betterment是什么意思 betterment的中文翻译、读音、例句

betterment是什么意思 betterment的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义: Betterment是一个名词,表示改善、提高、进步。其表示的是改变状况、状态的过程,尤其是改变为更好的过程。它通常指的是社会、经济、环境、教育等方面的改善。

词性: 名词

词组搭配:make betterment(改善)、the betterment of society(社会的进步)、continuous betterment(持续改善)、make significant betterment(取得巨大进步)。


发音拼写: 英 [ˈbetəmənt] 美 [ˈbɛtərmənt]


1. As an environmentalist, I am devoted to the betterment of the air quality in my city.


2. The government’s plan for betterment of education has been criticized by many educators.


3. The committee is dedicated to the continuous betterment of our community.


4. The company's mission is to make significant betterment in their products and services.


5. The betterment of society cannot be achieved through individual efforts alone.






1. The company is committed to the betterment of its production methods.(该公司致力于改善其生产方法。)

2. The city's development plan focuses on the betterment of its transportation system.(该城市的发展计划着重于改善其交通系统。)

3. He believes that education is the key to the betterment of society.(他认为教育是改善社会的关键。)




例句:All you are doing now is going about its creation at the point agreed for the betterment of all. (所有你们现在正在做的,都将带入相关的创造,为了整体的更高利益。)


例句:And that we need to be leading on not only for the betterment of our nations, but the world, "she said." (同时,为了我们两个国家的福祉乃至全世界的福祉,我们两国都应当起领导作用。)


例句:The betterment of the word can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct. (通过纯洁和良好的行为以及值得赞扬和适当的品行才能达到世界的改进。)


例句:And let us continue working together to betterment in this situation, stability and sustainability in our society. Thank you. (翻译:让我们继续一起努力, 让这一状况得到改善。让我们的社会持续稳定地发展下去。谢谢你们! )


betterment一般作为名词使用,如在improvement and betterment(房屋修缮与改良)、land betterment(土地改良;土壤改良)、repairs and betterment([经] 修理和改良)等常见短语中出现较多。

improvement and betterment房屋修缮与改良
land betterment土地改良;土壤改良
repairs and betterment[经] 修理和改良
self betterment[网络] 自我完善;自身进修


1. The betterment of the word can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct. (翻译:通过纯洁和良好的行为以及值得赞扬和适当的品行才能达到世界的改进。)

2. And let us continue working together to betterment in this situation, stability and sustainability in our society. Thank you. (翻译:让我们继续一起努力, 让这一状况得到改善。让我们的社会持续稳定地发展下去。谢谢你们! )

3. Hence his interest in social betterment, which ultimately brought the word 'Socialist' into the name of his party. (翻译:于是,他开始对改善人民生活感兴趣,并最终促使他将“社会主义”纳入他建立的政党名称之中。)

4. Then, technological advances coupled with public health measures resulted in the betterment of the quantity, quality, and variety of food. (翻译:接着,科技进步与公共健康措施一起 提升了食物的产量、质量和丰富性。)

5. Most of the social and political leaders struggling and working for the betterment of their communities were threatened and targeted. (翻译:大多数为改善其社区 而奋斗努力的社会和政治领导人 都遭受到威胁,成为了攻击目标。)

6. Objective: To obtain a high effect for a long time, we think incision betterment could make outer -canthus more stand and trustiness. (翻译:目的:为了提高上睑皮肤松垂矫正的远期效果,使之成为一种稳定持久、外眦部平展的重睑术。)

7. The difficulty is it can be challenging for people with narcissistic personality disorder to keep working at self-betterment. (翻译:难就难在, 有自恋人格障碍的人 难以不断地 自我努力和自我完善。)

8. His research is for the betterment of mankind. (翻译:他的研究是为了人类生活的改善。)

9. In that case, this is just about inviting me as speaker, for the betterment of medicine. (翻译:这么说 这是你岳父身为医师会的干事 为了提升医疗品质 而向我表达的诚意而已)

10. Against them must be set the great American faith in betterment that warmed writer and land speculator alike . (翻译:不过与此相对的,是美国雄心勃勃的进取心,这种信心使作家和土地投机商同样感到鼓舞。)

11. Tina: We've got a couple of options so far: Bartlett for Betterment? (翻译:目前我们有几个选择:巴特利特,一切为了更好?)

12. But what about if it's, Iike, for the betterment of future society? (翻译:但是 如果是另一种情况呢 比如泄露对社会发展有利的信息)

13. - To learn, for the betterment of myself, (翻译:Why? 学习 进修 To learn, For the betterment of myself,)

14. And like any new technology, it's really in humanity's hands to wield it for the betterment of mankind, or not. (翻译:如同任何新科技 都取决与人类自己 是否用于对人类有益的一面)

15. For a time, Chewbacca was a slave, toiling away for the betterment of the Empire until an impudent Imperial cadet named Han Solo freed him. (翻译:丘巴卡一度沦为奴隶,为帝国的发展而终日劳累,直到一个鲁莽的帝国军校学员救他为止。这个学员叫汉·索洛。)

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