wme是什么意思 wme的中文翻译、读音、例句

wme是什么意思 wme的中文翻译、读音、例句


中文翻译:WME代表威廉莫里斯代理公司(William Morris Endeavor Entertainment)

读音:W-M-E (wɛmˈiː)

例句:WME是全球最大的艺人经纪公司之一,代理着众多知名演员、音乐家和体育明星。 (WME is one of the world's largest talent agencies, representing numerous well-known actors, musicians, and athletes.)




例句:W.W. Prescott, co-inventor of the revolving periscope. (W·W·普雷斯科特 旋转式潜望镜的合作发明者)


例句:W-w-what did Balthazar do to us? (巴尔萨泽对我们做了什么 {\3cH202020}W -w)


例句:W-W-Would that be a more, uh, suitable environment? (WW -请问这是一个比较,呃,适宜的环境?)


1. W-W-Would that be a more, uh, suitable environment? (翻译:WW -请问这是一个比较,呃,适宜的环境?)

2. This motion picture is based upon true events in the life og Frank W. Dux. (翻译:此片基于FRANK W. DUX真实事迹)

3. Uh, w-w-what are these little kids doing here? (翻译:呃,WW -什么是这些小孩在这里做什么?)

4. Prisoner number 27609, Brennick, John, W. (翻译:囚犯号: 27609,布兰尼克·约翰·W.)

5. W-What did you want me to do... (翻译:你要我怎么办? W... What did you want me to do...)

6. ♪ Just tell me what you need me to know ♪ (翻译:~ Just toll mo what you nood mo to kno w)

7. Anderson and All v. W. R. Grace and Beatrice Foods. (翻译:-72 Anderson一众诉W. R.)

8. W drink watr vry day, w us watr to wash things and cook food, w also us watr to mak machine. (翻译:我们天天喝水,用水洗东西和烹制食品,我们还用水来制造机器。)

9. Heating power: 300W of extraction instrument; (翻译:抽提仪加热功率:300W; )

10. William Somerset Maugham, British novelist. (翻译:英国小说家毛姆w s。)

11. W: Thank you. That way, PLS. (翻译:W:谢谢,请您走那边。)

12. Shift 50w high speed and 30w gentle speed selection. (翻译:切换式50 W高频速度及30 W柔和速度以供选择。)

13. W-what are you doing here? (翻译:你怎么来了 W -what are you doing here?)

14. Are you a friend of Bill W? (翻译:你是比尔·W的朋友吗 Are you a friend of Bill W?)

15. 'W-w-what?' he stammered. (翻译:“什…什…什么?”他结巴着说。)

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