fillings是什么意思 fillings的中文翻译、读音、例句

fillings是什么意思 fillings的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:dental fillings(牙齿充填物),tooth fillings(牙齿上的充填物),metal fillings(金属充填物),composite fillings(复合充填物)等。

相关短语:fillings are falling out(充填物脱落),fillings need to be replaced(充填物需要更换),fillings are causing sensitivity(充填物导致敏感)等。






1. I need to go to the dentist to get my fillings checked.


2. The sandwich had a variety of fillings including ham, cheese, and lettuce.





例句:Then try to enwrap all the fillings into glutinous rice dough. (然后将所有的馅料包进一个个面团里。)


例句:Then you can try to enwrap all the fillings into glutinous rice dough. (然后将选择的馅料包进一个个面团里。)


例句:With its production of a wide variety of craft products, you can add many fillings are durable. (用其制作各种各样的工艺制品,可以加甚多填充材料不易爆裂。)


例句:These cheeses generally pair well with fruit or meats, or can be used as breakfast cheeses in an omelette nor as pasta fillings. (翻译:这些奶酪大都可以很好地与水果或肉类搭配食用,也可当做早餐奶酪,或是加入到意大利面中。)


fillings一般作为名词使用,如在iron fillings(铁屑)、stope fillings(工作面充填料)、stove fillings(热风炉格子砖)等常见短语中出现较多。

iron fillings铁屑
stope fillings工作面充填料
stove fillings热风炉格子砖


1. With its production of a wide variety of craft products, you can add many fillings are durable. (翻译:用其制作各种各样的工艺制品,可以加甚多填充材料不易爆裂。)

2. These cheeses generally pair well with fruit or meats, or can be used as breakfast cheeses in an omelette nor as pasta fillings. (翻译:这些奶酪大都可以很好地与水果或肉类搭配食用,也可当做早餐奶酪,或是加入到意大利面中。)

3. Or you could add diced ham, red or green peppers or maybe even some sauted onions as great fillings for your omelet. (翻译:或者你也可以用切好的火腿、青红椒、或者一点炒过的洋葱也是不错的馅料。)

4. The fillings can be either meat or vegetables. (翻译:馅料可以是肉或蔬菜。)

5. In Mexico, they killed farmers for coins in their cushions, or gold fillings in their teeth. (翻译:在墨西哥 他们为了垫子里的硬币 或填补的金牙就可以杀人)

6. And I dunno about you, brother, but every time I walk past that concrete wall out there, my fillings hurt. (翻译:我不知道你怎么想,兄弟 但每次我经过那面水泥墙 我的牙齿填充物就会痛)

7. Diagenesis data indicate that the Silurian asphaltic sandstones are the products of multiple fillings of hydrocarbon. (翻译:志留系沥青砂岩的成岩作用特征等资料证明,沥青砂岩的形成是烃类多期次注入的结果。)

8. Chefs today are using mayonnaise for a variety of applications ranging from baking and gratins to stir-frying and savoury pastry fillings; (翻译:厨师们如今把蛋黄酱用做对烤制各类烘烤和烤乳酪丝,以及做为咸点的配料使用。)

9. On New Year's Day people traditionally eat dumplings made with egg and shrimp fillings to encourage a year of peace. (翻译:元旦这天人们通常吃饺子馅和鸡蛋和虾,鼓励xx年的和平。)

10. The usual fillings for Yuanxiao or Tangyuan are made of sugar, sesame, walnuts, osmanthus flowers, and bean or jujube paste. (翻译:元宵或汤圆的馅通常是用糖、芝麻、核桃、桂花以及豆沙或枣泥制成的。)

11. And so there is an increase in people having to have their fillings replaced. (翻译:于是,越来越多的人不得不替换他们补牙所用的材料。)

12. The onus is on UK crematoria to halve mercury emissions, which come mainly from tooth fillings, by 2012 and eliminate them altogether by 2020. (翻译:xx年英国的火葬场有义务在xx年前让水银蒸发量减半,到xx年要实现无蒸发。火葬场的水银蒸发主要产生于牙齿填充物。)

13. And this includes 5,000 pounds of mercury from our dental fillings alone every year. (翻译:其中包括每年用于补牙的 5000磅的汞 )

14. The key to the performance of anticorrosive coating was the kind of fillings and dosage. (翻译:合理地选择颜填料的种类及其含量是决定防腐蚀涂料耐腐蚀性能的关键。)

15. Soil scientists at Washington State University, the grad students, anyway, are working to compost teeth with amalgam fillings so that we can understand what happens to the mercury therein. (翻译:华盛顿州立大学的土壤学家 及研究生们 正在堆肥充满汞合金的牙齿 以便我们了解在这一过程中的汞会发生什么 )



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