1. BHP的全称是Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited,是一家澳大利亚的矿业公司,主要从事铁矿石、钢铁、铜等矿产资源的开采和加工。
例如:BHP公司是世界上最大的铁矿石生产商之一。 (BHP is one of the largest iron ore producers in the world.)
2. BHP也可以表示“brake horsepower”,即制动马力,是车辆发动机输出的功率的一种标准单位。
例如:这款跑车的发动机具有600马力和800牛·米的扭矩输出,相当于450千瓦或603制动马力。 (The engine of this sports car delivers 600 horsepower and 800 Nm of torque, which is equivalent to 450 kW or 603 brake horsepower.)
3. BHP也可以表示“British Horsepower”,即英制马力,是英国在20世纪以前使用的车辆发动机输出功率的标准单位。
例如:这辆经典老爷车的发动机输出功率为70英制马力。 (The vintage car has an output power of 70 British horsepowers.)
4. BHP是许多公司的缩写,如“Beverage House Products”(饮料厂家产品)、“Black Hills Productions”(黑山制作公司)、“Business Health Partners”(商业健康合作伙伴)等。
例如:我在BHP公司工作,主要负责铁矿石的开采和销售。 (I work at BHP and my main responsibility is the mining and sales of iron ore.)
5. 在医学领域,BHP也可以表示“benign prostatic hyperplasia”,即良性前列腺增生症,是男性常见的一种疾病。
例如:这位患者被诊断为患有BHP,需要进行药物治疗和手术治疗。 (The patient was diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia and needs medication and surgery for treatment.)
1. BHP公司是世界上最大的铁矿石生产商之一。BHP is one of the largest iron ore producers in the world.
2. 这款跑车的发动机具有600马力和800牛·米的扭矩输出,相当于450千瓦或603制动马力。The engine of this sports car delivers 600 horsepower and 800 Nm of torque, which is equivalent to 450 kW or 603 brake horsepower.
3. 这辆经典老爷车的发动机输出功率为70英制马力。The vintage car has an output power of 70 British horsepowers.
4. 我在BHP公司工作,主要负责铁矿石的开采和销售。I work at BHP and my main responsibility is the mining and sales of iron ore.
5. 这位患者被诊断为患有BHP,需要进行药物治疗和手术治疗。The patient was diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia and needs medication and surgery for treatment.
bhp是英文单词“brake horsepower”的缩写,指的是发动机的刹车马力(brake horsepower),是指一个发动机在无负荷状态下所能达到的最大功率。bhp通常用于描述汽车、摩托车、船舶等动力设备的最大输出功率。
读音:/ˈbreɪk ˈhaʊə(r) ˌpaʊər/
1. This car has a maximum power output of 200 bhp.
2. The engine produces 250 bhp at 6000 rpm.
例句:But China has never been comfortable with any coziness between Rio and BHP. (但中国一直对力拓与必和必拓的亲近感到不快。)
例句:BHP Billiton has Escondida stake of 57.5%, in June this year, BHP Billiton total output is 390500 tons. (必和必拓拥有埃斯康迪达铜矿57.5%的股权,今年前xx月,必和必拓所占产量为39.05万吨。)
例句:BHP's efforts to acquire Rio might, like the mining business itself, turn out to be cyclical. (BHP收购力拓就像矿产业一样,又开始新的循环了。)
例句:BHP has about $16 billion of cash on hand and an undrawn $4 billion revolving-credit facility, according to its latest financial results. (翻译:必和必拓最新的财务业绩显示,该公司手头约有160亿美元的现金,另外还有40亿美元的循环信用额度没有使用。)
1. BHP's efforts to acquire Rio might, like the mining business itself, turn out to be cyclical. (翻译:BHP收购力拓就像矿产业一样,又开始新的循环了。)
2. BHP has about $16 billion of cash on hand and an undrawn $4 billion revolving-credit facility, according to its latest financial results. (翻译:必和必拓最新的财务业绩显示,该公司手头约有160亿美元的现金,另外还有40亿美元的循环信用额度没有使用。)
3. Sinochem and its Sinofert Holdings Ltd. unit are "closely watching" BHP's bid, Sinofert's Chief Executive Officer Feng Zhibin said last week. (翻译:中化化肥首席执行官冯志斌上周表示,中化集团和中化化肥控股有限公司都密切关注必和必拓的收购要约。)
4. "Speaking from an Agrium point of view, we're going to stay and we think BHP would be crazy to leave it, " he said. (翻译:“从Agrium的角度来讲,我们将留在这个卡特尔,我们认为必和必拓要脱离它是疯了,”他表示。)
5. BHP Billiton Ltd. and Rio Tinto Group led mining shares lower. (翻译:必和必拓公司和力拓集团领跌矿业板块。)
6. BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto's larger rival, ended a six-year run of record profits. (翻译:必和必拓,力拓的最大竞争对手,结束了长达xx年营运利润破纪录的状况。)
7. The top Xsara Hatchback offers a base power level of 167 BHP. (翻译:顶端赛纳两厢提供了167马力的功率水平的基础。)
8. Goodyear was one of the team that spearheaded BHP's merger with Billiton of South Africa in 2001. (翻译:xx年作为团队的一员,古德伊尔促成了必和必拓与南非比利顿兼并。)
9. BHP and Rio declined to comment. (翻译:必和必拓和力拓均拒绝置评。)
10. BHP and Rio estimate that the joint venture will save at least $10bn from production and development synergies. (翻译:必和必拓和力拓估计,这项合资计划将从生产和开发协同效应中至少节省100亿美元。)
11. But BHP is taking a back seat in the negotiations this year, possibly so as not to antagonise the Chinese government. (翻译:不过,必和必拓在今年的谈判中并不积极,其原因可能是不想惹恼中国政府。)
12. Hambro dismissed the price slippage as temporary and said he preferred Rio Tinto stock over BHP because of its greater exposure to iron ore. (翻译:汉布罗否认价格滑点亏损是临时性的,在必和必拓和力拓矿业集团中,他更愿意选择力拓的股票,因为后者花在铁矿上的宣传更多。)
13. The move is aimed at creating a more balanced force in negotiations with foreign miners, including Brazil's Companhia Vale do Rio Doce and Anglo-Australian groups Rio Tinto Ltd and BHP Billiton Ltd. (翻译:这项动意的目的是在谈判中平衡海外矿工的力量,这其中包括巴西淡水河谷公司和英澳力拓有限公司以及必和必拓有限公司。)
14. BHP Billiton is trying to free up markets by breaking this cartel, observers say. (翻译:观察人士说,必和必拓正试图通过瓦解这个卡特尔组织从而实现市场自由化。)
15. In addition, Vale, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton will not see any big expansion in supply for the next two years. (翻译:此外,未来两年内,淡水河谷、力拓和必和必拓都不打算大幅增加供应。)