1. 定义: 'indemand'是指在当前市场中非常受欢迎或需要的。它可以用来描述产品、服务、技能或人才等。
2. 同义词: popular, sought-after, wanted, in request, in vogue
3. 反义词: unpopular, undesirable, undesirable, out of favor, out of fashion
4. 用法:'indemand'通常作为形容词使用,后置于名词之后。例如:an indemand musician, an indemand skill
5. 应用场景:'indemand'可以用来描述任何市场领域,如职业、娱乐、科技等。
1. This designer's clothes are in demand all over the world.
2. The company is looking for an engineer with indemand skills.
3. In today's job market, candidates with multiple language skills are in demand.
4. The concert tickets are in demand and selling out fast.
5. The new technology course at the university is in high demand among students.
1. This skill set is in high demand in the current job market. (这种技能在目前的就业市场中非常受欢迎。)
2. The company is struggling to keep up with the high demand for its products. (公司难以满足其产品的高需求。)
3. The band's latest album is in demand and has already sold out in many stores. (乐队的最新专辑非常受欢迎,已经在许多商店售罄。)
例句:John Dillinger said the problem with living outside the law is that you no longer have the protection of it. (Mac? 我们公开要求政府 We publically demand the administration 公布批准刺杀行动的备忘录 release the memorandum authorizing the killing.)
1. We all know that in our on-demand lives, one of the things that's most on demand is ourselves. (翻译:我们都知道,在我们的按需生活中, 一种最迫切需要之物 就是自己。)
2. Demand is outstripping supply. (翻译:需求快超过供给了。)
3. In the name of the goddess, Anisette, I demand audience with Orin Tuck! (翻译:I demand audience with Orin Tuck!)
4. And demand its official intervention (翻译:阿非利加主教们必须要求拉文纳法庭为此负责)
5. The material appears on Demand's own family of sites, but also on mainstream media outlets such as USA Today. (翻译:这些资料都出现在Demand自己的官方网站上,但是也会出现在主流媒体上比如USAToday之类的。)
6. How dare you demand the truth. (翻译:你还好意思要实话 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3c000000}{\4cH000000}How dare you demand the truth.)
7. When will we demand clean air in India? (翻译:那我们要何时才会要求 让印度获得清洁的空气? )
8. In recent years, the demand for methylglyoxal increased with the rise of the demand for imidazole and furanone. (翻译:近年来随着咪唑以及呋喃酮等香料需求的增加,丙酮醛的需求也在逐步升高。)
9. Are these factors, which create a demand or lack of demand, for a particular currency easy to identify or isolate? (翻译:对某一特定货币来说,影响其供求大小的因素是否很容易单独挑选出来?)
10. He will demand that you ban abortion, Sunday trading... (翻译:He will demand that you ban abortion, Sunday trading...)
11. A suggested agenda, not a demand. (翻译:建议性议程 A suggested agenda. 而不是作为要求 Not a demand.)
12. Since it happened, was there any demand for money? (翻译:因为它发生了... ... - 我们没有问钱?)
13. I demand an audience with His Satanic Majesty! (翻译:我请求撒旦陛下聆听! I demand an audience with His Satanic Majesty!)
14. On the other hand the elevation of brand credit will reduce merchandise demand elasticity and steepen the demand curve. (翻译:另一方面品牌信用度的提高使得品牌商品的需求弹性变小,需求曲线变陡峭。)
15. Sputtering overall demand tends to reduce demand for capital, too. (翻译:溅射总需求也会趋于减少资本需求。)