eps是什么意思 eps的中文翻译、读音、例句

eps是什么意思 eps的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'eps'是英语中的缩写词,代表电子支付系统(Electronic Payment System),是一种在线支付方式,通过互联网或其他电子渠道进行支付。

2. 用途:eps广泛应用于各种购物网站、电商平台和在线支付机构中,为消费者提供便捷的支付方式,同时也能提高支付安全性和效率。

3. 特点:eps擅长处理大批量交易,可以支持多种货币种类的交易,同时还可以进行快速的支付确认和结算。

4. 优势:与传统的银行转账和信用卡支付方式相比,eps具有更高的支付速度和更低的支付成本,让消费者更加省钱、省时。

5. 发展趋势:随着互联网的普及和电子支付市场的扩大,eps将成为未来支付市场的重要发展方向之一。


1. You can use eps to pay for your online purchases quickly and securely.


2. eps is becoming increasingly popular with consumers who want to shop online.


3. Many businesses are adopting eps as their preferred payment method due to its speed and low transaction fees.


4. eps allows for easy and secure payment processing, enabling businesses to efficiently manage their finances.


5. With the rise of mobile devices and digital wallets, eps is poised for even greater growth in the coming years.


EPS是英语单词"Earnings Per Share"的缩写,意思是每股收益。在财务会计中,EPS是用来衡量一家公司每股股票所产生的盈利的指标。


1. The EPS of the company increased significantly this year. (这家公司的每股收益今年有显著增长。)

2. Investors pay close attention to a company's EPS when making investment decisions. (投资者在做投资决策时会密切关注公司的每股收益。)

3. The company's EPS exceeded market expectations. (这家公司的每股收益超过了市场预期。)

4. A higher EPS typically indicates a more profitable company. (更高的每股收益通常意味着公司更赚钱。)

5. The company's EPS is expected to decline next quarter. (这家公司的每股收益预计下个季度会下降。)

6. Some investors use EPS as a key factor in valuing a company. (一些投资者会以每股收益作为估价公司的重要因素。)

7. The company's EPS growth rate has been consistent over the past few years. (这家公司的每股收益增长率在过去几年中一直保持稳定。)

8. A company can improve its EPS by increasing its profits or reducing the number of outstanding shares. (一家公司可以通过增加利润或减少流通股数来提高每股收益。)

9. The EPS of the company is lower than its competitors in the same industry. (这家公司的每股收益低于同行业竞争对手。)


1. The electronic product is wrapped in a layer of protective EPS foam.(产品用一层保护性的聚苯乙烯泡沫包装。)

2. The company has adopted EPS as its primary packaging material due to its lightweight and durable properties.(由于其轻巧和耐用的特性,该公司已将EPS作为主要的包装材料。)




例句:The EPS graphic will only be available to your commercial printer if it is supplied as a separate linked file . (如果将EPS图形作为单独的链接文件提供,则它将只可用于专业打印机。)


例句:EPS is often designed with ribs that will compress on impact and return to its original shape. (EPS通常设支架,受到撞击时会压缩并返回原形。)


eps一般作为名词使用,如在EPS([医] 致突眼物质)、primary EPS(每股主要盈利额)、Trailing EPS([网络] 每股盈余;每股净利;每股主营业务盈利)等常见短语中出现较多。

EPS[医] 致突眼物质
primary EPS每股主要盈利额
Trailing EPS[网络] 每股盈余;每股净利;每股主营业务盈利
Eps15[=epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate clone l5]表皮生长因子受体途径的底物克隆15
Fully Diluted EPS[网络] 全面摊薄每股盈余;完全稀释每股盈余;完全稀释后每股盈余


1. The mission of the ERSC is to promote and defend the marketability of EPS resins. (翻译:ERSC的目的是加强并维护可发性聚苯乙烯树脂市场的稳定。)

2. EPS is a vectorized format used by graphic designers for professional purposes. (翻译:EPS是图表设计者用于专业目的的一种矢量格式。)

3. During the process of the Ralstonia solanacearum infecting eucalyptus seedlings, EPS played a role in enhancing the infection of bacteria. (翻译:在青枯菌侵染桉树幼苗的过程中,EPS确实起到了增强细菌侵染力的作用;)

4. These limitations are a few rules to make sure that you can insert the EPS file to a separate file, it does not damage the file. (翻译:这些限制主要就是一些规则,以保证EpS文件可以插入到不同的文件中,而不会损伤该文件。)

5. We initiate on Dynagreen (DNG)with OW(V) on EPS recovery, potential to lower finance costs, visible growthtrajectory and its SOE background. (翻译:由于EPS的恢复,公司的增长潜力和更低的财务成本,可见的增长轨迹和国企背景,我们首次对绿色动力环保给予买入评级。)

6. Listing 5. Capabilities of the eps driver. (翻译:清单5 . eps驱动程序的能力。)

7. eps on prepared flipchart. Explain reason for each step. Ask trainees to comment and question on each step. (翻译:将所有程序的主要内容事先写在准备好的白板纸上,逐步作以讲解,在讲解过程中要不时请学员发表建议并提问。)

8. But neither the proteins related to synthesis of EPS nor proteins related to symbiotic nodulation was detected in strain 2178. (翻译:但在2178中未检测到以上与EPS合成相关蛋白的差异表达,也未检测到其它与结瘤共生相关的蛋白。)

9. EPS soft base treatment is introduced as a new technology in the project of Gang Xin expressway of Tongsan National Highway. (翻译:通过EPS轻质路堤在同三国道港新段高速公路中的应用,介绍EPS这一种软基处理的新型技术。)

10. Application of the Weightless Material EPS in Soft Soil Treatment at Approach Road of the Danao River Bridge (翻译:EPS超轻质材料在淡澳河大桥引道软基处理中的应用)

11. And different pH values in the fermenter culture conditions, the EPS found in the pH 5 the highest biological activity. (翻译:而在控不同pH值发酵槽条件下培养,发现于pH5的多糖其生物活性最高。)

12. March EPS guidance: $4.90 vs. $4.43 Street consensus, anything over $3.92 solid (翻译:xx月份每股收益指导:4.9美圆对4.43美圆的华尔街市场预测,只要超过金额3.92美圆 )

13. The concentration of EVA emulsion has no impact on cushioning properties of EP-EPS cushioning packaging materials. 4. (翻译:EVA乳胶的浓度对EP-EPS缓冲包装材料的缓冲性能基本没有影响。4。)

14. OBJECTIVE: To discuss the general pattern and characteristics of drug-induced extrapyramidal syndrome(EPS). (翻译:目的:探讨药物引起锥体外系反应的特点及一般规律。)

15. A lot of digital and appliances with tiny corrugated do-lined in place of the traditional cushioning material EpE, EpS, and so on. (翻译:很多数码及小家电产品则用微细瓦楞纸板做内衬以替代传统的缓冲材料EpE、EpS等。)



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