victorious是什么意思 victorious的中文翻译、读音、例句

victorious是什么意思 victorious的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:'victorious'是一个形容词,意为“胜利的、成功的”。这个单词通常用来描述一个人、团队或国家赢得了一场战斗或竞争。

2. 用法:这个单词通常用在正式场合或瞩目的事件中。它可以被用来描述一场体育比赛、一次政治争议或企业的成功营销活动等等。

3. 搭配:'victorious'可以和许多动词或名词搭配使用,比如win a victorious battle (赢得胜利的战斗)、be victorious over one's enemies (战胜敌人)、enjoy a victorious season (享有胜利的赛季)。


1. The home team emerged victorious in the final game of the season. (主队在赛季末最后一场比赛中胜出。)

2. The candidate gave a victorious speech after winning the election. (这位候选人在赢得选举后发表了一篇胜利的演讲。)

3. The company's new product launch was a victorious marketing campaign. (公司的新产品上市是一场成功的营销活动。)

4. He felt victorious after completing the marathon. (完成马拉松后,他感到非常成功。)

5. The victorious general was greeted as a hero upon his return. (胜利的将军在回来时被视为英雄受到了欢迎。)




1. The army was victorious in the battle.(军队在战斗中获胜。)

2. She felt victorious after completing the marathon.(完成马拉松比赛后,她觉得非常成功。)

3. The team was greeted with a victorious cheer from the crowd.(团队受到观众的胜利欢呼。)




例句:The only way the county and provincial governments will survive is if we are victorious in this war. (如果从省到县的政府都还想存在 唯一的希望就是盼着战争能够打胜)


例句:Through the blessing of God they met the thus far victorious enemy and turned the fortunes of the day. (承蒙上帝厚爱... 他们虽遇上了数量上远胜于己 的敌人,却最终扭转了战局)


例句:Battle after battle, they returned victorious. (一场又一场的战争, 狩猎者军团战无不胜.)


例句:The victorious team was cheered by all the funs. (翻译:这支得胜的队伍获得全体球迷的欢呼。)


victorious一般作为名词使用,如在emerge victorious([体]得胜)、the victorious team(na. 优胜队)等常见短语中出现较多。

emerge victorious[体]得胜
the victorious teamna. 优胜队


1. Battle after battle, they returned victorious. (翻译:一场又一场的战争, 狩猎者军团战无不胜.)

2. The victorious team was cheered by all the funs. (翻译:这支得胜的队伍获得全体球迷的欢呼。)

3. Neither side was victorious, but it confirmed the status of the United States as a fully independent nation. (翻译:都是一些大型的商业捕鱼导致的 鲨鱼非常重要 它们是顶级掠食者)

4. This is probably the first real press release by a victorious army that we've got. (翻译:这可能是 由获胜方发表的第一场 真正意义上的 新闻发布会)

5. We have seen you victorious in much more desperate situations. (翻译:我们看过你们在更危急的 情况下都能转危为安)

6. You will be victorious, where Varinius failed. (翻译:你会获得胜利, 在Varinius失败了。)

7. See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, humble... and riding on a donkey. (翻译:瞧,你们的王来了 一身正气,凯旋而来,而且谦卑有礼 还是骑着驴进城的)

8. Five years and a war later, they were driven out of Krajina by a victorious Croatian army. (翻译:经过xx年的时间和一场战争的洗礼,他们被克罗地亚军队打败并被赶出亚克拉伊纳地区。)

9. Why, this is the perfect way for me to celebrate this victorious moment. (翻译:哈 对我来说这才是完美的 庆祝胜利的方式)

10. Will the Japanese underdog prove itself victorious despite Porsche's slanderous claims? (翻译:将日本的弱者的证明自己的胜利,尽管保时捷诽谤索赔?)

11. All the armed force was on the side of the kings, and yet the Church was victorious. (翻译:所有的武装力量都在国王这方面,然而教会还是胜利的。)

12. But these instructions are supposed to be inferior, simply because Borodino was the first battle in which Napoleon was not victorious. (翻译:这些部署和命令之所以好像比以前差,那不过是因为波罗底诺战役是拿破仑第一次败北罢了。)

13. The rebels left victorious, but many lives were lost in the battle, including Spartacus’ lieutenant Crixus. (翻译:反叛者虽然取得了胜利, 但是在战争中牺牲者众多, 包括斯巴达克斯的助理官克雷斯。)

14. The old bull is victorious. (翻译:老斗士胜利了 {\3cH202020}The old bull is victorious.)

15. The Light can be subdued but never defeated by the dark Ones, and the truth is that the Light will always be victorious. (翻译:圣光确实可以被减弱,但是从未可能被黑暗击败,而真相就是,【圣光】总是最后的赢家。)

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