hypo是什么意思 hypo的中文翻译、读音、例句

hypo是什么意思 hypo的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. "hypo"表示"假设"或"猜想"的含义

- 词性:缩写词

- 释义:表示"假设"或"猜想"

- 用法:通常作为"假设"或"猜想"的缩写,在各种学术研究和科学实验中经常使用。

- 相关词汇:hypothesize(动词,意为"假设"或"猜测");hypothesis testing(假设检验)。

- 中英例句:

- Our research is based on the hypo that climate change will have a significant impact on agricultural production.(我们的研究是基于这样的假设:气候变化将对农业生产产生重大影响。)

- The hypo needs to be tested by further experiments.(这个假设需要通过进一步的实验来检验。)

2. "hypo"表示"低血糖"的含义

- 词性:缩写词

- 释义:表示"低血糖"

- 用法:通常作为医学术语,在描述有关血糖水平的情况时使用。

- 相关词汇:hypoglycemia(名词,意为"低血糖");hyperglycemia(名词,意为"高血糖")。

- 中英例句:

- He has been experiencing frequent episodes of hypo due to his diabetes.(由于糖尿病,他经常发生低血糖的情况。)

- If you have hypo, it is important to eat or drink something sugary to raise your blood sugar levels.(如果您出现低血糖,那么吃或喝一些含糖的东西提高血糖水平是非常重要的。)


读音:hái pōu


1. Hypothetically speaking, if I were to win the lottery, I would travel around the world.


2. The hypoglycemic patient needs to eat something to raise their blood sugar.





例句:He made Billy get some Drano from the garage and together we filled the hypo. (他让比利去车库拿了一些氢氧化钠... ...我们还搀进一些硫代硫酸钠)


例句:Results:5 cases' lumbar MR manifest uniformity hypo-signal in T1WI, uniformity hypo-signal in T2WI. (结果5例腰椎椎体表现为于T1WI呈均匀一致低信号,于T2WI呈均匀一致高信号。)


例句:And all the human beans would be rummaging and wiffling for the giant what you saw and getting wildly excited, and then they'd be locking me up in a cage to be looked at with all the squiggling you know, hypo-dumplings and croco-down-dillies and gigi-raffes. (所有的人豆会去寻找你说的巨人 他们会很兴奋 然后我会被关进笼子里 和饿鱼还有撑颈鹿关在一起)


例句:The performance-based design was adopted and the hypo-safety area as antehall. (翻译:采用性能化设计,次安全区域为前厅。)


hypo一般作为名词、动词使用,如在hypo acid(次酸)、hypo bath(海波浴槽,大苏打浴槽)、hypo chondria(n. 忧郁症;臆想病(hypochondrium的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

hypo acid次酸
hypo bath海波浴槽,大苏打浴槽
hypo chondrian. 忧郁症;臆想病(hypochondrium的复数)
hypo elimination海波消除
hypo eliminator海波消除剂
hypo eutectoidn. 低易熔质\nadj. 亚共析的
hypo indicator定影液指示剂
hypo number海波值(纸浆硬度)
hypo soda大苏打
hypo solution[医] 海波溶液, 硫代硫酸钠溶液(定影剂)


1. And all the human beans would be rummaging and wiffling for the giant what you saw and getting wildly excited, and then they'd be locking me up in a cage to be looked at with all the squiggling you know, hypo-dumplings and croco-down-dillies and gigi-raffes. (翻译:所有的人豆会去寻找你说的巨人 他们会很兴奋 然后我会被关进笼子里 和饿鱼还有撑颈鹿关在一起)

2. The performance-based design was adopted and the hypo-safety area as antehall. (翻译:采用性能化设计,次安全区域为前厅。)

3. The heart of the case is the allegation that Mr Sanader received backhanders from the Austrian bank, Hypo-Alpe-Adria, which I wrote about last year. (翻译:这起案件的核心是指控萨纳德从奥地利的海珀银行收受了贿赂,关于此事我已在去年的文章中有过报道。)

4. At caudal hypo-thalamus level, it runs in ventral tegmental area and a region between medial lemniscus and cerebral peduncle. (翻译:至下丘脑尾侧部行于被盖腹侧区及其背外侧,在内侧丘系与大脑脚间。)

5. The protective effect of hypo xic RT on normal tissues has been proved. However, there was not an affirmative answer whether hypoxic RT had any protective effect on tumor. (翻译:低氧对正常组织 放射 保护作用已被证实,但它是否对肿瘤也存在 保护作用尚无肯定答案。)

6. Application of Horizontal Well Tech in Digging Potential to Oil Reservoir with Hypo-Produce Bottom Water and Positive Gradus Thick Oil Layer (翻译:水平井技术在正韵律厚油层次生底水油藏挖潜中的应用)

7. Bertha can improve the accuracy, movement and reload speed of any soldier, as well as reduce weapon recoil by using these hypo guns. (翻译:注射兴奋剂来增加任意一名队员的准确率、移动力和上弹速度,同时可以减少武器的后坐力。)

8. Then the door opened, letting in light, and through slits beneath my eyelashes I saw a nurse with a hypo in her hand. (翻译:然后门打开了,光透了进来,我从眯着的眼缝里看到一个护士拿着针走了进来。)

9. If, says Rolf Holub, a Green politician in Klagenfurt, it now turns out that Hypo was also financing organised crime, that would add a "new dimension" to the story. (翻译:克拉根福一名绿营政客Rolf表示,如果事实证明海波确实参与了一系列有组织有预谋的犯罪活动,那么检方将会对海波事件展开新一轮的调查。)

10. Hypo Real Estate was Germany's largest property lender: it is hard to think of a duller but more profitable dominant position. (翻译:HypoRealEstate是德国最大的房贷银行:这种支配地位枯燥无味、却利润丰厚,难找出其右者。)

11. Using precisely graduator of cam, hypo-mood position fixing accurately. (翻译:采用精密凸轮分度器,下模定位精确。)

12. It consists of embossed cloth , medical hypo- allergenic adhesive and absorbent pad. it can be used for fixing cannula. (翻译:主要由轧花无纺布、医用压敏胶、吸水垫构成,适用于输液、输血等固定管子用。)

13. It reduces the high hypo syntony wave output part included in the converted input current. (翻译:减少了变频器输入电流中包含的高次谐波成份的输出。)

14. Secondly, mineral makeup is all natural and hypo-allergenic. (翻译:其次,矿物化妆品是纯天然和无刺激性的。)



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