


1. Hark! Do you hear the sound of music? (注意,你听到音乐声了吗?)

2. Hark to the voice of the wise. (聆听智者的声音。)

3. Hark, the herald angels sing! (听啊,传来天使的歌声!)

4. Hark, the dogs are barking outside. (听啊,外面的狗在叫。)

5. Hark, I will tell you a secret. (听啊,我要告诉你一个秘密。)




1. Hark! Someone is knocking at the door.(听着!有人在敲门。)

2. Hark to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.(倾听海浪拍打岸边的声音。)

3. Hark, the herald angels sing!(听啊,天使们唱着颂歌!)




例句:'He writes, and hark this, God loves dumb creatures so why not he! (他是写作的,还说: 神爱哑的东西,为什么我不能?)


例句:Hark the little lambs are bleating, and the cawing rooks are meeting in the elms a noisy crowd; (听,羊羔咩咩地细声叫喊,鸟儿们群栖在榆树之颠,他们是一伙喧闹的家伙;)


例句:Hark you, my son, try as I will I can get nothing into your head. (听着,我的孩子,尽管我很努力,什么也教不了你。)

4.听 、哈克

例句:Tsui Hark said. " ** this movie is a wish that has haunted me for 40 years. (翻译:拍这部电影是我的心愿,我想了有xx年了。)


hark一般作为名词、动词使用,如在hark at(听,听听…吧!)、hark on(大喊促使前进)、hark to(= hark at)等常见短语中出现较多。

hark at听,听听…吧!
hark on大喊促使前进
hark to= hark at
hark after追随…
hark away(命令猎犬)冲,去
hark back回想; 回到原题
hark back to回溯到,追溯到,引用
hark forward= hark away
tsui hark徐克


1. Hark you, my son, try as I will I can get nothing into your head. (翻译:听着,我的孩子,尽管我很努力,什么也教不了你。)

2. Tsui Hark said. " ** this movie is a wish that has haunted me for 40 years. (翻译:拍这部电影是我的心愿,我想了有xx年了。)

3. Unlike Jews, Gypsies have had no known ancestral land to hark back to. (翻译:吉普赛人与犹太人不同,他们没有可以回归的已知的祖居地。)

4. But slow, little girl Hark and hush (翻译:# 慢着 小姑娘 安静听我说 # # But slow, little girl Hark and hush #)

5. 'Hark at that child! ' cried Mrs Durbeyfield, with parenthetic admiration. (翻译:“听听这孩子说的吧!”德北菲尔德太太带着欣赏的神态大声说。)

6. Rabbit feet as talismans may hark back to early Celtic tribes in Britain. (翻译:兔爪作为护身符可以追溯到英国早期的凯尔特部落。)

7. 'Hark at that child!' cried Mrs Durbeyfield, with parenthetic admiration. (翻译:“听听这孩子说的吧!”德北菲尔德太太带着欣赏的神态大声说。)

8. Rabbit feet as talismans may hark back to early Celtic tribes in Britain. (翻译:兔爪作为护身符可以追溯到英国早期的凯尔特部落。)

9. Hark, the herald angels sing glory to the newborn king peace on Earth and mercy mild... (翻译:听,报信的天使 正对新生的国王庄严歌唱 和平满人间、慈悲的胸怀。)

10. Yes, that's right, keep it casual, don't see me until... hark! (翻译:对 就这样 保持随意 不要看我 直到...)

11. Hark at them, gazing on me with their trusting little eyes. (翻译:在他们倾听,在我身上凝视 借由他们信赖小的眼睛。)

12. And here, deep inside Libya, is Messak Settafet. Carved here are hundreds of images of animals, all drawn from life. (翻译:提醒着人们那曾经繁荣的时代 {\3cH202020}hark back to a time of plenty. 在麦萨克塞塔菲特 {\3cH202020}is Messak Settafet. 全都源于生活 {\3cH202020}all drawn from life.)

13. And the poem goes: "On the idle hill of summer, lazy with the flow of streams, hark I hear a distant drummer, drumming like a sound in dreams, far and near and low and louder on the roads of earth go by, dear to friend and food to powder, soldiers marching, soon to die." (翻译:诗是这样的 闲荡夏林间 溪自细细流 遥听远鼓响 鼓乐疑梦音 无常世间道 珍重朋与辈,碾食成粉末 战士踏征途 魂销沙场渺 )

14. Tsui Hark's The Flying Swords Of Dragon gate. (翻译:徐克- - -《龙门飞甲》。)

15. In years to come, economists and historians might hark back to this week as the moment the balance of world power tipped toward China. (翻译:未来几年,经济学家和历史学家也许会想起那么一个礼拜的那个时刻,那个世界力量的平衡倾向了中国的时刻。)



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