vigil是什么意思 vigil的中文翻译、读音、例句

vigil是什么意思 vigil的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:vigil在英语中有两个主要的词义,一是守夜,二是警戒。作为动词时,vigil可指监视、关注或守护某人或某物;作为名词时,vigil通常指在宗教仪式中的夜间观察、守夜,也可以指为了保持警戒而进行的等待。

2. 词性:vigil是一个名词,不可数。

3. 词组搭配:vigil可以和一些短语搭配使用,例如:keep vigil(守夜)、hold vigil(举行守夜仪式)、maintain vigilance(保持警觉)、pray vigil(祈祷守夜)等。

4. 短语: vigil light(守灵灯)是vigil中常用的短语,常常是用来点燃的蜡烛,用于纪念已故人的灵魂。另外,vigil也用来描述警方或军队的警戒状态,如military vigilance(军事警戒)。

5. 发音拼写:vigil的发音为/vɪdʒəl/。


1. After the church service, the congregation kept a vigil outside the hospital where their pastor was being treated.


2. The police officers maintained a vigil throughout the night in anticipation of potential violence.


3. She kept a prayer vigil for her sick friend during the entire weekend.


4. The family lit a vigil light in honor of their beloved grandmother who had passed away.


5. The embassy has increased its vigilance due to recent threats of terrorism.




1. I went to a candlelight vigil to honor the victims of the shooting.(我去参加了一场烛光守夜来纪念枪击事件中的受害者。)

2. The soldiers maintained a constant vigil to prevent any enemy attacks.(士兵们保持着不间断的警戒,以防止任何敌人袭击。)

3. We had a vigil at church to pray for world peace.(我们在教堂举行了一场守夜来祈求世界和平。)

4. The parents kept a vigil outside their child's hospital room.(父母在孩子的病房外守候着。)

5. The vigil lasted all night, as people wanted to show their support for the missing person's family.(守夜持续了整整一夜,人们想要展示他们对失踪者家庭的支持。)

6. The police were on vigil, watching for any suspicious activity.(警察们处于监视状态,观察是否有任何可疑活动。)

7. The community held a vigil to remember the victims of a recent tragedy.(社区举行了一场守夜,以纪念最近发生的悲剧中的受害者。)

8. The protestors maintained a peaceful vigil outside the government building.(抗议者在政府大楼外保持了一场和平的守夜。)

9. The family of the missing hiker remained on vigil, hoping for any news of their loved one.(失踪徒步旅行者的家人仍然守候着,期待有关他们所爱的人的任何消息。)




1. The soldiers kept a vigil through the night, watching for any signs of movement from the enemy.(士兵们整夜守卫,观察是否有敌人的动静。)

2. They held a vigil for the victims of the terrorist attack.(他们为恐怖袭击的受害者举行了守夜。)

3. The city was alive with the sounds of music and laughter during the New Year's Eve vigil.(新年前夜,城市充满着音乐和笑声。)




例句:I am here, exposed, so that one day there will never be a need for a November 20 vigil. (我站在这里,坦诚相待, 为了有一天,我们将不再需要 xx月xx日的守夜。)


例句:A vigil is being held tonight for the other chisel-cheeked lion of the modeling kingdom, (今晚会有一场守灵活动 这是为了模特界的天之骄子)


例句:The sisters are preparing for the Vigil of the Paladin tonight. (修女们正在为今晚圣骑士的守夜做准备 修女们正在为今晚圣骑士的守夜做准备 修女们正在为今晚圣骑士的守夜做准备)


例句:You will start your vigil tonight, and recite the prayers for three nights, and I shall reward you handsomely for it. (翻译:你就从今晚开始 超度三个晚上 我将重奖你 否则...)


vigil一般作为名词使用,如在ester vigil(圣周六)、keep vigil(na. 守夜;熬夜)、podophthalmus vigil(看守长眼蟹)等常见短语中出现较多。

ester vigil圣周六
keep vigilna. 守夜;熬夜
podophthalmus vigil看守长眼蟹
vigil candle[网络] 守夜蜡烛
vigil candles[网络] 守夜蜡烛\n(vigil candle 的复数)
vigil coma睁眼昏迷;醒状昏迷
vigil light(点燃于神像前的)祭神烛; 长明灯
vigil lightsvigil light\n(点燃于神像前的)祭神烛;长明灯\n教堂中祈祷时点的小蜡烛
Vigil Mass[网络] 守夜弥撒;子夜弥撒


1. The sisters are preparing for the Vigil of the Paladin tonight. (翻译:修女们正在为今晚圣骑士的守夜做准备 修女们正在为今晚圣骑士的守夜做准备 修女们正在为今晚圣骑士的守夜做准备)

2. You will start your vigil tonight, and recite the prayers for three nights, and I shall reward you handsomely for it. (翻译:你就从今晚开始 超度三个晚上 我将重奖你 否则...)

3. All - Night Vigil, Op. 37, Vespers: Bless the Lord, o my soul. (翻译:守夜,作品37,晚祷:祝福我主,哦,我的灵魂。)

4. I regret that our biannual gathering has turned into a vigil. (翻译:很遗憾我们两年一次的聚会 I regret that our biannual gathering 成了一次祈祷仪式 has turned into a vigil.)

5. After placing the eggs on a towel at the bottom of the aquarium and turning on the light, we began our patient vigil. (翻译:我们把鸭蛋放在箱底的毛巾上,打开灯,开始耐心地守候。)

6. If they continued their vigil, what might these hypothetical aliens witness in the next hundred years? (翻译:如果他们持续地监视下去, 这些假想中的外星生物将会 在今后的一百年当中看到些什么呢? )

7. So I'm sure you'll be as happy as I was to learn his vigil wasn't quite so lonely after all. (翻译:所以 你们大家会和我一样 很高兴知道 他的守夜生活并不是那么孤单)

8. Pilgrims perform a series of rituals including walking around the Kaaba, standing vigil on Mount Arafat and a ritual Stoning of the Devil. (翻译:朝圣者要完成一系列仪式,其中包括绕天房行走、在阿拉法特山上站立守夜和用石头砸死魔鬼的仪式。)

9. Behind me a vigil that's been repeated all over the country. (翻译:举国上下都在不断进行着 如我身后这样的守灵仪式)

10. Her most important duty is keeping vigil over the flame of Vesta, the virgin goddess of the hearth. (翻译:最重要的职责就是为维斯塔的焰火 和贞洁女神的火炉守夜。)

11. In response, I helped to organize the Families Belong Together Vigil at the Ursula Border Patrol Processing Center in McAllen, Texas, on Father's Day. (翻译:为此,我在父亲节那天参与 组织了“家庭团聚守夜活动”, 就在德克萨斯州麦克艾伦的 乌尔索拉边境巡逻中心。)

12. Pilgrims perform a series of rituals including walking around the Kaaba, standing vigil on Mount Arafat and a ritual Stoning of the Devil. (翻译:朝圣者要完成一系列仪式,其中包括绕天房行走、在阿拉法特山上站立守夜和用石头砸死魔鬼的仪式。)

13. Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse, Duroy proposed once more. (翻译:弗赖斯节死后,杜洛瓦同弗赖斯节夫人一起守灵,再次向她求婚。)

14. Domestic workers came from all over Texas to be a part of the vigil. (翻译:德州各地的家政工作者 都赶来参加守夜。)

15. All-Night Vigil, Op. 37, Vespers: Troparion for the Virgin Mary (Bogoroditse Dyevo) (翻译:彻夜祈祷,作品37,祈祷文:圣母玛丽亚赞词。)



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