heirloom是什么意思 heirloom的中文翻译、读音、例句

heirloom是什么意思 heirloom的中文翻译、读音、例句





- The wedding ring that my grandmother gave me is an heirloom that has been passed down for generations.

- This quilt was made by my great-grandmother and is a cherished family heirloom.

- This antique watch was an heirloom passed down from my grandfather.




- The museum has a collection of heirlooms that belonged to famous historical figures.

- She inherited a collection of heirloom jewelry from her aunt and plans to pass them down to future generations.

- He collects antique books and considers them to be heirlooms of literature.




- These tomatoes are heirloom varieties that have been grown in the same region for over 100 years.

- I learned how to make this recipe from my grandmother, who passed it down as an heirloom of our family's cooking tradition.

- The heirloom seeds I planted in my garden are producing a bountiful harvest.


1. She inherited her great-grandmother's antique brooch, which is a valuable heirloom in her family.


2. The restaurant's signature dish is a recipe that has been an heirloom passed down through generations of the chef's family.


3. The candlesticks on the mantelpiece were a family heirloom that had been brought over from Europe by the first settlers.


4. This quilt was lovingly made by my grandmother and is an heirloom that has been treasured by our family for many years.


5. The heirloom seeds that I planted in my garden produced a variety of colorful flowers that attracted many bees and butterflies.





1. This quilt is an heirloom that has been passed down through our family for generations. (这条被子是我们家世代相传的传家宝。)

2. The antique vase on the mantelpiece is a valuable heirloom that has been in our family for over a century. (壁炉架上的古董花瓶是我们家值钱的传家宝,已经有一个多世纪了。)




例句:John's right, it's an old Gilbert family heirloom that protects its owner from death by a supernatural entity. (John带的戒指 是Gilbert家的传家宝 能保护戴戒指的人免死于超自然攻击)


例句:Important heirloom to aid him on his quest . . . Harry has his father's Invisibility Cloak. . . Luke has his father's light saber. (有重要的家传宝物,帮助其完成使命。·哈利有父亲的隐身斗篷。·卢克有父亲的光剑。)


例句:He spent the next thirty years selling every every heirloom in Chang Dynasty to collectors' museums. (接着xx年 他把张家的清朝传家宝一件件 卖给收藏家和博物馆)


例句:I know. It's ridiculous. Just tell people it's a family heirloom. (翻译:我知道这很荒谬 但你就跟别人说这是传家宝)


heirloom一般作为名词使用,如在heirloom seed([网络] 祖传种子)等常见短语中出现较多。

heirloom seed[网络] 祖传种子


1. He spent the next thirty years selling every every heirloom in Chang Dynasty to collectors' museums. (翻译:接着xx年 他把张家的清朝传家宝一件件 卖给收藏家和博物馆)

2. I know. It's ridiculous. Just tell people it's a family heirloom. (翻译:我知道这很荒谬 但你就跟别人说这是传家宝)

3. He protects the nest as if it's a family heirloom. (翻译:它努力保护它的鸟巢 就像是保护它的传家宝)

4. The high quality designs and workmanship are so marvelous that Bulova watches are heirloom quality, and they are often given from one generation to the next generation with love. (翻译:高品质的设计和工艺上是如此奇妙的宝路华手表是祖传的质量,他们经常是从一代到下一代的爱。)

5. Two weeks ago, Harry sent us here to find his priceless family heirloom. (翻译:两个星期前,哈利送到我们这里 找到他的无价的传家宝。)

6. Heirloom seeds come from plants that were traditionally grown in human populations, as opposed to the seeds used for large-scale agricultural production. (翻译:传家宝种子来自传统的人类种植的植物,而不是来自用于大规模农业生产的种子。)

7. This year, she's planning to plant rare heirloom vegetables that you can't get in the store. (翻译:今年,她计划种她们家祖传的稀有蔬菜,在店里是买不到的。)

8. as she does her life, or her garden in Atherton, stuffed at various times with everything from heirloom tomatoes to bearded irises. (翻译:相反,她可能会像对待自己的人生或阿瑟顿花园一样,伺机使用各种元素,从祖传番茄到有髯鸢尾无一不用。)

9. It's a family heirloom, a link between my past, the country where my parents were born, and the future, the unknown places I'll take it. (翻译:这是一件家传宝物, 它连接着我的过去, 和我父母所出生的国家, 以及未来, 那些我将带它游历的未知的地方。)

10. But they'd always leave an heirloom as a legacy to protect the ones that they loved. (翻译:但最后他们总会留下一件宝贵的遗产 并对其呵护备至,就像对待自己的亲人一样)

11. Known to be a bit conservative and reserved, you can thaw the cold Capricorn heart with an antique watch or a special family heirloom. (翻译:一款古旧的手表或是特别的传家之物会让保守念旧的摩羯座整个心都变软。)

12. The most outstanding model would have a chance to wear 3G's heirloom (翻译:没错 在海南表现突出的模特儿 可能有机会可以佩戴3G的家传之宝)

13. This is especially true with heirloom varieties, which are cultivated for taste over appearance. (翻译:传统的品种尤其如此,它们的培养特别注重滋味多于注重外观。)

14. Wearing her fortune, from gold threads in her sari to a priceless heirloom headpiece, Nagavi sits with family on her wedding day in India. (翻译:戴着她的财宝,她的金线纱丽以及无价传家宝头饰,印度的娜佳维在她的结婚日和家人坐在一起。)

15. He took my dad's watch collection and my mother's heirloom silver. (翻译:他把我爸爸的手表收藏 和我母亲的传家宝银。)



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