banda是什么意思 banda的中文翻译、读音、例句

banda是什么意思 banda的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Banda music: 指一种在西班牙语国家流行的音乐类型

2. Banda singer: 指演唱Banda音乐的歌手

3. Marching band:行进乐队

4. Brass band: 管乐队

5. Rock band:摇滚乐队

6. Banda music festival: Banda音乐节

7. Banda dance:Banda舞蹈


1. Join the band: 加入乐队

2. Band together: 团结在一起

3. Band practice: 乐队排练

4. Band leader: 乐队领队

5. Band mate: 乐队成员

6. Band performance: 乐队演出

7. Band tour: 乐队巡演



1. The band played a variety of music at the concert.(乐队在音乐会上演奏了各种不同类型的音乐。)

2. They are a famous Banda group in Mexico.(他们是墨西哥著名的Banda乐团。)

3. There was a brass band playing in the park.(公园里有一个管乐队在演奏。)

4. She loves to sing Banda music at karaoke.(她爱在卡拉OK唱Banda音乐。)

5. The band leader announced that they would be going on tour next month.(乐队领队宣布他们将在下个月开始巡演。)

6. We need to have band practice before the big performance.(在大型演出前我们需要进行乐队排练。)

7. The students decided to band together to protest the new policy.(学生们决定团结起来抗议新政策。)



1. A banda tocou músicas populares durante o desfile.(巴西葡语)- 乐队在游行期间演奏了流行音乐。

2. A banda de rock está fazendo um show no sábado.(葡语)- 摇滚乐队将在周六演出。

3. A banda de jazz está sempre buscando novos sons.(葡语)- 爵士乐团正在不断寻找新的声音。

4. Os membros da banda são muito talentosos.(葡语)- 乐队成员非常有才华。

5. A banda de metal tem uma grande base de fãs.(葡语)- 金属乐队拥有大量的粉丝。

6. A banda de reggae é muito popular na Jamaica.(葡语)- 摇滚乐队在牙买加很受欢迎。

7. A banda tocou várias músicas dos Beatles durante o concerto.(巴西葡语)- 乐队在音乐会上演奏了几首披头士乐队的歌曲。

8. A banda de samba animou a festa.(葡语)- 萨姆巴乐队让派对变得更加热闹。

9. A banda de música clássica deu um concerto inesquecível.(巴西葡语)- 古典乐团举办了一个难忘的音乐会。


读音:bān dà


1. 这个乐队的音乐真是太棒了!(The music of this band is really great!)

2. 很多年轻人加入了黑社会或者其他帮派。(Many young people join gangs or other groups.)

3. 他们是一个来自西班牙的流行音乐团体。(They are a popular music band from Spain.)




例句:And there were no pictures of damages, at least in Banda Aceh, where the pictures were first coming out from. (没有关于破坏的场面报道,至少在班达亚齐没有,这些画面最先就是由那里发过来的。)


例句:Mr. Banda campaigned pledging to continue Mr. Mwanawasa's pro-business and corruption fighting policies. (班达在竞选中承诺继续推行姆瓦纳瓦萨的利于商业和反腐败的政策。)


例句:Survivors from Aceh Island arrive by boat at Banda Aceh in search of food and shelter. (亚齐岛的海啸幸存者乘船抵达班达亚齐,接受救助。最新报告显示,在这次灾难中,印尼遇难人数已达到了113306人。)


例句:Nutmeg is the kernel of the fruit of the Myristica fragrans, grown in Banda Islands. (翻译:肉豆蔻皮:包在肉豆蔻核籽外的纤维网皮构成商品肉豆蔻皮。)


banda一般作为名词使用,如在hastings banda([网络] 海斯廷斯·卡穆祖·班达)、Hyrra Banda([地名] 伊拉班达 ( 中非 ))、Kamchocho Banda([地名] 卡姆乔乔班达 ( 马拉 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

hastings banda[网络] 海斯廷斯·卡穆祖·班达
Hyrra Banda[地名] 伊拉班达 ( 中非 )
Kamchocho Banda[地名] 卡姆乔乔班达 ( 马拉 )
la banda班达
North Banda Basin[地名] 北班达海盆 ( 班达海 )
South Banda Basin[地名] 南班达海盆 ( 班达海 )


1. Survivors from Aceh Island arrive by boat at Banda Aceh in search of food and shelter. (翻译:亚齐岛的海啸幸存者乘船抵达班达亚齐,接受救助。最新报告显示,在这次灾难中,印尼遇难人数已达到了113306人。)

2. Nutmeg is the kernel of the fruit of the Myristica fragrans, grown in Banda Islands. (翻译:肉豆蔻皮:包在肉豆蔻核籽外的纤维网皮构成商品肉豆蔻皮。)

3. Remove from banda Fast: With the quick kick banda can grab your opponents out of position and launch an effective counterattack. (翻译:删除从班快速:随着快速球班可以抓住你的对手的立场,并推出有效的反击。)

4. Australian soldiers unload aid from military planes in Banda Aceh. (翻译:在班达·亚齐,澳大利亚士兵从飞机上卸下救援物品。)

5. Banda's main rival, Michael Sata, leader of the largest opposition party, Patriotic Front (PF), sees things differently. (翻译:班达的主要竞争对手,最大的反对政党爱国阵线的领袖迈克尔.萨塔却不这么认为。)

6. In the aftermath of the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004, I spent days trying to locate in Banda Aceh the exact location. (翻译:在xx年的印尼海啸发生之后,我花了几天时间试图在班达亚齐寻找到确切位置。)

7. In 2006, she adopted young David Banda from Malawi despite alaw that requires adoptive parents to live in the country for oneyear, which Madonna had not done. (翻译:在xx年,麦当娜从马拉维收养了大卫班达,尽管当地法律要求收养人在国内居住xx年,但麦当娜并没有做到。)

8. Cotton cloth serving as a banda ge. once charred it become a small combustible that can replace amadou or lichen. (翻译:纯棉的布可当绷带使用。烧焦后,可成为取代火绒或苔藓的小型易燃物质。)

9. I'll recommend the Sunda islands in the Banda sea. I was there on a trip last spring. (翻译:我强烈推荐Banda海上的Songde岛, 我去年春天去过。)

10. However, acting president Rupiah Banda gradually gained ground as results began to come in from rural areas where his support is greatest. (翻译:不过,代总统班达逐渐缩小了差距,与此同时,开始清点来自农村地区选票,班达在那里有大量的支持者。)

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