plastics是什么意思 plastics的中文翻译、读音、例句

plastics是什么意思 plastics的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. plastic bag 塑料袋

2. plastic bottle 塑料瓶

3. plastic wrap 塑料薄膜

4. plastic surgery 整形手术

5. plastic arts 造型艺术


1. BPA-free无BPA的

2. plastic waste 塑料废物

3. plastic pollution 塑料污染

4. plastic-free 无塑料


Plastics是英语单词,意思是“塑料”,通常指由合成树脂制成的坚硬或柔软的物品。读音为 /ˈplæstɪks/。


1. The packaging of many products uses plastics because it is lightweight and durable. (许多产品的包装都使用塑料,因为它轻便耐用。)

2. Many environmentalists are concerned about the impact of plastics on the planet. (许多环保人士关注塑料对地球的影响。)





例句:At the end of this process, we have a mixed plastic composite: many different types of plastics and many different grades of plastics. (工序的最后,我们要进行塑料混合 许多种塑料 和许多各种等级的塑料)


例句:And the general perception is that we don't recycle our plastics. (人们的普遍感受是: 我们没有回收利用我们的塑料。)


例句:Ashland Distribution buys and resells chemicals, plastics and resins in North America and plastics in Europe and China. (亚什兰化工原料分销部门采购并在北美销售化学产品、塑料和树脂,在欧洲和中国销售塑料产品。)

4.塑料 、塑料学

例句:Whenever possible, refuse single-use and disposable plastics. (翻译:无论何时,拒绝使用一次性使用塑料和即丢塑料。)


plastics一般作为名词使用,如在dielectric plastics(介电塑料)、eco plastics(生态塑料)、epoxy plastics(环氧塑料)等常见短语中出现较多。

dielectric plastics介电塑料
eco plastics生态塑料
epoxy plastics环氧塑料
engineering plastics[化] 工程塑料
electrical plastics电工塑料
electroconductive plastics电塑料
expanded plastics泡沫塑料
filled plastics[化] 填充塑料
flexible plastics软质塑料


1. Ashland Distribution buys and resells chemicals, plastics and resins in North America and plastics in Europe and China. (翻译:亚什兰化工原料分销部门采购并在北美销售化学产品、塑料和树脂,在欧洲和中国销售塑料产品。)

2. Whenever possible, refuse single-use and disposable plastics. (翻译:无论何时,拒绝使用一次性使用塑料和即丢塑料。)

3. This is Clifford Powell, Rheingold Plastics. (翻译:这是Clifford Powell,来自Rheingold塑料业。)

4. He returned to room, and unclosed the plastics bags. (翻译:他回到屋内,拆开塑料袋子。)

5. plastics . prepregs . definitions of terms and symbols for designations. (翻译:塑料制品。聚酯胶片。标识用术语和符号定义。)

6. Two words: biodegradable plastics. (翻译:两个词:可降解塑料。)

7. A lot of the plastics that carmakers are using cannot be recycled. (翻译:汽车制造商们正在使用的很多塑料制品是无法回收再用的。)

8. Morpher is a bike helmet made from plastics. (翻译:Morpher 是一种由塑料制成的自行车头盔。)

9. Plastics salesman from reseda (翻译:戈登・图利 他是个来自于瑞西达的塑料推销员)

10. Gwalia comprises closure manufacturer Dragon Plastics and container manufacturer Gwalia Plastics. (翻译:瓜利亚包括封龙塑料制造商和塑料容器制造商瓜利亚。)

11. They manufacture plastics. They use large quantities chloroprene and benzene. (翻译:这个镇生产塑料。生产过程中使用大量的氯丁二烯 和苯。)

12. This is for plastics, this is for wood, this is for veneer (翻译:这是塑胶专用 这是木制专用 这是胶合板专用)

13. Melamine is widely used in plastics, adhesives, countertops, dishware, whiteboards. (翻译:三聚氰胺广泛用于塑料、粘合剂、厨房台面、餐具、白板。)

14. It was like Dustin Hoffman in "The Graduate," right, when he said "plastics," whatever that means, plastics. (翻译:就和达斯汀.霍夫曼在电影“毕业生”里一样 当他说“塑料”,无论这个词还有什么别的意思都不重要 )

15. they are thermosetting plastic or thermoset . Common thermosetting plastics include epoxy , phenolic , and polyurethane . (翻译:一般的热固性塑料包括环氧树脂,酚醛塑料和聚氨基甲酸酯。)



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