mother s day是什么意思 mother s day的中文翻译、读音、例句

mother s day是什么意思 mother s day的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源:'Mother's Day'这个单词源自于英语中的"Mothering Sunday",起源于欧洲中世纪,是一个庆祝母亲节的传统节日。


- Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May every year in many countries around the world. (母亲节在每年的xx月第二个星期日在世界上许多国家庆祝。)

- In the United Kingdom, Mothering Sunday is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. (在英国,母亲节是在大齋期的第四个星期日庆祝。)

2. 全球庆祝:Mother's Day是全球性的节日,许多国家都庆祝这个节日,但日期和方式可能有所不同。


- Mother's Day is a national holiday in many countries, including the United States, Canada, and Australia. (母亲节是许多国家包括美国、加拿大和澳大利亚的国定假日。)

- In Japan, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, and it is customary to give a gift of carnations to one's mother. (在日本,母亲节在xx月的第二个星期日庆祝,送康乃馨花给母亲是一种习俗。)

3. 礼物和庆祝:Mother's Day是一个庆祝母亲的节日,人们通常会向母亲赠送礼物或举行庆祝活动。


- I bought my mother a bouquet of flowers and a cake for Mother's Day. (我为母亲节买了一束花和一块蛋糕。)

- We are planning a family dinner to celebrate Mother's Day this year. (今年我们计划举办一场家庭晚宴来庆祝母亲节。)

4. 感恩和爱意:Mother's Day是一个表达对母亲的感恩和爱意的机会。


- I want to tell my mother how much I love and appreciate her on Mother's Day. (我想在母亲节告诉母亲我有多爱她,感激她。)

- Mother's Day is a time to reflect on the sacrifices our mothers make for us and to show them our gratitude. (母亲节是一个反思母亲为我们做出的牺牲,并向她们表达感激之情的时间。)

5. 商业化:Mother's Day也被商业化,商家们会推出各种促销活动和礼物来吸引消费者。


- Every year, the stores are full of Mother's Day gifts and cards. (每年,商店里都会充满母亲节的礼物和卡片。)

- I received so many emails about Mother's Day sales this month. (这个月我收到了很多关于母亲节促销的邮件。)

'mother's day'是母亲节的意思。


读音:[ˈmʌðəz deɪ]


1. I bought a bouquet of flowers to celebrate Mother's Day. (我买了一束花来庆祝母亲节。)

2. Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May in many countries. (很多国家在xx月的第二个星期天庆祝母亲节。)

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