moai是什么意思 moai的中文翻译、读音、例句

moai是什么意思 moai的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性: moai是一个名词,也可以作为缩写词使用。

2. 定义: moai是一种古代文化遗产,是毛利人在东波利尼西亚(Easter Island)上建造的巨大石像,高达10米,重达75吨。

3. 背景:moai建于公元xx年至xx年之间,被认为是毛利人在纪念祖先和领袖方面的文化展示。

4. 地点:moai主要出现于东波利尼西亚的复活节岛,也被毛利人在新西兰等地区使用。

5. 影响:moai是东波利尼西亚文化、毛利人文化和全球考古学的重要遗产,也是世界新七大奇迹之一。


1. The moai statues on Easter Island are world-renowned for their size and mystery.(复活节岛上的moai石像以其规模和神秘性而享誉全球。)

2. The cultural significance of moai to the Maori people is impossible to overstate.(moai对毛利人的文化意义是不可高估的。)

3. The discovery and study of moai has contributed greatly to our understanding of ancient Polynesia.(moai的发现和研究为我们理解古代波利尼西亚做出了巨大贡献。)

4. Many tourists travel to Easter Island specifically to see the moai statues.(许多游客特意前往复活节岛观看moai石像。)

5. The restoration and preservation of moai statues is an ongoing project for both the local government and international organizations.(moai石像的修复和保护是当地政府和国际组织的一个持续性项目。)

1. 'moai' 是智利复活节岛的词语。

2. 'moai' 的中文翻译为“巨石像”。

3. 'moai' 是一些高大的石像,这些石像分布在复活节岛上,是复活节岛文化的一部分,被认为是世界上最著名的文化遗产之一。

4. moai hakanohanga - 建造的巨石像 (Erected statues)

5. moai kavakava - 雕刻的巨石像 (Carved statues)

6. moai tukuturi - 坐姿的巨石像 (Seated statues)

7. moai rano - 位于火山口的巨石像 (Moai located in the Rano Kau volcanic crater)

8. moai ahu taha - 悬挂在平台上的单一巨石像 (Single statue on a platform)

9. moai paro - 修改中的最大的巨石像之一 (One of the largest statues still in the quarry)

1. moai hakanohanga o te pito o te henua te tahi haere i te akahanga - 第一个建造出巨石像的人是来自岛内的一群人 (The first people to construct statues were a group from within the island).

2. Ka whakawhanake tātou i ngā moai hei whakaatu i ngā tikanga me ngā ahurea o ngā whakatipuranga katoa - 我们要建立巨石像来展示所有一代的文化和传统 (We will construct moai to display the culture and traditions of all generations).

3. Ko te tikanga o ngā tangata nei i hanga i ngā moai hei whakapau kaha i a rātou ika mate - 人们制作巨石像来增强自己的信念 (People made statues to strengthen their beliefs).

4. He karetao iakoe ka tere ki te moai o te papa - 你就像个傀儡,一步一步走向巨石像 (You're like a puppet, walking step by step towards the statues).

5. E whā ngā moai i runga i te whakarauika, te whakawhiti i te tangata - 四座巨石像在集会上交换人员 (Four statues exchanged personnel during the ceremony).

6. Ka mau te wehi! Ka ora te moai! - 太棒了!巨石像复活! (Amazing! The statues are alive!)

7. Ka whakapau kaha ngā iwi o te pito o te henua ki te whai i te moai - 复活节岛上的人民都认为巨石像是非常重要的 (The people of Easter Island value the moai very highly).

8. Ka whakararuraru te atamai o te moai i te kohikohinga tohu - 收集符号的过程有时会让巨石像的智慧变得混乱 (The process of collecting symbols can sometimes confuse the wisdom of the statues).

9. Ka whakawhitiwhiti ngā kaihautū i ngā moai ki ā rātou ake wāhi - 建造者将巨石像移动到自己的领地 (Builders moved the statues to their own territory).


读音:mó ái shí xiàng


1. 摩艾石像是复杂的文化遗产,代表着古代太平洋民族的力量和智慧。

The moai statues are a complex cultural heritage, representing the power and wisdom of ancient Pacific islanders.

2. 在复活节期间,成千上万的游客涌入复活节岛,观赏摩艾石像和探索岛上的历史文化。

During Easter, thousands of tourists flock to Easter Island to admire the moai statues and explore the island's historical and cultural heritage.




例句:Today's tourist are numerous, and most visit the Rano Raraku quarry, which yielded the stones used for almost all of the island's moai. (今天的游客数量众多,大多数都去拜访雷诺·阿瓦谷采石场,几乎全部岛上的巨石像所用的石料都来自这里。)


例句:And recently, I was in Easter Island, which is an incredibly beautiful place, and an incredibly mysterious place, because no matter where you go in Easter Island, you're struck by these statues, called the moai. (最近我去了复活节岛, 那是个美得难以置信的地方, 也是个十分神秘的地方, 因为在复活节岛上,无论走到哪里, 你都能见到那些被称为摩艾的雕像。)


例句:As spectacular as the moai are for visitors today, you have to imagine being there then, with colossal moai marching around the island. (今天大家看到这些巨石觉得很壮观, 那想象一下当年的景象, 巨大雕像在岛上行走的样子 岂不更加壮观。)


例句:Here, over 800 stone guardians called Moai stand watch over the islands coast line. (翻译:在这里坐落着800余尊摩埃石像 面对着海岸守卫着小岛)


moai一般作为名词使用,如在moai figure([网络] 莫埃人像)等常见短语中出现较多。

moai figure[网络] 莫埃人像


1. As spectacular as the moai are for visitors today, you have to imagine being there then, with colossal moai marching around the island. (翻译:今天大家看到这些巨石觉得很壮观, 那想象一下当年的景象, 巨大雕像在岛上行走的样子 岂不更加壮观。)

2. Here, over 800 stone guardians called Moai stand watch over the islands coast line. (翻译:在这里坐落着800余尊摩埃石像 面对着海岸守卫着小岛)

3. Travelers fly great distances to see the striking moai of Rapa Nui or the dramatic otherworldly landscapes of Hawaii. (翻译:旅行者飞越千山万里去看著名的魔埃或者夏威夷超凡脱俗的地貌。)

4. This particular Moai, these five ladies have been together for 97 years. (翻译:这个特殊的魔埃,这五个女人 在一起已经xx年了)

5. The statues, known as moai, were transported standing, pivoting from side to side. (翻译:这些雕像,也被称为摩艾巨石, 是直立着,不断旋转着运输的。)

6. When the wood was gone and civil war began, the islanders began toppling the moai. (翻译:当森林消失,内战开始,岛上的居民开始推倒摩艾石像。)

7. The moai, he thinks, accelerated the self-destruction. (翻译:他认为,摩埃加速了自我毁灭。)

8. Hunt and Lipo contend that moai-building was an activity that helped keep the peace between islanders. (翻译:亨特和利波认为,建造摩艾岛的活动有助于维持岛上居民之间的和平。)

9. While I was in Easter Island, comet McNaught was there also, so you get a gratuitous picture of a moai with a comet. (翻译:当我在复活节岛时,麦克诺特彗星也在那里, 于是就有了这张无偿照片, 一个摩艾和一颗彗星。)

10. Today's tourist are numerous, and most visit the Rano Raraku quarry, which yielded the stones used for almost all of the island's moai. (翻译:今天的游客数量众多,大多数都去拜访雷诺阿瓦谷采石场,几乎全部岛上的巨石像所用的石料都来自这里。)

11. And recently, I was in Easter Island, which is an incredibly beautiful place, and an incredibly mysterious place, because no matter where you go in Easter Island, you're struck by these statues, called the moai. (翻译:最近我去了复活节岛, 那是个美得难以置信的地方, 也是个十分神秘的地方, 因为在复活节岛上,无论走到哪里, 你都能见到那些被称为摩艾的雕像。)

12. That culture reached its zenith during the tenth to 16th centuries, when the Rapa Nui carved and erected some 900 moai across the island. (翻译:这种文化在十世纪到十六世纪达到了顶峰,当拉帕努伊人在岛上雕刻和竖立起了900个摩埃巨石像时。)

13. This particular Moai, these five ladies have been together for 97 years. (翻译:这个特殊的魔埃,这五个女人 在一起已经xx年了 )

14. Diamond thinks they laid the moai on wooden sledges, hauled over log rails, but that required both a lot of wood and a lot of people. (翻译:戴蒙德认为他们把摩艾石像放在木制雪橇上,然后拖过原木轨道,但这需要很多木材和人力。)

15. The identity of the moai builders was in doubt until well into the twentieth century. (翻译:摩艾石像的建造者的身份直到20世纪才得到确认。)



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