jormungand是什么意思 英文名jormungand[乔姆甘德]的翻译、发音、来源

jormungand是什么意思 英文名jormungand[乔姆甘德]的翻译、发音、来源

1. 词义解释:'jormungand'是北欧神话中的一条姆斯普尔恩,也称为“世界蛇”,是洛基和安格布达所生的巨大毒蛇。

2. 词源起源:'jormungand'是由两个古词汇jǫrmun(意为“大、伟大的”)和gandr(意为“魔杖、毒蛇”)组合而成。

3. 文化背景:该单词是北欧神话中的一个重要角色,也是许多文学作品和电影中经常出现的一个元素。例如,漫画《怒之蛇》(Jormungand)。

4. 发音指南:'jormungand'的发音为“YOR-mun-gand”,其中“j”读作“y”。

5. 词语用法:'jormungand'通常用于描述类似于北欧神话中的大型毒蛇或具有毒液的动物。例如,“The Jormungand is a dangerous and powerful creature that can cause great harm with its venom.”


1. According to Norse mythology, Jormungand is the giant serpent that encircles the world.


2. The Jormungand appears in many works of literature and film as a symbol of danger and malevolence.


3. The sailors were afraid of encountering the Jormungand in the open sea.


4. Unlike other snakes, the Jormungand is said to grow to enormous size and possess incredible strength.


5. Some cultures even believe that the Jormungand represents the end of the world and the coming of Ragnarok.






1. In Norse mythology, Jormungand was one of the three children of Loki and Angrboða.


2. Jormungand grew so large that it encircled the world and bit its own tail, forming the Ouroboros symbol.




例句:Um, at 10:40, I buzzed the gate, but he didn't answer, and I got scared, because I didn't want him to miss his flight, so I called my boss, um, my mom... (司机就是O·J·辛普森 The driver was o. J. Simpson.)


例句:Sincerely, William J. Bowerman. (谨启 William J. Bowerman.)


例句:Okay, but just until the border? (but j -just until the border?)


例句:This letter was written by O.J. today. (翻译:这封信是O·J今天写下的 This letter was written by O. J. Today.)


1. Okay, but just until the border? (翻译:but j -just until the border?)

2. This letter was written by O.J. today. (翻译:这封信是O·J今天写下的 This letter was written by O. J. Today.)

3. You are O.J. Simpson and you are an inspiration. (翻译:Simpson. 你是O·J·辛普森 You are O. J.)

4. If O.J. attempted to take his own life, to be able to get in there quickly enough... (翻译:如果O·J想要赌上自己的命 If O. J. Attempted to take his own life,)

5. O.J., I will handle it, okay? (翻译:O·J 我会搞定的 好吗 我知道的 O. J. , I will handle it, okay?)

6. Rename the existing j9.exe to j9.bak. (翻译:将现有的 j9.exe 改名为 j9.bak。)

7. Licorice and mung bean do detox well, especially the mung bean, which is used to purge toxins in liver. (翻译:甘草和绿豆可以很好地排毒,尤其是绿豆,它可以用来清除肝脏中的毒素。)

8. O.J., O.J., we got to talk. (翻译:O·J 我们需要谈谈 O. J. , O.)

9. - I gotta - I gotta stop this. - No no no, sit down, sit down. (翻译:我苛早把他行〕俩分开 兄.J兄.j兄小 坐召砰.L看成)

10. Uh, I just need time to think, okay? (翻译:-J, 你可以在the national找到)

11. Did she know that O.J. was out there? (翻译:那她知道O·J就在外面么 Did she know that O. J.)

12. So O.J. was gonna fly out of Mexico the night of the 17th. (翻译:- Yeah. 所以O·J打算十七号晚上飞离墨西哥是吗 So O. J.)

13. - J. M. W. Turner, esquire! (翻译:- Ah! Sir John Soane! - J.)

14. O.J. Simpson is sitting in the backseat (翻译:O·J·辛普森正坐在车后座 O. J. Simpson is sitting in the backseat)

15. J2EE packaging improvements. (翻译:J2EE 包装改进。)

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