frequent是什么意思 frequent的中文翻译、读音、例句

frequent是什么意思 frequent的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. frequent flyer:常旅客

2. frequent visitor:常客

3. frequent changes:频繁更改

4. frequent occurrence:常见的事情

5. with frequent pauses:频繁暂停

6. frequent use:频繁使用

7. frequent updates:频繁更新


发音拼写: ['fri:kwənt]


1. It is a frequent occurrence for him to be late for class.(他上课迟到是很常见的事情。)

2. The train has frequent stops along the route.(火车沿途经常停靠。)

3. She is a frequent traveler and enjoys exploring new places.(她是个常旅客,喜欢探索新的地方。)

4. He was a frequent visitor to the library.(他是图书馆的常客。)

5. The company made frequent changes to its products to better meet customer needs.(公司为更好地满足客户需求,频繁更改产品。)

6. The speaker spoke slowly and with frequent pauses.(演讲者讲话缓慢,并经常暂停。)

7. The app requires frequent updates to fix bugs and improve performance.(该应用需要频繁更新以修复漏洞并提高性能。)





1. I frequent this café every morning. (我每天早上都光顾这家咖啡馆。)

2. She is a frequent traveller to Paris. (她经常去巴黎旅行。)

3. The company has frequent meetings to discuss their progress. (公司经常开会讨论进展情况。)

4. John is a frequent visitor to the library. (约翰经常光顾图书馆。)

5. The airline has frequent flights to New York. (该航空公司有频繁的航班飞往纽约。)

6. She suffers from frequent headaches. (她经常头痛。)

7. The restaurant is known for its frequent celebrity sightings. (这家餐厅以频繁地出现名人而闻名。)

8. The city experiences frequent power outages during the summer. (该城市在夏季经常停电。)

9. The company sends frequent newsletters to keep employees informed. (公司经常发送新闻简报,让员工了解最新情况。)




1. She makes frequent trips to visit her family.


2. We had frequent power outages during the storm.


3. This is a frequent problem with this software.





例句:Brillo foldable toothbrushes are designed for frequent travelers. (Brillo可折叠式牙刷专为经常旅行的人设计。)


例句:Lumbago frequent micturition urgent micturition urodynia dysuria hematuria nocturia (腰痛尿频尿急尿痛排尿困难血尿夜尿造血系统)


例句:Machinery was often unprotected and accidents were frequent. (机器常裸露着,因此事故频仍。)


例句:frequent samples of Gullah as used in the marketplace or between women gossiping. (翻译:还不时穿插市集上以及妇女闲聊时所用的道地的格勒语。)


frequent一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在frequent flier([网络] 飞行常客;常飞旅客;飞机者)、frequent fliers([网络] 飞行常客;常客计画;常见的候鸟)、frequent flood(常遇洪水)等常见短语中出现较多。

frequent flier[网络] 飞行常客;常飞旅客;飞机者
frequent fliers[网络] 飞行常客;常客计画;常见的候鸟
frequent flood常遇洪水
frequent hoeing经常锄地
frequent irrigation频繁灌溉
frequent micturition尿频
frequent pulse[医] 数脉
frequent term常用词
frequent urination[中医]尿频


1. Machinery was often unprotected and accidents were frequent. (翻译:机器常裸露着,因此事故频仍。)

2. frequent samples of Gullah as used in the marketplace or between women gossiping. (翻译:还不时穿插市集上以及妇女闲聊时所用的道地的格勒语。)

3. Operational error Overfilling is the most frequent cause in this category. (翻译:操作的错误过度充填是最频繁的起因在这个类别。)

4. Chronic cystitis also can have frequent micturition , make water is painful, pyuria symptom, but compare with frequent micturition common. (翻译:慢性膀胱炎也可有尿频,尿痛,脓尿症状,但以尿频比较常见。)

5. She's a frequent visitor to the US. (翻译:她经常去美国。)

6. Some frequent users will jib at a paywall, but some will fork out. (翻译:一些使用频繁的用户在收费时依然使用,但一些将会不再使用。)

7. Hey, can I interest you in our frequent buyers program? (翻译:嘿,我可以兴趣看看我们的 频繁的买家计划?)

8. There must be a way to divert frequent flyer miles on a grand scale. (翻译:-是啊 一定有方法可以大量移让这些里程数)

9. Fires are frequent and the smell of ash and smoke in the morning is not uncommon. (翻译:火灾时常发生 早晨闻到烟灰味是很正常的事 )

10. His rude behaviour subjects him to frequent rebuffs. (翻译:他的粗鲁行为使他经常遭受冷遇。)

11. We see "better" is the most frequent feeling, followed by "bad." (翻译:我们看见“好些了”是最常见的感觉,其次是“不好”。)

12. You frequent the bank in Couiza, where they are converted to cash. (翻译:你经常去库扎的银行,那里你把它们换成现金。)

13. He took frequent junkets with friends to exotic locales. (翻译:他经常和朋友们到一些具有异国情调的地方公款游玩。)

14. The third and final trick: get a handle on small, frequent purchases. (翻译:第三点和最后一点技巧: 控制好经常的小物品采购。)

15. Bartenders are called "landlords" and "barmaids" and they do not expect frequent tipping. (翻译:酒保叫做“房东”,而且“酒吧女侍”和他们不期待时常发生的装顶端。)



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