fito是什么意思 英文名fito[菲托]的翻译、发音、来源

fito是什么意思 英文名fito[菲托]的翻译、发音、来源



1. 定义:'fito'是'植物学'的缩写,指涉与植物相关的科学和研究。


- Fitochemistry是一门研究植物中化学成分的学科。

- Fitotherapy是通过植物疗法来治疗疾病的学科。

2. 植物类别:'fito'可以用来描述某些特定的植物类型或亚类别。


- Fitotóxicos são plantas que podem ser tóxicas para animais ou seres humanos.

- Fitoestrogênios são compostos vegetais que imitam o estrogênio humano.

3. 药理学:植物和植物化合物在医学和药理学中扮演着重要的角色,'fito'常常作为词首来形容与这方面相关的领域。


- Fitoquímicos são compostos químicos encontrados em plantas que podem ter uma variedade de benefícios para a saúde.

- Fitoestrógenos têm sido associados a uma redução no risco de doenças relacionadas a hormônios, como o câncer de mama.

4. 食品学:'fito'也可以用来描述某些食品中存在的植物成分。


- Fitonutrientes são compostos encontrados em frutas, legumes e grãos inteiros que são importantes para a saúde.

- Fitoesteróis são encontrados em muitos tipos diferentes de alimentos e podem ajudar a reduzir o colesterol.

5. 环保:植物对环境的影响也可以与'fito'联系在一起。


- A fitoremediação é um processo que usa plantas para remover contaminantes do solo ou da água.

- A cobertura vegetal pode ajudar a reduzir a erosão do solo e melhorar a qualidade da água.




1. 这个部落的人们被称为fito。

The people of this tribe are called Fito.

2. Fito的生活方式和文化是很有趣的。

The way of life and culture of the Fito tribe is very interesting.




例句:Fi, some flower delivery guy was looking for your address. (some flower delivery guy 找不到你的地址 给你 {\3cH202020}was looking for your address.)


例句:Only one way to fi-fi-fi-fi-fi-fi-find out! (只有一个办法... ... 来了解一下。)


例句:And the film they'd just seen was a sort of sci-fi. ({\fnYouYuan\fs14\bord1\3aH82}而他们刚刚看的又是一部科幻电影)


例句:So even if we get an address, I doubt the guy will still be there. (翻译:-Fi. 我怀疑那家伙早就不在那儿了 I doubt the guy will still be there.)


1. And the film they'd just seen was a sort of sci-fi. (翻译:{\fnYouYuan\fs14\bord1\3aH82}而他们刚刚看的又是一部科幻电影)

2. So even if we get an address, I doubt the guy will still be there. (翻译:-Fi. 我怀疑那家伙早就不在那儿了 I doubt the guy will still be there.)

3. Chibs is gonna take Fi and Kerrianne back to St. Matt's. (翻译:Chibs准备送Fi和Kerrianne 圣马特教堂)

4. DP: You're on Wi-Fi. How does it sound? (翻译:David: 我现在从无线上打给你的,效果怎么样?)

5. Not a place for free wi-fi, or to meet friends, or outwit the economy. (翻译:不仅仅是有觅蓄无嫉, 可以会会明友, 谈谈经济的地方)

6. Most provide capacitive touchscreens, Wi-Fiand Bluetooth, front-facing webcams and GPS. (翻译:大部分产品都有触摸屏、Wi - Fi以及蓝牙、前置摄像头和GPS。)

7. Never Let Me Go might technically be sci-fi, as it seems to be set in the future, but really there's not much sci-fi about it. (翻译:《别让我走》可能在技巧上有些科幻,因为故事场景设定在未来,但实际上整个故事并没有科幻色彩。)

8. Take Fi and Kerrianne, head back to Charming. (翻译:把Fi和Kerrianne, 送回Charming)

9. Do you have that in Silicon Valley? (翻译:-Fi. Do you have that 无线网吧?)

10. Like a skier learns the fi rst day… (翻译:就像滑雪者第一天学习滑雪…… )

11. I have no interest in your fi... (翻译:这是为了我的论文! 对你的电影我不感兴趣...)

12. o Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n with WPA, WPA2, WEP, 802.1X authentication(1) (翻译:o Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n,支持WPA WPA2 WEP 802.1X认证 )

13. They don't have wi-fi and the coffee's not organic. (翻译:他们不具备的Wi -Fi和 咖啡是不是有机的。)

14. He was a LeBeau or a Childress? (翻译:What, Fi? He was a LeBeau or a Childress?)

15. One solution: offloading traffic onto Wi-Fi networks. (翻译:解决办法:把流量转移到Wi-Fi网络。)

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