reducing是什么意思 reducing的中文翻译、读音、例句

reducing是什么意思 reducing的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性和词义:'reducing' 是动词 reduce 的现在分词形式,意为“减少,降低”。它可以作为及物动词和不及物动词使用,表示对某物的数量、程度等进行减少、缩小、降低等操作。


- I am reducing the amount of sugar I eat every day.

- The company is planning on reducing production costs next year.

- The government hopes to reduce crime rates with new measures.

2. 句型用法:'reducing' 可以用于各种时态和语态的句子中,常用的句型有 be + reducing,have been + reducing,is/are + reducing,will be + reducing 等,表示持续的动作、过程或未来的计划。


- Our carbon footprint is reducing as we switch to renewable energy.

- The company has been reducing its workforce for the past few months.

- This new workout plan is reducing my stress levels already.

3. 派生词和词组:'reducing' 这个词还可以形成一些派生词和词组,如 reduction (n. 减少),reduced (adj. 减少的),reduce to (v. 使变为),reduce by (v. 减少)。


- The reduction in pollution levels is a positive sign for the environment.

- We need to cut down on our energy usage to achieve a reduced carbon footprint.

- The company plans to reduce their workforce to save money.

4. 相关短语和惯用语:'reducing' 这个词还可以和其他词组成一些常用的短语和惯用语,如 reducing agent (还原剂),reducing atmosphere (还原气氛),reducing valve (减压阀),reduce weight (减肥) 等。


- The reducing agent is necessary to convert the metal oxide to the metal.

- The welding process requires a reducing atmosphere to prevent oxidation.

- The reducing valve is used to regulate the pressure in the pipeline.

5. 实际运用:'reducing' 这个单词在日常英语交流中经常使用,涉及到减少、降低和缩小等方面的操作,例如减肥、降低成本、缩短时间等。学生可以通过阅读英语新闻、听取英语演讲或者与外国人交流等方式学习和掌握这个单词的用法。


- I am trying to reduce my sugar intake in order to lose weight.

- The company is reducing costs by outsourcing some of its operations.

- We need to reduce the time it takes to finish this project.




1. The company is working on reducing its carbon footprint. (公司正在努力减少其碳足迹。)

2. Regular exercise can help in reducing stress levels. (定期锻炼可以帮助减少压力水平。)

3. The government has implemented measures for reducing unemployment rates. (政府已经采取措施,降低失业率。)

4. Eating a balanced diet is important for reducing the risk of chronic diseases. (均衡饮食对于降低慢性疾病的风险很重要。)

5. The company is considering reducing its workforce to cut costs. (公司正在考虑裁员以降低成本。)




例句:Then there is reheating furnace, reducing mill and cooling table. (然后进入再热炉、减径机和冷却床。)


例句:We changed the skill set, reducing violence, not just responding to it. (我们改变了技巧, 减少了暴力,而不仅仅是回应它。)


例句:Why reducing the window length, causes empty rows in spectrogram? (为什么减少窗口长度,使空图行吗? )


例句:This results in reducing the total cost of ownership through codeless implementation. (翻译:结果是凭借无代码实现减少了总体拥有成本。)


reducing一般作为名词、动词使用,如在reducing to(迫使;使处于;使变弱为;归纳为)、gear reducing([网络] 齿轮减速)、hot reducing(热压缩)等常见短语中出现较多。

reducing to迫使;使处于;使变弱为;归纳为
gear reducing[网络] 齿轮减速
hot reducing热压缩
premium reducing保险费递减
reducing a sentence归约句子
reducing ability还原能力
reducing action还原作用
reducing adapter缩小应接器
reducing adaptor[电子] 简化适配器


1. Why reducing the window length, causes empty rows in spectrogram? (翻译:为什么减少窗口长度,使空图行吗? )

2. This results in reducing the total cost of ownership through codeless implementation. (翻译:结果是凭借无代码实现减少了总体拥有成本。)

3. But the crane reacts by dropping away, reducing the speed of any collision. (翻译:但是鹤应对的方法是下降拉大距离 以缓冲碰撞的速度)

4. And it, again, takes the idea of reducing, reusing, but then also with economic advantage. (翻译:还是基于减少使用,重复利用的概念, 但同时能给经济带来好处。)

5. Reduction of tertiary amides to amines with combined reducing agents was studied. (翻译:采用具有强活性的复合还原剂实现了叔酰胺的还原。)

6. GI microflora may inactivate certain drugs, reducing their absorption. (翻译:胃肠道内的菌丛可使某些药物失活,降低药物的吸收。)

7. The reducing strength and amount of organic reducing substances produced from different green manures were different from each other. (翻译:不同有机物料所产生的有机还原性物质的强度和数量各不相同。)

8. And empowerment through employment -- reducing stigma. (翻译:和通过雇佣关系来给予他们权威和力量, 减少忌讳和羞耻感. )

9. Note : The double step reducing ratio consists of the both mono- step reducing ratio. The unlisted on the above table also can be produced . (翻译:注:双级减速比由两单级速比组合而成,上表中未列出的亦可生产。)

10. The only problem is that none of our enemies are reducing their stockpiles. (翻译:唯一的问题是, 没有我们的敌人 正在减少他们的库存。)

11. I love reducing wear and friction in these challenging environments. (翻译:尝试在充满挑战的环境里 减少损耗和摩擦。)

12. What technology can we really apply to reducing global poverty? (翻译:什么技术可以真正帮助我们减少全球贫困? )

13. He talked about the importance of reducing the national debt. (翻译:他谈了减少国债的重要性。)

14. This is because the water is reducing the friction between your tires and the road. (翻译:这是因为雨水降低了 轮胎和路面的摩擦力。)

15. Conclusion Tanakan may protect the CIRI by reducing the level of MDA and NO. (翻译:结论达纳康可通过降低脑组织MDA和NO含量来预防缺血再灌注损伤。)



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