election是什么意思 election的中文翻译、读音、例句

election是什么意思 election的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:Election可以指各种类型的选举,包括政治选举,工会选举,学生会选举等等。

2. 过程:选举通常包括提名候选人,拉票,投票等环节。候选人会根据自己的政见、经验和承诺来争取选民的支持。在选举日,选民可以投票支持自己认为最好的候选人。

3. 重要性:选举是民主社会中非常重要的一个环节,通过选举可以决定谁来管理国家,影响一个国家的政策和发展方向。也可以让选民的声音得到充分的体现。

4. 名词形式:elect为动词形式,election是名词形式。在美国,election day通常会被当作假日来庆祝,以提醒人们去投票。


1. The presidential election will be held next month, and there are three candidates in the race. (总统选举将于下个月举行,有三名候选人参选。)

2. The election was a close one, with only a few votes separating the winner from the loser. (选举非常紧张,获胜者与失败者之间只有几个选票的差距。)

3. The student council election will be held next week, and candidates are campaigning around the school. (学生会选举将于下周举行,候选人在学校各处拉票。)

4. The election process is fair and transparent, and each vote is counted accurately. (选举过程是公正公开的,每张选票都被准确地计算。)

5. The election results were surprising, as the candidate who was expected to win did not come out on top. (选举结果让人惊讶,预计会获胜的候选人没有拔得头筹。)



1. The election for the next president will be held next month.(下个月将会举行下一任总统的选举。)

2. I have been nominated as a candidate in the local election.(我被提名为当地选举的候选人。)

3. The election results were announced last night.(选举结果昨晚被宣布。)

4. It is important to exercise your right to vote in the election.(在选举中行使你的投票权是非常重要的。)

5. The election campaign is in full swing.(选举运动正在如火如荼地展开。)

6. The election turnout was very high this year.(今年选民的投票率非常高。)

7. He was the clear winner in the election.(他在选举中是清晰的赢家。)

8. The election polls show that the race is very close.(选举民调表明比赛非常胶着。)

9. The election commission is responsible for overseeing the entire process.(选举委员会负责监督整个过程。)




1. The presidential election will be held next month. (总统选举将于下个月举行。)

2. The election results showed a clear victory for the incumbent party. (选举结果显示现任党获得了明显的胜利。)

3. It is important to exercise your right to vote in every election. (在每次选举中行使你的选举权非常重要。)




例句:Since the night of the election. (就是大选那晚 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3c000000}{\4cH000000}Since the night of the election.)


例句:We had a White Paper when they called election. (政府白皮书都写好了 可惜大选了 We had a White Paper when they called election.)


例句:The country is in the throes of a general election. (该国正忙于大选。)


例句:Look, Franklin there happened to be a general election yesterday... (翻译:听着 弗兰克林 昨天有一个选举 Look, Franklin there happened to be a general election yesterday...)


election一般作为名词使用,如在the election(选举)、differential election(差额选举)、direct election([法] 直接选举)等常见短语中出现较多。

the election选举
differential election差额选举
direct election[法] 直接选举
double election再选
equal election平等选举
election address竞选演说
election agent[法] 选举代理人
election board选举委员会;选举事务所
election Bristol选票用纸


1. The country is in the throes of a general election. (翻译:该国正忙于大选。)

2. Look, Franklin there happened to be a general election yesterday... (翻译:听着 弗兰克林 昨天有一个选举 Look, Franklin there happened to be a general election yesterday...)

3. You mean after the election, right? (翻译:你是说选举之后 对吧? You mean after the election, right?)

4. I focused on a critical yet largely untapped resource for election modernization: local election officials. (翻译:我专注于一种重要但很大程度上 未开发的资源 来进行选举现代化。那就是地方选举官员。)

5. that he is not running for re-election. (翻译:提前到今天 that he is not running for re -election.)

6. The presumable result is an election defeat. (翻译:推测结果是竞选可能会失败。)

7. You see, even if the idea of the election is perfect, running a countrywide election is a big project, and big projects are messy. (翻译:你看,即使这个 选举的理念是完美的 进行一个全国性的选举是一项大工程 大工程容易乱 )

8. Meanwhile, Kachin political parties are struggling to get approval from the Union Election Commission (UEC) to contest the election. (翻译:目前,克钦族政党都在努力从联邦选举委员会获得批准参选。)

9. It is dated before the election. (翻译:这是选举前签的 算不到你头上 It is dated before the election.)

10. We were discussing election observers, and the election commissioner was talking about "mulahiz" in Arabic. (翻译:我们正在讨论选举的观察员, 选举委员们用 阿拉伯语讨论着“mulahiz”。)

11. - Was there an open election? (翻译:自由选举出来的? Was there an open election?)

12. An election is pending in Italy. (翻译:意大利即将进行选举。)

13. ...to damage me in an election year. (翻译:那就是阻碍了我的选举 To damage me in an election year.)

14. Midterm re-election rates for senators was 82%. (翻译:参议员的中途改选率是百分之八十二 Midterm re -election rates for senators was 82%.)

15. The National Election Council is supposed to certify the results of the election. (翻译:国家选举委员会将为选举结果作证。)



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