swaying是什么意思 swaying的中文翻译、读音、例句

swaying是什么意思 swaying的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:Swaying是动词sway的进行时形式,意思是“摇晃”,“摆动”,“动摇”,“影响”。

2. 词性:动词的进行时形式。

3. 常用场景:Swaying常出现在描述物体摇晃、舞蹈姿势的情景中,同时也可以用来形容情感、意见、信仰等方面的波动。

4. 词组搭配:

- Swaying rhythm:摇摆的节奏

- Swaying motion:摇晃的动作

- Swaying opinion:摇摆的意见

- Swaying decision:摇摆的决定

- Swaying bridge:摇摆的桥梁

5. 相关短语:

- Sway back and forth:来回摇晃

- Sway to the music:跟着音乐摇晃

- Sway in the wind:在风中摇晃

- Sway someone's opinion:影响某人的意见

- Sway with the tide:随波逐流

6. 发音拼写:[ˈsweɪɪŋ]

英 [sweɪɪŋ] 美 [sweɪɪŋ]



1. The trees were swaying in the wind.


2. Her speech had a great sway on the audience.


3. The boat was swaying back and forth in the rough sea.





例句:And that's the reason why I was swaying myself between upset and hysteria circularly for nealy half a year. (这也是为什么我会在混乱和歇斯底里之间摇摆转圈的原因。)


例句:Watching them widdle away under the swaying palm trees on the beautiful white-sand beaches of Negril was mesmerizing. (看他们在摇摆的棕榈树下伐木,在美丽的尼哥瑞尔白色沙滩催眠。)


例句:Imagine it as Qinglian Chunyang bloom under the general appearance, swaying in my window, Xuan yan. (想象它在春阳下绽放如清莲一般的容颜,摇曳在我的窗前,眩眼。)


例句:The gentle swaying of the ship. (翻译:船儿轻轻的摇晃 The gentle swaying of the ship.)


swaying一般作为名词使用,如在swaying gait([医] 摇摆步态, 小脑病步态)、swaying motion(摇动)、swaying vibration(侧摆振动)等常见短语中出现较多。

swaying gait[医] 摇摆步态, 小脑病步态
swaying motion摇动
swaying vibration侧摆振动
driving chart swaying[网络] 走纸偏差


1. Imagine it as Qinglian Chunyang bloom under the general appearance, swaying in my window, Xuan yan. (翻译:想象它在春阳下绽放如清莲一般的容颜,摇曳在我的窗前,眩眼。)

2. The gentle swaying of the ship. (翻译:船儿轻轻的摇晃 The gentle swaying of the ship.)

3. Now if I were a folksinger I'd immediately launch into "If I Had a Hammer" right now, get you all singing and swaying. (翻译:现在,如果我是一名民间歌手,我就会立即开始唱《假如我有一把铁锤》,带领你们一起唱、一起跳。)

4. Swaying of the leaves roll up a beautiful picture layers, as if Tiannvsanhua speckled along the well-being and joy! (翻译:摇曳的枫叶卷起一层层美丽的画卷,仿佛是天女散花洒满一路的幸福与喜悦!)

5. He found Mormont stretched out in the lower one, swaying slowly with the motion of the ship. (翻译:他发现莫尔蒙占据了那个矮点的,随着船的摆动而缓缓摇动。)

6. Palm trees swaying in the breeze a smell of ripe papayas a blue lagoon, white sand, golden-skinned girls. (翻译:棕榈树在微风中摇曳... 成熟木瓜的清香... 蓝色礁湖 白色沙滩 金色皮肤姑娘)

7. There's another car that is swaying past the police, as if they were standing still. (翻译:另有一辆车飞速赶过警车 看起来似乎警车都停在原地...)

8. to see an unsettling change made at a time when the battle is at its climax, swaying to and fro. (翻译:当战事正酣、胜负未卜的时候,进行摇摆不定的变革,实非我的意愿。)

9. That's because from the appearance of the wheat swaying in the wind, shapes of running wolves can be seen within the wheat fields. (翻译:那是因为每当风吹动小麦的时候,都可以在麦田中看到狼的身影。)

10. He's tottering and his upper body is swaying. (翻译:身体已经开始摇晃,也没法保持直线了 状态很不好,已经到极限了吗)

11. Wind from the north through the pierced ears, earrings swaying, tingle sound, blown chaos that a strong black hair, old people gradually. (翻译:来自北边的风穿过耳洞,耳环摇曳,叮叮作响,吹乱那一头浓郁的黑发,人渐渐老去。)

12. Down the green valleys, the long swaying wadis. (翻译:沿着青翠的山谷,狭长蜿蜒的河道。)

13. The funny thing was that he remained standing there for at least four or five seconds, gently swaying. (翻译:事情有些蹊跷;他仍在原地站立着,至少有四、五秒钟之久,身躯轻轻地摇晃着。)

14. Here the wind was roaring through the branches and the tree-tops were swaying to and fro. (翻译:风呼啸着吹过树枝,树冠来回摇摆。)

15. ♪you with the sad eyes don't be discouraged (翻译:♪Catydid sing like a symphony♪ ♪Porch swing swaying like Tenessee lulaby♪ ♪Melody blowing through a wilow tree♪)



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