landscape是什么意思 landscape的中文翻译、读音、例句

landscape是什么意思 landscape的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:







1. The landscape of the countryside is breathtakingly beautiful.(乡间的风景令人惊叹地美丽。)

2. The city has been redesigned to incorporate more green spaces and public landscapes.(城市已经重新设计,以融入更多的绿色空间和公共景观。)

3. The landscape artist drew inspiration from the rolling hills and lush forests.(景观画家从连绵起伏的山丘和郁郁葱葱的森林中获得灵感。)

4. The hotel's terrace offers a stunning panoramic view of the city landscape.(酒店的露台可以欣赏到城市风景的壮丽全景。)

5. The landscape architect designed a beautiful garden with a variety of plants, flowers, and water features.(景观设计师设计了一个美丽的花园,里面有各种植物、花朵和水景。)




1. The beautiful landscape attracted many tourists to visit.


2. The geologist studied the landscape and identified several types of rocks.


3. The artist painted a beautiful landscape of the mountains.





例句:The construction of the economical landscape gardening is an important gateway to realize the Ecopolis, especially the landscape Ecopolis. (最后明确了建设节约型园林也是实现生态城市,尤其是生态园林城市的重要途径。)


例句:Henri Bava, Landscape Architect and Grand National DE Prize of Landscape in France 2007. (亨利·巴瓦:景观设计师,xx年法国国家景观大奖获得者。)


例句:typical halophyte landscapes are haloeremion landscape, salt marsh landscape, salt shrub landscape and saline meadow landscape. (典型盐生植被景观有盐生荒漠景观、盐生沼泽景观、盐生灌丛景观和盐生草甸景观;)


例句:Tinges the landscape with a golden hue. (翻译:它们给这片风景染上一片金色。)


landscape一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在The Landscape([网络] 风景;景观;景观资讯导航)、downward landscape(俯视景观)、eluvial landscape(残积景观)等常见短语中出现较多。

The Landscape[网络] 风景;景观;景观资讯导航
downward landscape俯视景观
eluvial landscape残积景观
elementary landscape单元景观
energy landscape能量景貌
feral landscape参差地形, 崎岖地形
flora landscape植物景观
garden landscape[网络] 园林景观;园林景区;庭园景观
geochemical landscape地球化学分析


1. typical halophyte landscapes are haloeremion landscape, salt marsh landscape, salt shrub landscape and saline meadow landscape. (翻译:典型盐生植被景观有盐生荒漠景观、盐生沼泽景观、盐生灌丛景观和盐生草甸景观;)

2. Tinges the landscape with a golden hue. (翻译:它们给这片风景染上一片金色。)

3. The new office block is an excrescence on the landscape. (翻译:这座新办公楼在这片风景中很碍眼。)

4. The research is focused on the agricultural and afforested landscape. (翻译:该系的研究主要集中于农业和造林景观。)

5. What does this mean, then, for our organizational landscape? (翻译:这种现象,那么,对于我们的 组织结构的前景意味着什么?)

6. Deion of woody herb community vegetation ecological landscape mode, and the ecological landscape restoration has a rapid effect. (翻译:说明木本草本植物群落的植被方式生态景观好,且对生态景观的恢复有着较快的效果。)

7. Well, again and again, what we find as we look around the world in our little tour of the world is that landscape after landscape after landscape have been cleared and altered for growing food and other crops. (翻译:好,我们一再发现 在环绕世界的旅程中 无数地表景观 遭受破坏,转变成粮食产地 及其他作物产地 )

8. Could this be possible, that suddenly our media landscape will become a feminist landscape? (翻译:有没有可能 突然我们媒体天地 变成女权主义天地?)

9. What does this mean, then, for our organizational landscape? (翻译:这种现象,那么,对于我们的 组织结构的前景意味着什么? )

10. The zoo's landscape will be designed by TN PLUS Landscape Architects and the buildings will be designed by Beckmann N'Thepe . (翻译:该动物园的景观设计将是特纳·普乐士景观设计师事务所负责,而建筑设计将会由贝克曼·N’菲帕负责。)

11. The landscape, brown and sere beneath the sun. (翻译:烈日之下的景色,一片枯黄憔悴。)

12. For the Kuuk Thaayorre, time is locked on the landscape. (翻译:对 Kuuk Thaayorre 人来说, 时间是跟地理有关的。)

13. A landscape consists of a group of landforms, which need to be described. Landscape can be described. (翻译:景观由一系列地貌组成,可以由地图,素描,或者照片来反映。描述时须包括以下要素。)

14. The landscape seemed to stretch into infinity. (翻译:风景似乎延伸到了无穷远处。)

15. Using skip floor will make the level more enriched, and on top of that, adding a little rhythm can affect the surrounding landscape. (翻译:用Skip Floor会让Level更加丰富 再添加点Rhythm 可以引导周围的Landscape)



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