valuing是什么意思 valuing的中文翻译、读音、例句

valuing是什么意思 valuing的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:valuing是value的现在分词形式,表示“价值、估价、评价”等含义。

2. 词性:动词的现在分词形式。

3. 常用场景:在商业、金融、房地产等领域中使用较多,通常指对某一物品、资产、服务等的估价、评价、判断等。

4. 词组搭配:

- value something at:将某物估价为。

- value for money:物有所值。

- overvaluing:过高估价。

- self-valuing:自我评价。

5. 相关短语:

- value added:附加值。

- intrinsic value:内在价值。

- market value:市场价值。

- net present value:净现值。

6. 发音拼写:

- 英式发音:['væljuːɪŋ]

- 美式发音:['væljuɪŋ]




1. The company is valuing its assets before making a decision on the merger.


2. She always values honesty above all else.


3. The teacher emphasized the importance of valuing diversity and respecting differences.





例句:The ASB argues that there are already good examples of accountants valuing unlikely objects and buildings. (会计准则理事会辩称,已经有一些很好的例子表明,会计人员可以为那些不可能衡量的物品和建筑物定价。)


例句:These provide base for the correct measurement and valuing of graptolite reflectivity . (从而为笔石反射率的正确测定和取值奠定了基础。)


例句:Valuing the Measurement Uncertainty of the System That is Used for Demarcating the Ordinarily Manometer with the Exactitude Manometer (精密压力表标定普通压力系统的测量不确定度评价)


例句:Dig up anything you can... e-mails, songs, poems... anything that points to him valuing life. (翻译:挖出任何你能找到的信息 邮件 歌曲 诗 所有能表明他珍惜生命的)


1. Valuing the Measurement Uncertainty of the System That is Used for Demarcating the Ordinarily Manometer with the Exactitude Manometer (翻译:精密压力表标定普通压力系统的测量不确定度评价)

2. Dig up anything you can... e-mails, songs, poems... anything that points to him valuing life. (翻译:挖出任何你能找到的信息 邮件 歌曲 诗 所有能表明他珍惜生命的)

3. In the workplace, real equality means valuing family just as much as work, and understanding that the two reinforce each other. (翻译:在职场中, 真正的平等是对家庭 和工作给予同样的价值衡量, 并懂得两者是相辅相成的。)

4. When we began valuing sustainability, more people began to recycle. (翻译:当我们意识到了可持续性的重要之处, 更多的人开始已经 把目光转向了循环利用。)

5. Of communism -- of valuing the society and the state over the individual and squashing, inadvertently, creativity, individual self-expression and innovation. (翻译:共产主义-- 社会与国家利益高于个人利益 不经意间,创意、 个人思想表达和创新遭到践踏 )

6. And what makes it really hard to see this paradox and even wrap our brains around it is that we have this thing that I call the quantification bias, which is the unconscious belief of valuing the measurable over the immeasurable. (翻译:要看清这样一个矛盾, 哪怕仅仅去认真思考它, 也是困难重重, 原因在于我们偏爱量化, 比起不能量化的, 总是不自觉地相信 能够量化的。)

7. Valuing one's depression does not prevent a relapse, but it may make the prospect of relapse and even relapse itself easier to tolerate. (翻译:正视抑郁的价值 并不能保证不再复发 但是却能改变看待抑郁复发的态度 甚至会减弱抑郁复发的程度 )

8. I suggest that real equality, full equality, does not just mean valuing women on male terms. (翻译:我认为真正的、 完全的平等, 不是只用男人的准则 去衡量女性的价值。)

9. Theconversion of costs into dollars is occasionally controversial, and nowhere isit more controversial than in valuing human life. (翻译:很多时候,完全用货币表示成本的方法有很大的争议,尤其是在评价人的生命的价值时。)

10. One of these days, people will come out of fandom and stop over valuing our talent. (翻译:总有一天,人们将会从球迷中走出来,停止对我们的天才过高的估计。)

11. They are valuing the land. My brothers don't care about the building. (翻译:他们是来估这块地价格 哥哥们才不在乎这栋建筑)

12. If you went and you were valuing two companies against one another, you'd want to know which was more valuable. (翻译:如果要你对两家公司进行对比评价 你肯定会想了解哪一家公司更有价值 )

13. They called this the Intentional Fallacy: the belief that valuing an artist's intentions was misguided. (翻译:他们称之为意图谬误: 倚重于艺术创作者的意图—— 这种看法是一种误导。)

14. So I started asking myself the question: How can we get leaders to start valuing the intangible? (翻译:所以我开始问自己: 如何我们才能让领导者开始重视无形的的东西? )

15. However, Wanzi loved Lixiang at that time. Only he did not know valuing of her. (翻译:不过,那时完治也爱着莉香,只是他不懂得珍惜。)



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