polyglot是什么意思 polyglot的中文翻译、读音、例句

polyglot是什么意思 polyglot的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Polyglot community:多语种社区。

2. Polyglot festival:多语言节日。

3. Polyglot dictionary:多语言词典。

4. Polyglot conference:多语言会议。

5. Polyglot programming:多语言编程。

6. Polyglot organization:多语言组织。

7. Polyglot classroom:多语言教室。




1. She is a polyglot who can speak English, French, German and Spanish fluently.(她是一位多语种人,能够流利地说英语、法语、德语和西班牙语。)

2. This polyglot neighborhood in the city is perfect for language enthusiasts.(这座城市的多语种社区很适合语言爱好者。)

3. The polyglot dictionary contains over 10 languages.(多语言词典包含了10多种语言。)

4. The polyglot conference attracted participants from around the world.(多语言会议吸引了来自世界各地的参与者。)

5. He enjoys polyglot programming because it allows him to work with different languages.(他喜欢多语言编程,因为它让他能够使用不同的编程语言。)

6. The polyglot organization is dedicated to promoting language learning and understanding.(多语言组织致力于促进语言学习和理解。)

7. The language teacher created a polyglot classroom where students could learn multiple languages.(语言教师创建了一个多语言教室,让学生可以学习多种语言。)

polyglot的中文翻译为“多语者”,音标为 ['pɒlɪglɒt]。


1. He is a true polyglot who speaks seven languages fluently.(他是真正的多语者,能够流利地说七种语言。)

2. Being a polyglot can be very useful in today's globalized world.(在当今全球化的世界中,成为一名多语者可能非常有用。)

3. This book is written by a polyglot who has traveled extensively around the world.(这本书是由一位环球旅行、精通多种语言的人所写。)




例句:Does this mean Americans are the most polyglot tourists on the planet? (难道这就意味美国人在这个星球上是通晓多种语言的旅行者吗? )


例句:His accent, an inimitable polyglot growl, radiates a weariness that comes with being what he calls a "global nomad. " (他咆哮般的口音是通晓多种语言的人独有的特点,散发着一种被他称为“全球流浪者”所独具的疲惫感。)


例句:When widely adopted, the polyglot approach may even affect architectural decisions, not only everyday programming techniques. (当多语言编程被广泛接受,它会影响到架构上的决策,而不仅是日常的编程技法。)


例句:Westerners tend to forget that for much of the world being polyglot has been a necessity for survival. (翻译:西方人逐渐遗忘了一点:对于世界上很多人来说通晓数国语言其实是为了生存的需要。)


polyglot一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在polyglot Bible(多语圣经)、polyglot programming([网络] 多语言编程;混合语言编程;多语言开发)等常见短语中出现较多。

polyglot Bible多语圣经
polyglot programming[网络] 多语言编程;混合语言编程;多语言开发


1. When widely adopted, the polyglot approach may even affect architectural decisions, not only everyday programming techniques. (翻译:当多语言编程被广泛接受,它会影响到架构上的决策,而不仅是日常的编程技法。)

2. Westerners tend to forget that for much of the world being polyglot has been a necessity for survival. (翻译:西方人逐渐遗忘了一点:对于世界上很多人来说通晓数国语言其实是为了生存的需要。)

3. But Moscow rightly feels that, in a polyglot country with 102 different nationalities, ethnic violence is beyond the pale. (翻译:可是莫斯科自有理由觉得:在一个操多种语言,由102个民族组成的国家里,族裔之间的暴力则属过分。)

4. Darija, its editors argued, is polyglot Morocco's real national language. (翻译:其编辑认为“darija”是多语言国家摩洛哥真正的民族语言。)

5. Benny Lewis, polyglot and speaker of 8 languages, recently took up the task of learning Thai in two months. (翻译:BennyLewis,一个通晓8门语言的人,最近正在计划用2个月学习泰国语。)

6. Wherever they come from, global MBA students tend to be polyglot cosmopolitans. (翻译:无论他们来自何方,所有的MBA学生往往是通晓多国语言的国际人。)

7. A polyglot army, too, because of all the different nationalities. (翻译:他们来自不同的民族,说不同的语言。)

8. Darija, its editors argued, is polyglot Morocco's real national language. (翻译:其编辑认为“darija”是多语言国家摩洛哥真正的民族语言。)

9. Thanks to his polyglot aptitude, he made rapid progress. (翻译:由于他有学习语言的天才,他学习的进度很快。)

10. More Importantly, Deki wiki is the only multilingual Polyglot wiki/web application in the world. (翻译:更重要的,Deki Wiki是世界上唯一的多语言wiki/web应用程序。)

11. For a polyglot, he is remarkably careless in his spelling of names. Diacritical signs are distributed at random. (翻译,他在人名拼写的马虎程度,令人惊讶。)



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