lymph是什么意思 lymph的中文翻译、读音、例句

lymph是什么意思 lymph的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 含义


2. 发音


3. 用法



1. He has been diagnosed with lymphoma, a type of blood cancer that affects the lymphatic system. (他被诊断出患有淋巴瘤,一种影响淋巴系统的血液癌症。)

2. Lymphatic vessels carry lymph from the tissues to the lymph nodes, where it is filtered and purified. (淋巴管将淋巴从组织中输送到淋巴结,淋巴在淋巴结中被过滤和净化。)

3. The lymphatic system plays a vital role in defending the body against infections and diseases. (淋巴系统在保护人体免受感染和疾病方面发挥着重要作用。)

4. The doctor recommended that she receive lymphatic drainage massage to help reduce swelling and improve lymphatic circulation. (医生建议她接受淋巴引流按摩,以帮助减轻肿胀并改善淋巴循环。)

5. The lym test showed that he had an abnormal lymphocyte count, which could indicate a compromised immune system. (lym测试显示他的淋巴细胞计数异常,可能表明他的免疫系统受到了损害。)




1. Lymph is a clear fluid that circulates throughout the body as a part of the immune system.(淋巴是免疫系统的一部分,是一种循环于全身的清澈液体。)

2. The lymph nodes play an important role in filtering and trapping foreign substances to prevent them from entering the bloodstream.(淋巴结在过滤和捕捉外来物质方面扮演重要角色,以防止它们进入血液循环。)

3. Swollen lymph nodes can be a sign of infection or inflammation in the body.(肿大的淋巴结可以是身体感染或炎症的迹象。)




例句:They may suggest radiotherapy to the lymph nodes above your supraclavicular fossa. (他们可能建议你对锁骨上窝上方的淋巴结进行放射治疗。)


例句:There are multiple lymph node groupings in the abdomen, including mesenteric, paraaortic, celiac, and retrogastric. (腹腔里有多个淋巴结组,包括肠系膜淋巴结,腹主动脉旁淋巴结。)


例句:But fortunately it was removed before it had spread to her lymph nodes. (幸运的是我们摘除了它, 当时它还未扩散到淋巴结。)

4.淋巴 、淋巴细胞数目

例句:Farcy: a chronic form of glanDers that affects chiefly the skin and superficial lymph vessels. (翻译:皮肤型鼻疽:主要影响皮肤和淋巴血管表面的一种慢性鼻疽病。)


lymph一般作为名词使用,如在euplastic lymph([医] 机化性淋巴, 纤维蛋白性淋巴)、fibrinous lymph(机化性淋巴)、humanized lymph([医] 人化牛痘苗)等常见短语中出现较多。

euplastic lymph[医] 机化性淋巴, 纤维蛋白性淋巴
fibrinous lymph机化性淋巴
humanized lymph[医] 人化牛痘苗
intravascular lymph[医] 淋巴管内淋巴
lymph calf[医] 牛痘苗, 牛痘浆
lymph capillaries[医] 毛细淋巴管
lymph capillary淋巴毛细管
lymph cataract[医] 淋巴性内障
lymph cavities[医] 淋巴腔


1. But fortunately it was removed before it had spread to her lymph nodes. (翻译:幸运的是我们摘除了它, 当时它还未扩散到淋巴结。)

2. Farcy: a chronic form of glanDers that affects chiefly the skin and superficial lymph vessels. (翻译:皮肤型鼻疽:主要影响皮肤和淋巴血管表面的一种慢性鼻疽病。)

3. Lymph is made of white blood cells, proteins and fats. (翻译:淋巴由白细胞、蛋白质和脂肪组成。)

4. Farcy: a chronic form of glanders that affects chiefly the skin and superficial lymph vessels. (翻译:皮肤型鼻疽:主要影响皮肤和淋巴血管表面的一种慢性鼻疽病。)

5. The sentinel lymph node(SLN)is defined as the lymph node(s) that first receives lymphatic drainage from the site of the primary tumor. (翻译:前哨淋巴结是指最先直接接受原发肿瘤淋巴引流的淋巴结。)

6. But when sentinel lymph node came into our treatment protocol, the surgeon basically looks for the single node that is the first draining lymph node of the cancer. (翻译:但是按照我们治疗 前哨淋巴结的方案, 手术医生会首先寻找单个的, 肿瘤首先损害的淋巴结。)

7. Some of these are swollen lymph nodes that look a little larger than others. (翻译:这其中的一些是肿胀的淋巴结 看起来比其他的要大些。)

8. In addition, immune stimulation can induce lipolysis of fat depot around lymph node . (翻译:免疫刺激还会作用于淋巴结周围的脂肪组织,引起这些脂肪细胞发生脂解作用。)

9. This kind of adenocarcinoma is usually undifferentiated with early metastasis through lymph gland. (翻译:这种腺癌通常在通过淋巴结转移的早期是未分化的。)

10. Bloodroot is used for swollen lymph. (翻译:血红根被用于肿胀的淋巴结。)

11. We will have to remove your tongue and make up for your infected lymph gland. (翻译:我们将不得不把你的舌头 和弥补你的受感染的淋巴结。)

12. Your lymph nodes are involved and your blood markers indicate evidence of distant metastasis. (翻译:您的淋巴结都参与 和你的血液标记指示 远处转移证据的。)

13. Investigation and clinical significance of the micrometastasis of prelaryngeal lymph nodes in the patients with glottic carcinoma (翻译:逆转录聚合酶链反应对声门癌喉前淋巴结微转移的检测及临床意义)

14. In some cases, CTCL spreads to the blood, lymph nodes, or internal organs. (翻译:在一些病例中,CTCL可扩散至血液、淋巴结或内部器官。)

15. To determine the CT value of axillary lymph nodes (LNS) in patients with breast cancer. (翻译:目的:评价CT在乳癌腋窝淋巴结诊断中的价值。)



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