pick off是什么意思 pick off的中文翻译、读音、例句

pick off是什么意思 pick off的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇意思

Pick off是一个动词短语,常常用于描述击落或伏击某人或某物。它可以指从一个群体中分离出来,或者是从一个组织或计划中消除某个元素。

2. 运用领域

Pick off在体育运动领域中非常常用,特别是在棒球比赛中,它指的是击落打者并将他赶回更衣室。它也可以用于空射射击游戏,如枪击运动或猎鸟运动中,指的是精准地射击一个目标。

Pick off还可以在军事战争中使用,它可以描述对敌军的狙击或地面人员的伏击。

除了体育和军事领域,Pick off还可以在商业和日常生活中使用。在商业中,它可以指市场份额的逐渐丧失;在日常生活中,可以指将一些违法行为的元素逐个消除。

3. 搭配词汇

- Pick off from:从某个位置或事件中分离出某些元素

- Pick off a target:在空射射击游戏中,射击一个固定的目标

- Pick off a player:在棒球比赛中,通过击球手将他送回更衣室

- Pick off a sniper:狙击敌人


1. The catcher tried to pick off the runner who was stealing second base. (捕手试图将偷二垒的跑者抓出局。)

2. In this game, players get points for picking off targets that are far away. (在这个游戏中,玩家会得分,因为他们射击了远处的目标。)

3. The sniper was able to pick off the enemy general from a distance of one kilometer. (狙击手能够从一公里的距离射杀敌方将军。)

4. The company gradually increased its market share by picking off competitors one by one. (公司逐渐扩大了市场份额,通过逐个消除竞争对手。)

5. The police were able to pick off several members of the gang, reducing their numbers significantly. (警察能够击落一伙人的几个成员,大大减少他们的人数。)


读音:/pɪk ɒf/


1. The sniper was able to pick off three enemy soldiers before retreating back to his own lines. (狙击手能够射杀三名敌军士兵,然后撤回到自己的阵地。)

2. The basketball player was able to pick off the opposing team's pass and make a fast break for a layup. (篮球运动员能够抢断对方的传球,然后飞快地上篮得分。)

3. The farmer spent the morning picking off ripe tomatoes from the vine. (农民花了一上午的时间从藤上摘下成熟的西红柿。)

pick off通常被翻译为"截取、摘掉"的意思,其次还有"拔去"的意思,发音是[pickoff],pick off是一个英语名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到30个与pick off相关的例句。

Pick off的词典翻译


例句:Ah, just... pick me up at work. (just... pick me up at work.)


例句:Well, somebody had to pick up where you left off. (总有人得接下你留的烂摊子 Well, somebody had to pick up where you left off.)


例句:Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. (快接,快接,快接,快接,快接 Pick up, pick up,pick up, pick up, pick up.)


pick off一般作为名词使用,如在inductive pick off([网络] 电感传感器;感应式检出器;感应传感器)、pick off antenna([网络] 接收天线)、pick off diode(截止二极管)等常见短语中出现较多。

inductive pick off[网络] 电感传感器;感应式检出器;感应传感器
pick off antenna[网络] 接收天线
pick off diode截止二极管
pick off gearun. 变速齿轮\n[网络] 可互换齿轮
pick off gearboxun. 速度变速箱
pick off unitun. 取件装置\n[网络] 选载体
pick at扯拉, 抓弄, 少量地吃, 对...唠叨指责
pick in画上(阴影); 在…上扎开〔抠开〕洞; 承揽, 接收


1. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. (翻译:快接,快接,快接,快接,快接 Pick up, pick up,pick up, pick up, pick up.)

2. Toph: Well, I'm off to pick my toes, pick my nose, and go to bed. (翻译:好啦,我该挖挖脚趾、抠抠鼻孔,睡觉去喽。)

3. ## I like the pick-n-roll, I like the give-n-go ## (翻译:[ I like the pick -n -roll, I like the give)

4. You know, you pick things up along the way. (翻译:Pick things up along the way.)

5. I won't marry you like this (翻译:then pick up the goddamn phone.)

6. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. (翻译:快接 快接 快接 快接 Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.)

7. Laundry pick-up was yesterday. (翻译:Laundry pick -up was yesterday.)

8. Pick your diamond, pick your pearl There is beauty in the world (翻译:# 捡起你的钻石 捡起你的珍珠 # Pick your diamond, pick your pearl # 世界很美丽 # # There is beauty in the world #)

9. Well, you pick up anything? (翻译:you pick up anything?)

10. Like a screwdriver or an ice pick. (翻译:- - like a screwdriver or an ice pick.)

11. Alice, White Queen, pick up where we left off. (翻译:Alice 白皇后 从刚才停下的地方开始)

12. Hey, did he pick up the keys? (翻译:did he pick up the keys?)

13. I will pick up wITe we left off only now. (翻译:我想接着刚才的疑难题目讲下去。)

14. And waiting in the wings, ready to pick off any injured fish, are the piranhas. (翻译:有些鱼则守在一旁等待 时刻准备攻击任何受伤的鱼 它们就是锯脂鲤)

15. - But, really, try to pick the best one. (翻译:- Yeah. - But, really, try to pick the best one.)

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