absolutelayout是什么意思 absolutelayout的中文翻译、读音、例句

absolutelayout是什么意思 absolutelayout的中文翻译、读音、例句

'Absolutelayout' 是一个词组,由两个单词组成,即 'absolute'(绝对的)和 'layout'(布局),表示一种在移动应用程序中实现图形界面布局的技术。此技术允许开发人员为应用程序中的每个组件指定精确的位置和大小。


词组搭配:absolutelayout manager(绝对布局管理器)、absolutelayoutparams(绝对布局参数)



1. In Android development, absolutelayout is used to create static user interfaces that do not need to be adjusted for different screen sizes.(在 Android 开发中,使用绝对布局创建静态用户界面,不需要为不同尺寸的屏幕进行调整。)

2. Absolutelayout allows developers to specify exact pixel locations for the elements in their user interface.(绝对布局允许开发人员为其用户界面中的元素指定精确的像素位置。)

3. Absolutelayout can be useful for creating widgets that have a fixed size and don't need to be resized for different screen sizes.(绝对布局可用于创建具有固定大小的小部件,不需要为不同的屏幕尺寸重新调整大小。)

4. Absolutelayout is not recommended for applications that need to support multiple screen sizes and orientations.(不建议在需要支持多个屏幕尺寸和方向的应用程序中使用绝对布局。)

5. Absolutelayout can make it difficult to create user interfaces that are responsive and adaptive to different screen sizes.(绝对布局可能会使创建对不同屏幕尺寸响应和适应的用户界面变得困难。)

6. The main advantage of absolutelayout is that developers have complete control over the placement and size of their user interface elements.(绝对布局的主要优点是开发人员可以完全控制其用户界面元素的位置和大小。)

7. Absolutelayout is a deprecated layout manager in Android development and developers are encouraged to use other layout managers like constraintlayout or linearlayout instead.(绝对布局是 Android 开发中不推荐使用的布局管理器,建议开发人员改用 constraintlayout 或 linearlayout 等其他布局管理器。)




1. 使用绝对布局可以精确地定位组件。

2. 绝对布局在手机屏幕尺寸不同的情况下表现不一致。


Chinese translation: 绝对布局

Pronunciation: [ˈæbsəluːtˌleɪaʊt]


1. Absolute layout can be used to precisely position components.

2. Absolute layout performs inconsistently on screens of different sizes on mobile phones.

  • 声明:未经允许不得转载
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