1. 词义解释:began是begin的过去式,意为“开始”,表示某个动作或事件的起点。
2. 时态:began属于过去式,常用于描述过去某个时间点或某段时间内发生的事情。
3. 语法用法:began通常与过去式的时间状语搭配使用,如yesterday, last week等。也可用于分词结构中。
4. 同义词替换:began可以被替换成start或commence。
1. 他昨天开始学习英语。He began to study English yesterday.
2. 上个月他开始了一份新工作。He began a new job last month.
3. 演唱会开始了,大家请安静。The concert began, please be quiet.
4. 她从小就开始热爱音乐。She began to love music from childhood.
5. 我们进行的讨论从上星期开始一直持续到今天。The discussion we have been conducting began last week and has continued until today.
1. He began to work on the project two months ago.
2. The game began at 7 o'clock in the evening.
3. After a short break, the meeting began again.
4. The concert began with an overture by the orchestra.
5. She began to feel ill after eating the spicy food.
1. The concert began at 7 o'clock.(音乐会在7点开始了。)
2. They began to climb the mountain in the morning.(他们早上开始攀登山峰。)
3. She began to learn to play the piano when she was six years old.(她xx岁开始学习弹钢琴。)
4. The company began its operations in 1998.(这家公司xx年开始运作。)
5. Once they began to speak, they couldn't stop.(一旦他们开始说话,就停不下来了。)
例句:they began pulling each other into crossing orbits. (它们开始相互吸引 从而轨道相交相撞 they began pulling each other into crossing orbits.)
例句:# The band was jumping and the joint began to swing (∮ The band was jumping 乐队正跳动 and the joint began to swing 其他人开始摇摆)
例句:Connie and I took advantage and began adoption proceedings. (康妮和我抓住机会开始办领养手续 Connie and I took advantage and began adoption proceedings.)
例句:This world began right after 9/11. (翻译:这个时代始于911事件 This world began right after 9/11.)
1. Connie and I took advantage and began adoption proceedings. (翻译:康妮和我抓住机会开始办领养手续 Connie and I took advantage and began adoption proceedings.)
2. This world began right after 9/11. (翻译:这个时代始于911事件 This world began right after 9/11.)
3. Once things began to unravel, there was no way back. (翻译:这个平衡一旦被打破,就再也无法挽回 Once things began to unravel, there was no way back.)
4. Before the universe began? (翻译:宇宙诞生之前? Before the universe began?)
5. Until the big affair began (翻译:Until the big affair began)
6. Within six months, the nicknames began to fly. (翻译:不到六个月 花名就满天飞了 Within six months, the nicknames began to fly.)
7. # The prison band was there and they began to wail (翻译:∮ The prison band was there and they began to wail 监狱乐队在那儿,且开始悲鸣)
8. Began to understand what he had found. (翻译:我才开始明白 他究竟发现了什么 began to understand what he had found.)
9. At 7:00 tonight the armed forces of the United States began an operation at the direction of the President to force Saddam Hussein to withdraw his troops from Kuwait and to end his occupation of their country. (翻译:At 7: 00 tonight the armed forces of the United States began an operation 今晚7: 00,美军开始了军事行动)
10. - The way forward has already began. (翻译:- But the way forward... - The way forward has already began.)
11. ♪ Just to think that it all began on an uneventful morn ♪ (翻译:一切开始的宁静清晨 遥想 ♪ Just to think that it all began on an uneventful morn ♪)
12. My own began the day I was handed the blueprints for this ship. (翻译:收到这潜艇的蓝图后 我开始思变 My own began the day I was handed the blueprints for this ship.)
13. A new and gentler climate age began. (翻译:一场新的更温和的气候时期到来了 A new and gentler climate age began.)
14. But then my other little problem began to take center stage. (翻译:But then my other little problem began to take center stage. 的其他小问题开始陆续登场了。)
15. ? The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools ? (翻译:* 自养生物来起哄 穴居人发明工具 * * The autotrophs began to drool, Neanderthals developed tools *)