nordic naturals是什么意思 nordic naturals的中文翻译、读音、例句

nordic naturals是什么意思 nordic naturals的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Nordic Naturals是一个公司品牌的名称,主要生产高品质的鱼油营养品,其产品主要来源于北欧地区的天然原料。




发音拼写:/ˈnɔːdɪk ˈnætʃərəlz/。


1. Nordic Naturals is a provider of high-quality omega-3 supplements derived from wild-caught fish.(Nordic Naturals 是一家从野生鱼类中提取高品质 Omega-3 营养品的供应商。)

2. I usually buy my omega-3 supplements from Nordic Naturals because they are known for their purity and potency.(通常我会从 Nordic Naturals 购买 Omega-3 营养品,因为他们以其纯净性和有效性而闻名。)

3. Nordic Naturals sources its fish from sustainable fisheries in the pristine waters of Norway, Iceland, and Denmark.(Nordic Naturals 的鱼类来自挪威、冰岛和丹麦清澈水域的可持续渔业。)

4. The Nordic Naturals website provides helpful information on the health benefits of omega-3s and how to choose the right supplement for your needs.(Nordic Naturals 网站提供有关 Omega-3 的健康益处以及如何选择适合自己需求的补充剂的有用信息。)

5. Many doctors and health experts recommend Nordic Naturals as a trusted brand for omega-3 supplements.(许多医生和健康专家推荐 Nordic Naturals 作为值得信赖的 Omega-3 营养品品牌。)

6. The fish oils used in Nordic Naturals products are molecularly distilled to ensure the highest possible level of purity.(Nordic Naturals 产品中使用的鱼油经过分子蒸馏,以确保最高水平的纯度。)

7. If you're looking for a high-quality fish oil supplement, you can't go wrong with Nordic Naturals.(如果你正在寻找一种高品质的鱼油补充剂, Nordic Naturals 就是一个不错的选择。)

'nordic naturals'的意思是“北欧自然”。


读音: ['nɔ:dɪk 'neɪtʃrəlz]

例句:Nordic Naturals是一家专门从事全天然鱼油营养品制造的公司。

English: Nordic Naturals is a company specialized in manufacturing all-natural fish oil supplements.

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