1. 植物:Caper是一种辛辣、咸味的腌制食品,它们来自于一种名为Flinders rose(Capparis spinosa)的灌木植物,通常生长在地中海和亚洲的沿海地区。Caper是从该植物的未开花的花蕾中采摘而来,经过浸泡、腌制、沥干等特殊的加工方法后制成,是一种非常独特的调味品。
- Add some capers to the pasta sauce for extra flavor. (在意大利面酱中加入一些刺山柑以增加味道)
- The chef garnished the salad with capers and lemon juice. (厨师用刺山柑和柠檬汁装饰沙拉)
2. 嬉闹:Caper也可以用作动词或名词,表示嬉闹、盛装舞蹈或偷窃等活动,通常用于描述孩子或小动物的可爱行为。
- The children were running around the park, capering and laughing. (孩子们在公园里奔跑,嬉笑着)
- The monkey was capering about in the tree, trying to catch insects. (猴子在树上跳跃,试图捕捉昆虫)
3. 偷窃:Caper也可以用作名词,表示一种精心策划的盗窃行动,常常出现在电影、小说和游戏中。
- The gang planned a daring caper to steal the diamond necklace from the museum. (团伙计划了一次大胆的行动,从博物馆偷走钻石项链)
- 'Ocean's Eleven' is a heist movie that features an elaborate caper to rob three Las Vegas casinos. (《十一罗汉》是一部抢劫电影,讲述了一场精心策划的行动,抢夺了三家拉斯维加斯的赌场)
n. 活泼或狂欢的行为;嬉戏;蹦跳
v. 嬉戏;蹦跳
英 [ˈkeɪpə(r)] 美 [ˈkeɪpər]
1. The children were capering around the garden, laughing and shouting.
2. The goat was capering about on the hillside.
例句:Back to my kitchen caper. (回到我的厨房活动中。)
例句:Each of my day, not a minute lax; You are my lover, but you let me caper? ? ? ? (每一天,一分钟也没有松懈,你是我的爱人,但是你却戏弄了我???)
例句:This is Caper One to Vandal Deca. (范登博格空军基地 加利福尼亚,xx年xx月xx日 这是开往旺达尔的雀跃一号)
例句:We'll meet Mr. Emmerich after the caper, deliver the jewelry and get our money. (翻译:我们会在得手之后见艾默瑞先生, 拿去珠宝,拿到我们的钱。)
caper一般作为名词、动词使用,如在Jamaica caper tree([网络] 牙买加刺客树)、jamaica caper trees([网络] 牙买加刺客树\n(jamaica caper tree 的复数))、Syrian bean caper([网络] 叙利亚豆角豆)等常见短语中出现较多。
Jamaica caper tree | [网络] 牙买加刺客树 |
jamaica caper trees | [网络] 牙买加刺客树\n(jamaica caper tree 的复数) |
Syrian bean caper | [网络] 叙利亚豆角豆 |
1. This is Caper One to Vandal Deca. (翻译:范登博格空军基地 加利福尼亚,xx年xx月xx日 这是开往旺达尔的雀跃一号)
2. We'll meet Mr. Emmerich after the caper, deliver the jewelry and get our money. (翻译:我们会在得手之后见艾默瑞先生, 拿去珠宝,拿到我们的钱。)
3. Saturne, e, Caper, Jupiter, Mercure au Boeuf; (翻译:土星在跳跃时、木星跟水星在金牛座, 座。)
4. I could do surgery with this hand, operate on your caper-sized brain, finger a nun from five feet away. (翻译:我都能用这双手动手术 在你的小脑袋上动刀 在五步之外摸到一个尼姑)
5. Effects of different fertilizer treatments on biological and economic yield was preliminary studied in caper spurge. (翻译:研究了不同施肥处理对续随子生物产量及经济产量的影响。)
6. Introduced the test metal corrugated pipe, the diaphragm, the bellows, the reflect scope, the reflector, the caper diaphragm, the isoelastic part and characteristic parameter. (翻译:介绍了测试金属波纹管、膜片、膜盒、跳跃膜片等弹性元件特性参数的测试仪。)
7. It seems Steed Dirkly is being parboiled in a briny bouillabaisse and served with a caper dill cream mousseline. (翻译:似乎狄猛男被当成海产 还加上续随子茴香奶酪幕斯)
8. No, what you don't see, Michaels, is why Ripley got involved in a small-time caper, like grabbing' a few diamonds off of some couriers on a subway. (翻译:不, 你什么都没懂, 迈克尔, 雷普利为什么要卷入这样一起在地铁上 抢劫几颗钻石这样下三滥的小案子.)
9. The real love is the caper note, guiding the soul which loses, composes makes the collection of music scores which one acclaims . (翻译:真爱是跃动的音符,引导迷失的灵魂,谱写出令人赞叹的曲谱。)
10. Cream Penne with Sweet Shrimp, Broccoli, Pumpkin and Caper. (翻译:奶油笔尖面配甜虾,西兰花,南瓜及水瓜柳。)
11. Dido: a mischievous prank or antic; a caper. (翻译:胡闹:一种调皮的恶作剧或胡闹;鬼把戏。)
12. He's got a plan, beautifully worked out for the biggest caper ever to be pulled in the Middle West. (翻译:他有一个计划,完美的计划... ...中西部地区有史以来最大的案子。)
13. Caper along the hill. (翻译:缤纷的爬满了山坡。)
14. I shall now arrest you before you interfere with the park's nut cart caper. (翻译:在你干预之前我要逮捕你 以袭击大家的坚果车的罪名)
15. Listen, I did my caper. He owes me. Everybody's flashing their stuff. (翻译:你听着,我给你们计划得好好的 他欠我那份,大家都在炫耀新东西)