vowel是什么意思 vowel的中文翻译、读音、例句

vowel是什么意思 vowel的中文翻译、读音、例句





- short vowel:短元音

- long vowel:长元音

- front vowel:前元音

- back vowel:后元音

- rounded vowel:圆唇元音


- vowel sound:元音音素

- vowel chart:元音图表

- vowel shift:元音演变

- vowel harmony:元音和谐






1. In English, there are five vowel sounds. (在英语中,有五个元音音素。)

2. The word "apple" starts with a vowel. (“苹果”这个单词的开头是元音。)

vowel的意思是"元音 、元音字母",其次还有"于"的意思,在线读音是['vauәl],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到26个与vowel相关的例句。



例句:- Gino Mascarpone is being persecuted... because his name ends in a vowel. (- 我来告诉你们为什么吧... - 吉诺马斯卡邦被指控 因为他名字以元音结尾)


例句:The second, from the point of letter, the meeting between which consonant and vowel letters defined can form a palatalized consonant. (第二,从字母角度,即限定哪些辅音字母和哪些元音字母相遇才能组合成腭化辅音。)


例句:Uh, so if that's a consonant... this has to be a vowel. (如果这是一个辅音的话... 这里得填一个元音)


例句:You just gotta lean into the vowel. (翻译:只要按照元音来发音 You just gotta lean into the vowel.)


vowel一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在echo vowel([网络] 回音元音)、front vowel(前元音)、happy vowel([网络] 元音快乐)等常见短语中出现较多。

echo vowel[网络] 回音元音
front vowel前元音
happy vowel[网络] 元音快乐
head vowel字首母音
indeterminate voweln. 不定元音
lax vowel松元音(如
long vowel[网络] 长元音;长母音;个长元音
murmur vowel[网络] 低语元音
nasal vowel[网络] 鼻元音;鼻腔元音;鼻化元音


1. Uh, so if that's a consonant... this has to be a vowel. (翻译:如果这是一个辅音的话... 这里得填一个元音)

2. You just gotta lean into the vowel. (翻译:只要按照元音来发音 You just gotta lean into the vowel.)

3. -Buy a vowel, you idiot. -I'd like to buy a vowel. An E. (翻译:挑个元音,你这笨蛋 我想挑个元音,一个E)

4. Spanish Silbo, a whistle language, has only four vowel and four consonant sounds. Audible for miles, it resembles bird calls. (翻译:西班牙的席尔波语是一种口哨语言,只有四个元音和四个辅音。几英里外都能听到它的声音,它就像鸟儿的鸣叫。)

5. Alliteration occurs when the initial sounds of a word, beginning either with a consonant or a vowel, are repeated in close succession. (翻译:小窗,我不知你说的起韵是不是指头韵,如果是的话,应该和尾音无关。)

6. "What distinguishes one vowel from another is the shape of the waveform entering the ear," Dr. Shamma said. (翻译:“区分元音的根据是进入耳朵的波形形状,”夏玛博士说。)

7. A palatal plosive appears before or after a front vowel. (翻译:一个硬腭爆破音出现在一个前元音前面或后面。元音前面或后面。)

8. "Leeves here" : another Hispanicism probably, since there is no vowel like the "lives" vowel in Spanish. (翻译:——leeves here:也可能受了西班牙语的影响,因为西班牙语中没有与lives里的元音类似的元音。)

9. They're learning that a long vowel can actually be longer in duration, as opposed to different in quality, which is what our long vowels do; they're actually the same length. (翻译:他们学习到长元音的持续时间可能更长, 用于和其它音加以区别, 这就是我们的长元音的作用; 它们实际上是一样长的。)

10. When a word ends in a consonant sound, we often move the consonant sound to the beginning of the next word if it starts with a vowel sound. (翻译:当一个词以辅音结尾时,我们常常把该辅音的发音挪到第二个单词的前面同一个元音一块发音。)

11. Known as the Great Vowel Shift in the history of English, these changes involve seven long, or tense, vowels. (翻译:这些变化在英语史上被称为元音大变位,涉及七个长元音,或紧元音。)

12. Epenthesis strategy follows "preserving maximally" principle, and inserted vowel types reflect human beings' perceptual ability. (翻译:增音方式体现了音节的“最大保留”原则,而增音的种类符合人类的语音感知能力。)

13. A change that involves the insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the middle of a word is known as epenthesis. (翻译:在一个词的中间嵌入一个辅音或元音被称为插入音。)

14. I need that to be a vowel. Like "by any means possible." (翻译:这里需要填一个元音 例如 by any means possible)

15. When a word ends in a vowel sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, they are connected with a glide between the two vowels. (翻译:如果一个单词以元音结束,下一个单词以元音开始的话,两个元音之间用一个滑音连在一起。)



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